• Italian teachers decided to address the topics of Limassol and Kolossi Castles, Panagia Asinou Church all together on a full afternoon of work (25th May 2021). First of all students discovered these interesting sites thanks to the remarkable videos sent to us from Cypriot mates.

    students met online with teachers

    Students discovered the Castles and the Church 

    Then accomplished the tasks of the day: they did a serach on the net, reflected upon different art techniques, did a simple crossword and created their own coat of arms. They had the chance to work in a collaborative way, fulfilling the pages of the Google presentation previously realized for them by the teacher on the base of the activities suggested by Cyprus.

    Students work at the shared Google presentation

    The teacher introduce the new app to students:

    Students realize their own coat of arms

    Students also watched a short video on how to create a 3D model of the castles: then they made a model choosing between Kolossi Castle and Panagia Asinou Church.

    Students working online to prepare their 3d models

    Students went on at home working on their models

    The final models: if you are curious you can open the link and see a short Animoto video showing the students models

    Discover the evaluation of the daily activities:

    25 March.pdf


    Later on, at the end of May, students received their certificate of attendance sent for them from Cyprus. Since in the meantime we were back at school, in that occasion students met the Mayor, who physically handed them over the documents, and presented their 3d models of churches and castles.

    the delivery of the certificates

    Churches and castels 3d models