Procession "Following the Cross" - research of historical data

  • In November 2018 our studnets visited professor Joško Jeličić who gave them a  lecture about the Holy Cross, that bled in Hvar in 1510.

    Proposes that there was a conspiracy to kill some noblemen because of the torture and mistreatment of the commoners and their women, and the oath was made up over this small crucifix.

    It was an event that not only distressed the people of Hvar, but also the whole island. Soon the news spread and all the people from the island went to the city of Hvar to see that wonder.

    The Procession - Following the Cross - and this event are closely related because it is one of the theories that this event has prompted this great and holy devotion to the Cross which continues to this day.


    The following week  our "Following the Cross" group visited Jelsa. On the night from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday, the Procession passes through 6 villages on the island. Jelsa is the biggest place of all these. Processions start from six parish churches with a cross-bearer at the head of the Procession.🙏