Wall of Lugo - How did people live in Roman times? Costume and ceramics workshop

  • We are still doing activities framed on our Erasmus+ project “Unesco Passport” and, this time, we have been investigating about the roman times in Lugo, concretely about the organisation of society in that period, the clothing of each social class and the pottery art that used to be there.

    Students of 3rd grade of Secondary Education did the first activity. They built 6 big boys and girls mannequins that represented the social classes in Lugo in roman times.

    They have also done an investigation, followed by an exposition about the clothing of the different roman social sector by teams: each one was in charge of a kind of clothing, and then they had to dress one of the mannequins. For that purpose, they made paper patterns and then, they cut them using different materials.

    After this activity, our students of 1st grade of Secondary Education investigated about roman pottery, specifically about the Lugo’s one. They have learnt different techniques to work with clay and they represented some of the most used objects in that period.

    We hope you like the results!!