Discovering the connection between Galicia and the other Celtic Nations

  • The students from 7th Grade created a project framed within the Erasmus+ “UNESCO Passport” Project about Celtic Nations and their relationship with Galicia.

    To carry out this activity, they first made a brainstorm naming all those places that are considered part of the Celtic Nations. For this, they made an online research to identify all those regions they could work with.

    After that, the class was divided in four working groups, and each one chose one of the regions that interested them more to know about its celtic origins and its traditions, always looking to find some similarities with those festivities or customs that we have here in Galicia.

    The next step was doing a little research about the different nations: Brittany, Galicia, Scotland and Wales were chosen by each group. But we didn’t forget to also look for information about Ireland, Asturias, Isle of Man and Cornwall, that as we learnt, are also part of the Celtic Nations.

    As a class, but maintaining the safety distance at all times, all the members of the group created a Jamboard to present all they had found about each place. 

    With this activity they learnt how to identify each location on a map (in which you can find a QR code to scan and see the presentations made by each working team). And they also learnt that, no matter the distance that separates one region to another, we can always find likeness to our own, Galicia.

    Here you have a link with a digital version of our Celtic Nations Map so you can access all the work from home!