Platalea Association

    • Platalea is a human team of professionals with the common link of their love to Nature an Cultural Heritage. They carry out educational activities fostering a change of attitude towards the environment and trying to motivate people.


    • During the mobility week from 22 to 30 September 2016, we joined Platalea in an enticing activity on the beach at night to watch the stars and learn about constelations and satellites. We were told amazing stories mixed with mithology. It was really interesting and relevant to the project because our parteners in Hamburg also have a project about Space Waste.


    • Students at  their first and second year of compulsory secondary education together with some adults at vocational studies and the group of teachers in the project attended. Younger students really need motivation to avoid early school dropout. The activity was related to our Erasmus project as well as related to Literature and Science.