There is a game called Cuisenaire Rods well known to English teachers.
It is a set of bars with different colors and sizes. For those keen on methodology, in the Silent Method, they are used to elicit vocabulary or grammatical structures from students.
Every bar represents a kind of word; for example, green tops are NOUNS, yellow ones are VERBS, small red ones are ADJECTIVES. Tiny tops can be APOSTROPHES, big black ones QUESTION MARKS, tiny green ones can be ARTICLES or PREPOSITIONS, even SUFFIXES or PREFIXES.
These are the different plastic tops arranged to make a Didactic Game in our department:
I, Carmen Fdez Nevado, teacher and coordinator learned from it years ago in my Proficiency Course. Since Lupe de Toro, another teacher of English at school, has been to Malta with an Erasmus Plus KA 101 Teacher training courses, it dawned on me to prepare a set out of discarded plastic tops which we collect to be recycled.