Meeting in Italy - summary

  • Short-term meeting in Italy 13th/16th MAY 
    13th May
    Partners arrived at Malpensa airport at  then school staff members and hosting families welcomed them. The welcome event took place in the Council Hall “Villa Oliva”: here students and teachers from partner schools met the Mayor, the headmaster, the School board, Italian students and their families. The project “Unesco passport”  and the plan of the activities were introduced to the local community by the Italian referent teacher and students through presentations, videos and live performances.
    14th May
    The day began at school when the foreign students presented themselves, their schools and their Unesco Heritage. It went on with the workshop about the “Girometta”, an historical puppet made with bread dough that pilgrims bought as a sign of good fortune and that they gave to the ones who couldn’t do the pilgrimage to the Sacred Mountain of Varese. The folk group “Folk Bosino” introduced the figure and the local traditions bound to the site and the puppet. Then students  made their own Giromettas.
    Then hosts  visited our Primary school and there.
    Later we visited the Sacred Mountain of Varese, which is part of the serial Unesco site “Sacri Monti di Piemonte e Lombardia”. We discovered it by the help of five students from “ITE Tosi” High School. Two representatives of the local Authority accompanied us.   
    15th May
    Visit to Milan: San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore, Cenacolo and Santa Maria delle Grazie, Sforza Castle, City center
    The visit has been planned around the figure of Leonardo and his masterpiece “The Last Supper”, still preserved in the Santa Maria delle Grazie refectory. We also visited the church of San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore, as it is embellished with precious frescos made by one of the most important “leonardeschi” or followers of Leonardo, Bernardino Luini. Then we paid a visit to the Castle, which was the center of power of the Sforza family and “Il Moro”, the most important Leonardo customer in Milan, who asked him to create the “Last Supper”.
    In the afternoon we moved to the city center where there is the Cathedral, the “Vittorio Emanuele Gallery” and La Scala Square , where a statue of Leonardo and his pupils stands. 
    16th May
    In the morning we proposed several different workshops related to our Unesco Heritage. A theater one, where students were presented with a part of the local legend “Gualdano da Torba”. In the second one pupils went to the computer lab and virtually visited the Castelseprio site with the guide of a teacher. In the last workshop students realised a small fresco with the help of a professional restorer. In the afternoon we went to Castelseprio and Torba, which are part of the serial Unesco site “Longobards in Italy Places of power (568-774 AD)”. There we discovered the ruins of the ancient settlement built up by the Romans and further fortified by the Longobards. 
    In the evening the farewell event took place in the school Great Hall.