Literary Creations

  • The First 4 Creations of the Romanian Team for Our Poems Booklet

    According to the Application Form, within "The Responsibilities of the Erasmus+ Partners”, to the Portuguese team of School Group "Fernando Pereira da Silva Casimiro" has the task to print a poems booklet upon environment, which will included in the primary classes curriculum of the six partner schools involved in the Erasmus+ project "Ecological Literacy”. During the first transnational meeting in Romania, we established together that each partner school will contribute with 10 poems, written by their gifted pupils. Until now, the Romanian pupils managed to accomplish almost half of its work. The titles of the 4 poems are: "To Whom Does Energy Belong?”, "Art and Energy Together”, "For a Nice Future, for a Good Life” and "Energy in Frail Lines”. The names of the gifted pupils are: Andreea Vlad, Giulia Nicole Iusco, Denisa Drăgan and Cristi Marian Sala. The poems were published on Slideshare and can be downloaded not only by the responsible school but also by all the other school partners. This is a first step towards the achievement of one of our project final product. 

    Andreea Vlad, pupil, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu


    Primele 4 creații ale echipei române pentru broșura noastră de poezii

    Conform Formularului de Aplicație, în cadrul „Responsabilităților partnerilor Erasmus+", echipei portugheze de la Grupul Școlar "Fernando Pereira da Silva Casimiro" îi revine sarcina de a imprima broșura de poezii despre mediu, care va inclusă în programa claselor primare din cele șase școli partenere implicate în proiectul Erasmus + „Alfabetizare ecologică". În timpul primei întâlniri transnaționale din România, am stabilit împreună că fiecare școală parteneră va contribui cu 10 poezii, scrise de elevii lor talentați. Până în prezent, elevii români au reușit să realizeze aproape jumătate din munca lor. Titlurile celor 4 poezii sunt: "Cui îi aparține energia?", „Arta și energia împreună", „Pentru un viitor frumos, pentru o viață mai bună" și „Energia în versuri delicate". Numele elevilor talentați sunt: Andreea Vlad, Giulia Nicole Iusco, Denisa Drăgan și Cristi Marian Sala. Poeziile au fost publicate pe Slideshare și pot fi descărcate nu numai de către școala responsabilă, ci și de către toți ceilalți parteneri școlari. Acesta este un prim pas spre realizarea unuia dintre produsele finale ale proiectului nostru. 

    Denisa Drăgan, elevă, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu


    Creating and Illustrating Poems about Ecology

    On 23 rd January, participants of the international ELIT project, i.e. the students of 6-8th grades, had another meeting, which aimed at poem creation and recitation on the topic “Ecology, Environment, and Environmental Protection”. Before leaving for holidays, the students were assigned a task to create a 2-verse poem and illustrate it. We are very proud of our young poets, because their poems are definitely noteworthy. During the meeting, each participant of the project had to recite his poem and to present the illustration. The meeting members not only listened to their friends’ poems carefully, but also expressed their opinions. The maximum score the students were able to achieve was five and the main attention was paid to the relevance of the theme, pronunciation, intonation and expression. The winners of the competition were declared to be the following girls: Oresta Arbašauskaitė (1st Place), Gabija Kurkutė (2nd Place) and Salvija Antanaitytė (3rd Place). Well done, girls!!! Another activity that students had to prepare for today's meeting-presenting vocabulary bilingually. Their task was as follows: to create 20 words vocabulary and be ready to present it in front of the classroom.. Of course, there were words common for all groups such as: environment, ecology, fauna, flora, pollution and etc. The vocabulary will be handed in to their biology teacher so that she could improve her English skills. Good luck to her!

    Vita Kuliešiūtė, teacher, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas

    Kūrimas ir jų iliustravimas eilėraščius apie ekologiją

    Š.m pačio pirmojo mėnesio 23d. tarptautinio projekto ELIT dalyviai , 6-8 kl. mokiniai, vėl rinkosi bendrai veiklai- pačių sukurtų eilėraščių, kurių tema „Ekologija, gama, gamtos saugojimas“ deklamavimui. Prieš pat atostogas mokiniams buvo skirta namų darbų užduotis-sukurti 2-jų posmų eilėraštį bei jį iliustruoti. Džiaugiamės ir didžiuojamės mūsų jaunaisiais poetais, nes jų sukurti eilėraščiai iš tiesų verti dėmesio ir pagyrų... Užsiėmimo metu kiekvienas projekto dalyvis turėjo padeklamuoti savo sukurtą eilėraštį, bei parodyti jo iliustraciją. Likę projekto nariai ne tik atidžiai klausėsi, bet ir vertino draugų eilėraščius. Maksimalus balas buvo 5 ir pagrindinis dėmesys buvo kreipiamas į temos atitikimą, taisyklingą tarimą bei raiškią intonaciją. Sveikiname tris nugalėtojas, surinkusias daugiausia taškų: t.y. I-os vietos nugalėtoją- 7b klasės mokinę Orestą Arbašauskaitę, II-ą vietą užėmė 7a klasės mokinė Gabija Kutkutė ir III-iają vietą užėmusią 6b klasės mokinę Salviją Antanaitytę. Valio mergaitėms!!! Kita veiklą, kurią mokiniai turėjo atlikti šios dienos susitikimui- paruošti anglų-lietuvių k. žodynėlį iš 20 žodžių. Mokiniai, dirbdami grupėse turėjo išrinkti populiariausius žodžius iš savo biologijos vadovėlių susijusius su aplinka, ekologija ir t.t ir išradingai pristatyti juos prieš klasę. Be abejo, daugelis žodžių kartojosi, tačiau buvo ir naujų, mokiniams nežinomų. Įlaminuoti ir tvarkingi žodynėliai bus išdalinti gamtos mokslų mokytojams, kad jie galėtų tobulinti savo anglų kalbos žinias. Sėkmės jiems.

    Indrė Šlajūtė, mokytojas, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas


    In English lessons we explained our project ‘Ecological Literacy’. And we wanted our pupils prepare anything they want about this project. So some of them wanted to draw pictures, others wanted to write poems and postcards to the partner schools. First group picked a slogan about environment and draw pictures about that slogan. They really enjoyed themselves and learnt many things about environment. These pictures are exhibited in the classrooms and they are now on the school boards to reach more pupils. Second group made a research on the net and after that they started to write their poems about our project. They write their poems at home so their family and friends also paid attention to the subject and so more people realized the importance of the environment. These studies are also exhibited on the school boards. The last group wanted to introduce themselves to the other pupils from the partner schools because they really want to meet other pupils from other countries and communicate with them to learn more things about their education system, their life style and their social activities and so on. So they decided to write postcards and draw pictures and write some slogans on these postcards. They did so in English lessons and it was really useful and enjoyable. And some of these postcards are now ready to be sent to the partner schools. After these activities, our pupils became more reluctant to protect environment and more conscious about what they should do and what they shouldn’t do to protect environment.

    Suna Düğünyurdu, teacher, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu


    İngilizce derslerimizde "Çevre Okuryazarlığı" Projemizi açıkladık ve öğrencilerimizden bu projeyle ilgili herhangi bir çalışma yapmalarını istedik. Bazı öğrenciler resim çizmeyi istedi, Bazıları şiir yazmayı istedi ve bazıları da ortak okullara kartpostal yazmayı istedi. İlk grup çevreyle ilgili bir slogan seçti ve bu slogan hakkında resimler çizdi. Öğrenciler gerçekten çok eğlendiler ve çevre hakkında birçok şey öğrendiler. Bu resimler sınıflarda gösterildi ve şu anda okul panolarına daha çok öğrenciye ulaşabilmek için gösteriliyor. İkinci grup internette araştırma yaptı ve daha sonra Proje ile ilgili şiirlerini yazmaya başladılar. Şiirlerini evde yazdılar bu nedenle aileleri ve arkadaşları da aynı zamanda konuya dikkatlerini verdiler ve böylelikle daha fazla insan çevrenin öneminin farkına vardı. Bu çalışmalar da aynı zamanda okul panolarında sergilenmektedirler. Son grup ortak okullardaki öğrencilere kendilerini tanıtmak istedi çünkü gerçekten diğer ülkelerden öğrencilerle tanışmak ve onların eğitim sistemi, hayat tarzları ve sosyal etkinliklerini öğrenmek için onlarla iletişim kurmak istediler. Bu nedenle kartpostal yazmaya karar verdiler ve bu kartpostalların üzerine resimler çizip sloganlar yazdılar. Bu çalışmaları İngilizce derslerinde yaptılar ve gerçekten faydalı ve eğlenceliydi. Bu kartpostalların bir kısmı ortak okullara gönderilmek üzere hazırdır. Bu etkinliklerden sonra öğrencilerimiz çevreyi korumaya daha istekli ve çevreyi korumak için ne yapıp ne yapmamaları konusunda daha bilinçliler.

    Umut Uysaler, Erasmus+ okul koordinatörü, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    The Following Two Poems for Our Project Booklet

    Our high school contribute with other 2 poems, written by their gifted pupils, to the poems booklet upon environment, a project final product which will be printed by the Portuguese team of School Group "Fernando Pereira da Silva Casimiro" as its task until March 2018. All partner schools have to send their poems until the end of 2017. At the mobility in Lithuania, a sample of the poems booklet will be offered to each coordinator by the Portuguese responsible school. We have already sent the first 4 poems and we will send the other four according the deadline. These 2 poems were selected by the coordinating team of our school before the intersemestrial holiday in our country. There were many other interesting poems but our team selected the most beautiful. The authors of these poems are Eugen Paul Stoica (for "Be Poet Despite Climate Change!”) and Andrei Sebastian Coroș (for "The Story of the Apple-Tree”). The message of the first poem is to keep positive, to learn how to value passion, to use all ingenuity, to entertain ourselves, despite climate change, with the calm of a veritable poet. The four stanzas of six lyrics which compose the second poem expresses the story of a little apple tree along the four seasons of the year. As a real friend, the human is always next to the fruitful tree, with all his gratitude. This seems to be the message of the second poem, doesn’t it?

    Gabriela Mirela Jugar, ELIT project coordinator, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Următoarele două poezii pentru broșura proiectului nostru

    Liceul nostru contribuie cu alte 2 poezii, scrise de elevii săi talentați la broșura de poezii despre mediul înconjurător, un produs final al proiectului, care va fi tipărit de echipa portugheză a Grupului Școlar "Fernando Pereira da Silva Casimiro" ca sarcină a sa, până în martie 2018. Toate școlile partenere trebuie să trimită poeziile lor până la sfârșitul anului 2017. La mobilitatea din Lituania, un eexemplar al broșurii de poezii va fi oferit fiecărui coordonator școlar responsabilului portughez. Am trimis deja primele 4 poezii și vom trimite celelalte patru conform termenului limită. Aceste 2 poezii au fost selectate de către echipa de coordonare a școlii noastre înainte de vacanța intersemestrială din țara noastră. Au existat multe alte poezii interesante, dar echipa noastră le-a selectat pe cele mai frumoase. Autorii acestor poezii sunt Eugen Paul Stoica (pentru "Fii poet, în ciuda schimbărilor climatice!") și Andrei Sebastian Coroș, (pentru "Povestea Mărului"). Mesajul primei poezii este să ne menținem pozitivi, să învățăm cum să prețuim pasiunea, să folosim toată ingeniozitatea, să ne distrăm, în ciuda schimbărilor climatice, cu calmul unui veritabil poet. Cele patru strofe de șase versuri care compun a doua poezie exprimă povestea unui merișor de-a lungul celor patru anotimpuri ale anului. Ca un adevărat prieten, omul este mereu lângă copacul roditor, cu toată recunoștința sa. Acesta pare a fi mesajul celei de-a doua poezii, nu-i așa?

    Dana Bratu, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu


    At the beginning of each new school year, we are greeted with the summer. Class 4 students are happy with the new knowledge and skills they will acquire during the new school year. Particularly happy with the activities in the new Erasmus projects. Because of all this, the holiday of the summer holidays and the summer was not difficult. In Croatian language classes, they wrote poetry and compositions on the theme of summer. They have described their many experiences of summer holidays. Most of them spent part of the summer at the sea where they enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the sea. They spent a lot of time outdoors in games and dribbling. In that way, they relaxed and rested from the heavy schooling obligations. But as summer came to an end, they all wanted to start the new school year. Summer heat was a little tedious to them, and the desire to socialize with their classmates was increasingly lacking. Writing literary works helped them to recall the most beautiful summers of the summer and to greet the summer. In the art culture, in them the new art-technical technique of the lavender shower, they created images with the motifs of the fish. There were many exotic but also some famous fish. The works were very imaginative and successful. The students wanted to greet the summer with a joint photographing in the city park. We went to the park. On the way, we have observed changes in nature. We have noticed changes in temperature. Although it was warm, and in short sleeves we did not have to hide from the big heat. Plants looked tired and exhausted by long summer heat. The birds are still cheerfully singing but the buzz of insects are less and less heard. After the rest and play in the park we went to school happy with the summer.

    Ivana Ružić, Erasmus+ school coordinator, l. osnovna skola Cakovec


    S početkom svake nove školske godine pozdravljamo se i s ljetom. Učenici 4. d razreda vesele se novom znanju i vještinama koje će stjecati tijekom nove školske godine. Posebno se vesele aktivnostima u novim Erasmus projektima. Zbog svega toga im oproštaj od ljetnih praznika i ljeta nije bio težak. Na satovima Hrvatskog jezika pisali su pjesmice i sastavke na  temu ljeta. Opisali su svoje mnogobrojne doživljaje  s ljetnih praznika. Većina ih je dio ljeta provela na moru gdje su uživali u toplini Sunca i mora. Puno su vremena provodili na otvorenom u igrama i ljenčarenju. Na taj način su se opustili i odmorili od silnih školskih obveza. No što se ljeto više približavalo kraju sve su više priželjkivali početak nove školske godine. Ljetne vrućine pomalo su im dosadile, a i želja za druženjem s prijateljima iz razreda im je sve više nedostajala. Izrada literarnih radova pomogla im je da se prisjete najljepših trenutaka ljeta i da se pozdrave s ljetom. Na likovnoj kulturi, u njima novoj likovno-tehničkoj tehnici laviranog tuša,  izradili su slike s motivima riba. Bilo je tu mnogo egzotičnih ali i nekih poznatih riba. Radovi su bili vrlo maštoviti i uspješni. Učenici su poželjeli zajedničkim fotografiranjem u gradskom parku pozdraviti se s ljetom. Krenuli smo do parka. Na putu smo promatrali promjene u prirodi. Uvidjeli smo promjene u temperaturi. Iako je bilo toplo, a mi u kratkim rukavima nismo se morali skrivati od velikih vrućina. Biljke su izgledale umorne i iscrpljene od dugih ljetnih vrućina. Ptice su još uvijek veselo pjevale ali se zujanje kukaca sve manje čulo. Nakon odmora i igra u parku krenuli smo u školu zadovoljni ljetom.

    Draženka Blažeka, učitelj, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    The Last Four Poems for Our Project Booklet

    The Romanian school contributed with their last 4 poems, written by its gifted pupils, to the poems booklet upon environment, the project final product which is going to be printed by the Portuguese school "Fernando Pereira da Silva Casimiro". The other 6 poems have already been sent. All partner schools have to send 10 poems as it was established. At the mobility in Lithuania, a sample of the poems booklet will be offered to each school coordinator by the Portuguese responsible school. These 4 poems were selected by the coordinating team of "Constantin Noica” High School after the mobility in Romania. There were many other exciting poems but the Erasmus+ Romanian team selected the nicest. The authors of these poems are Iulia Todor (for "Let's Bake a Forest!”), Riccardo Diaconu (for "Dreaming at Stars”), Denisa Andreea Rău (for "Protect the Plants!”) and Luisa Dolomeț (for "Riddles about Legumes”). Open the links to read these poems:

    Gabriela Mirela Jugar, ELIT project coordinator, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu


    Ultimele patru poezii pentru broșura noastră de proiect

    Școala română a contribuit cu ultimele 4 poezii, scrise de elevii ei talentați, la broșura de poezii despre mediu, produs final al proiectului, care va fi tipărit de către școala portugheză "Fernando Pereira da Silva Casimiro". Celelalte 6 poezii au fost deja trimise. Toate școlile partenere trebuie să trimită 10 poezii așa cum s-a stabilit. La mobilitatea din Lituania, un exemplar din broșura de poezii va fi oferit fiecărui coordonator școlar de către școala responsabilă portugheză. Aceste patru poezii au fost selectate de echipa de coordonare a Liceului "Constantin Noica" după mobilitatea din România. Au fost multe alte poezii emoționante, dar echipa Erasmus+ română le-a ales pe cele mai bune. Autorii acestor poezii sunt Iulia Todor (pentru „Să coacem o pădure!”), Riccardo Diaconu (pentru „Visând la stele”), Denisa Andreea Rău (pentru „Protejați plantele!”) și Luisa Dolomeț (pentru „Ghicitori despre legume”). Deschideți link-urile pentru a citi aceste poezii: 

    Mihai Victorin Ordean, director Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu