Pupils' Exhibitions

  • "Christmas Bazaar" Exhibition

    The type of education in which is framed the activity "Christmas Bazaar" is the non-formal, plastic, aesthetic, moral and entrepreneurial education. Through this activity it was aimed the developing of the pupils’ ability to judge, assess critically both their own creation and on the other by making "artistic works", the work of each pupil by exposing the works in an exhibition with the sale. The materials used were common ones such as paper, (an indispensable material and without which it is hard to imagine existence) which offers us a multitude of opportunities to use and reuse (recycling), glass, textiles, plastic, glue, scissors containers, brushes, acrylic, tempera, colored cardboard, strips for quilling. The purpose of the activity was the pupils’ awareness on recycling materials and developing a positive attitude towards it and encouraging the expression in various artistic, plastic and practical forms of feelings, attitudes. The target group was the Erasmus+ team of pupils from "Constantin Noica" High School Sibiu. The exhibition area of works was the school lobby.

    Raluca Teglaș, teacher, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Expoziția „Bazar de Crăciun”

    Tipul de educație în care se încadrează activitatea „Bazar de Craciun” este educaţia nonformală, plastică, estetică, morală, și antrepenorială. Prin această activitate s-a urmărit dezvoltarea capacităţii elevilor de a judeca, aprecia critic atât propria lor creaţie cât şi pe a celorlalţi prin valorificarea „lucrărilor artistice”, muncii depuse de fiecare elev în parte, prin expunerea lucrărilor într-o expoziţie cu vânzare. Materialele utilizate au fost cele comune precum hârtia (un material indispensabil şi fără de care este greu de imaginat existenţa), care ne oferă o multitudine de posibilităţi de utilizare dar şi de reutilizare (reciclare), sticla, materiale textile, plastic, aracet, foarfeci, recipiente, pensule, acrilice, tempera, cartoane colorate, fâşii pentru quilling. Scopul activității a fost conştientizarea elevilor asupra reciclării materialelor şi formarea unei atitudini pozitive faţă de aceasta, precum şi încurajarea exprimării în diferite forme artistico-plastice şi practice a sentimentelor, atitudinilor. Grupul ţintă l-a reprezentat echipa Erasmus+ a elevilor din Liceul Teoretic „Constantin Noica” Sibiu. Spaţiul de expunere a lucrărilor a fost holul şcolii.

    Emilia Dragomir, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu

    Mistery Tree

    Pupils form the class 3c, together with their class teacher Helena Slamek visited the exhibition „Mistery Tree“ in the library „Nikola Zrinski“ in Čakovec. The exhibition author is Matija Bobek. Animals, musical instruments, vehicles and other toys are made of oak, beech, black locust, wild walnut, willow and chestnut wood. The toys don't contain any chemicals, so they don't pollute the environment, they last longer and can be recycled. The pupils were given the chance to develop their own creativity and positive attitude towards nature and the abundance it gives us. Visiting the exhibition was part of the Erasmus+ project Ecological literacy, carried out by the First elementary school in Čakovec.

    Ivana Ružić, Erasmus+ school coordinator, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Zagonetno drvo

    Učenici 3.c razreda sus a svojom učiteljicom Helenom Slamek posjetili izložbu Kao prvo - zagonetno drvo Matije Bobeka u Knjižnici "Nikole Zrinski" u Čakovcu. Životinje, mobili, glazbeni instrumenti, prometna sredstva i dr. igračke izrađene su od komada drva hrasta, bukve, agacije, divljeg oraha, vrbe, kestena i čvrstih prirodnina nađenih u prirodi. Igračke ne sadrže kemikalije pa ne zagađuju okoliš, trajnije su i mogu se reciklirati, a učenici su imali prilike razvijati vlastitu kreativnost, pozitivan odnos prema radu, prirodi i bogatstvima koje nam pruža. Posjet izložbi je dio aktivnosti Erasmus+ projekta Ecological literacy kojeg provodi I. osnovna škola Čakovec.

    Sinisa Stricak, ravnatelj škole, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Making Unique Pictures of Waste Material

    As part of the Erasmus+ ECOLOGICAL LITERACY students 3d class with teacher Tanja Žganec diligently learn and explore the ways in which we can recognize and preserve the resources offered by nature. They learned that the garbage is not garbage. We can use waste and make something useful and beautiful. From the remains of the canvas, cloth and buttons students created unique wall paintings. Some of them school janitor was framed, and all images are finished on the class exhibition.

    Jelena Kovačić, pupil, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Izrada unikatnih slika od otpadnih materijala

    U sklopu projekta Erasmus+ ECOLOGICAL LITERACY učenici 3.d razreda sa učiteljicom Tanjom Žganec marljivo uče i istražuju na koje načine možemo prepoznati i očuvati bogatstva koje nam pruža priroda. Naučili su kako smeće nije smeće, to jest da od otpadnog materijala sami možemo izraditi nešto korisno i lijepo. Od ostataka platna, krpica i gumbi učenici su izradili unikatne zidne slike. Neke od njih domar škole je uokvirio, a sve slike su završile na razrednoj izložbi.

    Lara Topolnjak, učenik, l. osnovna skola Cakovec  



    After the semester holiday, project team came together in the seminar room to plan the upcoming events and activities. We talked about the drafts and drawings for the exhibition which was going to take place in a shopping mall in 13th - 14th April. Work of arts by workgroup were determined, teams were re-formed for the exhibition and material list was detected for pupils. After the presentation led mostly by teachers of Visual Arts and Technology Design, it was decided that members of workgroup would prepare recycle bins for their classrooms. At the end of the meeting, we had some memorable moments through the surprise birthday party organized for Erkan Demirci, Suna Dugunyurdu and Esra Guzeltas.

    Müberra Durak, teacher, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu





    Yarıyıl tatilinin ardından, proje ekibi önümüzdeki ayların etkinliklerini planlamak ve yol haritasını çizmek için toplantı salonunda bir araya geldi. 13-14 Nisan’da bir alışveriş merkezinde düzenleyeceğimiz geri dönüşüm sergisi için hazırlanan taslaklar hakkında konuştuk. Çalışma grubunun hazırlayacağı eserler tespit edildi, ekipler oluşturuldu ve malzeme listesi hazırlandı. Teknoloji Tasarım ve Görsel Sanatlar öğretmenlerinin öncülüğünde gerçekleştirilen sunumda, çalışma grubunun üyelerinin kendi sınıfları için geri dönüşüm kutuları hazırlamaları kararlaştırıldı. Toplantı sonrasında, proje ekibi üyelerinden Erkan Demirci, Suna Düğünyurdu ve Esra Güzeltaş için hazırladığımız sürpriz doğum günü partisiyle keyifli dakikalar yaşadık.

    Hulusi Gürbüz, okul müdürü, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu