• Meetings

    Teachers' first live event
    October 2018 - the first meeting with parents in Italy

    Teachers and headteacher meet for the very first time interested families, explaining them the project content, main objectives, calendar, activities.

    The first teacher meeting in Croatia
    online teacher meetings

    Meeting the partners
    Time: 12:30 - 13:00
    Progress report
    Time: 12:00 - 13:30
    The second online meeting
    Time: 13:00 - 14:30
    UNESCO Passport
    Time: 13:30 - 14:00
    1 ยป 4 (4)

  • __________________________________________________________

    All along the project developement, Italian teachers met families of students directly involved in mobilities or hosting partner students: 

    - 29th March they met the families of students going to Croatia

    - 5th June 2019 they met the families of students going to Spain

    - 25th September 2019 they met families of students going to Cyprus. Unfortunately, they met them again online more than once to let them know about the various postponement of the journey. Finally, they met them on 4th March 2021, to ask about their will to participate in a virtual mobility to Cyprus