The currency exchange - a collaborative activity

  • Participants organise a bureau de change.

    Imagine you go on holidays to one of the partner countries.

    Firstly, each group casts lots to decide which country they're going to.

    Then, they have to check the currency rate and plan their trip. Accomodation, food, travel costs and other expenses should be included.

    Groups from different countries should cooperate in order to get the most authentic view on the cost of a one - or two-week trip.


    Students from Zabór are getting prepared to the currency exchange activity. The task isn't easy!

  • Planning trips to partner countries

    From Poland to Lithuania

    Here is a file with four offers of trips from Poland to Lithuania, prepared by Polish students (6th grade). All the prices are given in Polish zloty and in Euro.

    From Lithuania to Slovakia

    Here is a file prepared by Lithuanian students of 1st gymnasium class. The students offer to visit Slovakia. The prices are given in Euro.

    From Slovakia to Poland

    Here is a file prepared by Slovak students of the 1st grade in our bilingual programme. The students plan to visit Poland. The prices are given in Euro.