How to plan a Valentine Day efficiently? We inspire each other...

  • Inspiration from Poland

    Last Friday we celebrated Valentine's Day at our school. Students could participate in a competition about famous love quotations - they were to give the name of the author. Most authors were Polish, of course, but there were also some quotes by Shakespeare, Luther King, Bob Marley or even Marilyn Monroe.

    We also combined our celebration with some voluntary work - our students were selling Valentine flowers and small gifts, like key chains, to gather money for the 4th grade student's mother, who became seriously ill last autumn. We gathered 160 zloties - that's about 40 euros! We're very happy :)



    Inspiration from Slovakia

    We also celebrate this holiday every year - using love messages in Slovak, English or other languages like German or just in the form of hearts or other lovable pictures etc. 

    Our Student's Parliament organises a "A Big Exchange of Valentine gifts and cards" which makes students pleased, surprised or very delighted and sometimes they are addressed also to teachers which is nice and fun:) They got every year better and better and try to cheer or engage more students than the year before...

    Inspiration from Lithuania

    On 16th  February we celebrate Lithuania Independence Day. So, the Student Council decided to organize the event “We love our country” which would be connected with St. Valentine day too. The aim of this event is to improve students’ consciousness and their public spirit.

    All students gathered in the Aula on 14th February, there were acting short performance about a nice girl named Lithuania who was looking for the love. During this performance we remembered all-important people worked for Lithuanian Independence, we were asked do not forget that LOVE is very important not only for each other but for our county - for our homeland, too. The performance was ended by singing the hymn. During the lessons, we discussed the role and importance of love in our life. Everyone could feel like covered with LOVE.