Plants as the inspiration for art-loving people

  • We will ask for various answers for  a simple question: "What can you see behind these flowers?" 

    We will explore our reactions, our feelings, our thoughts. Do they evoke an intellectual response or do they address to your senses? Do you relate this experience to biology, mathematics, psychology, poetry, music, or performing arts? Do people of different cultures or ages have similar reactions? 

    We will explore the situations when nature, plants, flowers, trees, landscapes were the inspiration for artists.

    We will encourage our artistic skills and creativity to achieve the outcomes as paintings, sketches, maybe short poems or other pieces of arts.

    Slovak memories of this activity

    Unfortunately the quarantine changed our plans to carry out this activity in spring 2020, so our Slovak group just adds several pieces of information how this lesson was organised last year in the class of the student e-twinning crew.

    Students were searching parallels between flowers and poems, songs, maths patterns like golden ratio or their psychological effects on people (how we feel when we see, smell, touch or even taste the flowers) and here is the photo to recall the memories:


    Flowers from Lithuania:)

    Our students enjoyed a very good weather in these days and the task was to find the meadow with flowers or flowergarden, looking at flowers or smelling them think about feelings and answer the questions given above. Their answers are given like fragment from the diary.

    Iš dienoraščio... Ernesta Paslauskaitė, III kl..doc

    Iš dienoraščio... Tauras Jokūbas Rakštelis, I kl..pdf

    Iš dienoraščio... Skirmantas Strašinskas, I kl..doc