Tower of Hercules - Research on the legends of Hercules and Breogan

  • The Spanish students from 6th grade of Primary Education carried out an interesting research on the legends of Breogán (the national hero of Galicia) and Hércules, the famous Greek hero that is linked to our mythology.

    They worked in teams using their computers and they found significant information about these legends, which gave them a new vision of our past concerning myths and ancient stories.
    Once they gathered all the data, they chose one of the heroes, Breogán, in order to carry out a dramatization of the most important events of his life. In this way, the students learnt that Breogan was a Celtic leader who, having subjugated the warring tribes of Spain, fetched up at A Coruña, where he built a tower. This tower was later named the Tower of Hércules.