• One of the first workshop proposed to Italian students by Cypriot ones was related to mosaics, particularly the ones in Paphos: they sent us an interesting presentation in order to let us know everything about those pieces of art. Students watched and listened carefully, then did their work.

    Italian teachers also created a fast online game with Quizziz App to be sure students understood everything they listened to:

    After that, students did a fast search on the net in order to answer simple questions on the subject, so they dug their knowledge about Dyonisus and the ancient architecture, compared it with Italian ancient style. They also reflected on how everyone of us can protect our Cultural Heritage.

    Here you can explore their work:

    Paphos mosaics, workshop

    At the end of each day of workshops, students were asked to evaluate the activities. Here you can see how much they appreciated them:

    23 March.pdf


    During the scholastic year 2020/21, 8th grade pupils did a search on our mosaics in the city of Ravenna: they are inscribed in the Unesco Heritage List too and tell about our past byzantine period. Students chose a specific historical building and did a Google presentation on the mosaics within. Here there are a few of them:

    Neonian Baptistery 

    Sant'Apollinare Nuovo

    Galla Placidia Mausoleum

    Saint Andrew Chapel

    San Vitale Church

    Helped and guided by Art teacher, they also chose a Ravennate mosaic and tried to reproduce it with small pieces of coloured paper they found in journals, magazines and newspapers.