Closing ceremony

  • As part of the closing ceremony of the virtual mobility, the Spanish students have watched some videos from Cyprus. It was emotional to see the beautiful landscape of Palodia and listened to the closing speech by the director of The Heritage Private School.

    The Spanish students have also introduced themselves on the forum in TwinSpace, as they wanted to dedicate some nice words to their friends from Italy, Croatia and Cyprus. They talked about their expercience and how special this virtual mobility was. Besides, they wanted to say that the Erasmus+ project as a whole has been an enriching and unforgettable adventure they will always remember!

    Thank you to all the people involved in the UNESCO Passport project. It has been a pleasure to participate in this different but special mobility!


    In addition, we created a video that summarises our impressions of these years being part of this Erasmus+ experience.

    The Spanish students of CPR San José started this journey back in 2018 and since then we have lived many adventures.

    We have made new friends.
    We have visited wonderful places.
    We have discovered new cultures.
    We have developed our cultural awareness and open-mindedness.
    We have improved our English skills.

    The pandemic has not stopped us. We have never given up!
    This year we are still working on this wonderful Erasmus project.

    It has been the experience of a lifetime!

    Thank you Croatia, Italy and Cyprus. We will never forget you!!


    Thank you Croatia, Italy and Spain for this Erasmus + UNESCO Passport trip to different countries, cultures, traditions.

    Let us continue and teach our students about UNESCO sites in our countries and all around the world.

    With love from Cyprus!





    As for Italy, closing ceremony has been held onnline on 26th March 2021. Students were at home because of the pandemic situation, but have attended the activities via Meet. They had the occasion to virtually visit Palodia and The Heritage Private School thanks to the videos that were sent us by Cypriot partners. They also enjoyed Cypriot headteacher speech, that made all of us reflect on the world "Heritage" and on the value of it and of our own acts to protect our common cultural richness. Teachers and students together esplored once more the Etwinning platform and Twinspace and watched the Spanish final video.

    We meet online

    Watching videos form Cyprus

    Listening to "The Heritage Private School" headteacher speech

    Exploring Etwinning and Twinspace, leaving messages to partner mates

    Watching the final greetings video by Spanish mates.

    At the end of the week, we can say students improved their knowledge of English language: this can be surely seen thanks to the visual dictionary of new words created by them using BookCreator. You can open the digital product opening this link.

    At the end of all the activities, Italian students directly involved in the project mobilities shot a short video each, to reflect upon their own experience. We collected them in a Padlet page, that you can reach through this link. Teachers left a message too.

    Discover how much students appreciated the done activities at the end of the day:

    26 March.pdf



  • Croatian experience of the virtual mobility
