Making a model of the Tower using different materials


    In November and December 2020, the Spanish students in 2nd year of Secondary Education have been working on the construction of a model of the Tower of Hercules, a task included within the Erasmus+ Project “UNESCO Passport”. As you may know, the Tower of Hercules, in A Coruña, is the oldest Roman lighthouse still in use nowadays. It is considered a national monument here in Spain and it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2009.

    In spite of the fact that mobilities have been cancelled because of the current sanitary situation, we continue to work on the project. That is the reason why our students have carried out this interesting and creative activity. After a research on the most representative elements of the monument, they have made a recreation of it, using recycled materials, cardboard, etc.

    Here you have some images where you can see some examples.

    We have enjoyed this activity so much!