Work Sessions


    On 19 December, participants of the international ELIT project, i.e. the 6-8th graders had another Erasmus+ (ELIT) meeting. The meeting focused on working in groups and preparing presentations on various topics about Cyprus. The topics were chosen randomly a week before. Since the pupils’ first mobility is to take place in Cyprus, it was relevant to learn more about the country. The pupils were working in 6 groups and had to choose among the next topics: Cypriot Cuisine, Most Popular Sport in Cyprus, Cyprus Culture, Main Languages Spoken in Cyprus, Cyprus Geographical Location and Transport in Cyprus. The pupils put a lot effort and work in preparing interesting presentations. Some of them were like real lessons since more pupils to pretend being real teachers while giving the presentation. The meeting closed on very positive moods and emotions. The pupils surey increased their knowledge of Cyprus, learnt a lot of new facts, and had the opportunity to improve their group discussion skills as well as improving their English and IT skills, which will definitely be useful for them in future.

    Steponas Mikalauskas, pupil, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas 


    Gruodžio 19d. tarptautinio projekto ELIT dalyviai 6-8 kl. mokiniai vėl rinkosi į Erasmus+ projekto (ELIT) grupės susirinkimą. Šįkart projekte dalyvaujantys mokiniai dirbdami grupelėse turėjo paruošti pristatymus apie Kiprą įvairiomis temomis. Prieš savaitę mokiniai traukė temą, kuria turėjo paruošti pristatymą. Kadangi pirmasis mokinių mobilumas įvyks Kipre, tikslinga buvo paruošt pristatymus ir sužinot daug ką naujo būtent apie Kiprą. Mokiniai dirbo 6-iose grupėse ir traukė šias temas: tradiciniai patiekalai Kipre, populiariausios sporto šakos Kipre, kultūra Kipre, dominuojančios kalbos Kipre, Kipro geografinė padėtis bei transportas Kipre. Mokiniai įdėjo daug darbo ir pastangų, kad surengtų įdomius pristatymus. Kai kurie iš jų priminė tikrą pamoką ir netrūko gerų emocijų bei pakilios nuotaikos įsijaučiant į mokytojo rolę mėginant pristatyti tradicinius Kipro patiekalus. Užsiėmimo metu mokiniai neabejotinai pagilino žinias apie Kiprą, sužinojo daug naujo, padiskutavo tarpusavyje ir žinoma patobulino ne tik anglų k. žinias, bet ir IKT įgūdžius. Tikimės, kad įgytos žinios tikrai pravers ateityje.

    Oresta Arbasauskaite, mokinys, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas 

    Our First 18 Results Posted on ECAS Platform

    As soon as we received from our National Agency the necessary link to enter with an own password on the ECAS platform, we started to publish our results within the project "Ecological Literacy”. In order to do this, our team met in order to prepare the texts, without exceeding the compulsory limit of 1000 characters. Thus, we organized ourselves in six groups, each of them preparing three texts. When the first 18 texts were ready, the project coordinator posted them and added the results in the attachments. Among of these results we can mention: the initial Erasmus assessment tests of English language or science knowledge for pupils and teachers, the Activity Certificates and the invitation to the transnational Erasmus meeting in Romania, the plan of two lessons ("Water Purification in the Laboratory”, "Adding the Hiperlinks”), the CD with the presentation of our schools, the presentation of the school year 2016-2017 structure in Romania, Erasmus+ badges for the transnational meeting in Romania, the leaflet of our school, an article of promoting our project in "Tribuna” newspaper Sibiu, our play "The Awakening”, movies and photo collages with our pupils singing traditional carols, "Who was Erasmus?" workshop, the dissemination and the feedback of the meeting in Romania. We have just made two PrintScreens.

    Gabriela Mirela Jugar, ELIT project coordinator, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Primele noastre 18 rezultate postate pe Platforma ECAS

    De îndată ce am primit de la Agenția noastră Națională link-ul necesar pentru a intra cu o parolă proprie pe platforma ECAS, noi am început să publicăm rezultatele noastre din cadrul proiectului „Alfabetizare Ecologică". Pentru a face acest lucru, echipa noastră s-a întâlnit pentru a pregăti textele, fără a depăși limita obligatorie de 1000 de caractere. Astfel, ne-am organizat în șase grupe, fiecare dintre ele pregătind trei texte. Când primele 18 texte au fost gata, coordonatorul de proiect le-a postat și a adăugat rezultatele în atașamente. Printre aceste rezultate putem menționa: testele inițiale Erasmus de evaluare a cunoștințelor de limbă engleză sau științe pentru elevi și profesori, certificatele de activitate și invitația la reuniunea transnațională Erasmus din România, planul a două lecții („Purificarea apei în laborator", „Adăugarea hyperlink-urilor"), CD-ul cu prezentarea școlilor noastre, prezentarea structurii anului școlar 2016-2017 în România, ecusoenele Erasmus+ pentru întâlnirea transnațională din România, pliantul școlii noastre, un articol de promovare a proiectului nostru în ziarul „Tribuna" din Sibiu, piesa noastră „Deșteptarea", filme și colaje foto cu elevii noștri cântând colinde tradiționale, atelierul „Cine a fost Erasmus?", diseminarea și feedback-ul întâlnirii din România. Noi am făcut chiar două capturi de ecran.

    Diana Bucuță, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu

    Project Team and Workgroup

    Within the scope of the Erasmus+ project “Ecological Literacy”, project team of teachers and workgroup of students have been formed to participate in the activities of project both at home and abroad. Volunteered teachers who undertook to participate to all activities were admitted to the team by filling the necessary forms. Fifty pupils chosen from many others formed the workgroup of project. In addition, to determine the teachers and pupils who were going to attend the mobilities, English and Science tests were applied and those with the passing grade were chosen eligible for mobilities. Pupils at the workgroup were divided into sub-categories according to their interests. Each sub-group will contribute to the dissemination of the project by working on the field of interest. These sub-groups are as follows:                                                                                                           - Energy Conservation Team: Pupils in the team will train those both at their own school and in other schools as much as possible by means of presentations about the importance and ways of energy conservation.
    - Water Conservation Team: Pupils in the team will train those both at their own school and in other schools as much as possible by means of presentations about the importance and ways of water conservation.
    - Compost Team: Pupils in the team will build a compost bin to demonstrate the importance of recycling and to create a presentatıve example. They are going to analyze the output and write a report about it.
    - Interview Team: We believe the best way to spread the outcomes of project to masses is to involve local authorities. For this purpose, the interview team will have interviews with the local authorities of the province and share them in project magazine or web page of the project.
    - Useful Info Team: The pupils in the team will prepare banners, posters or presentations about the useful information such as the amount of trees to be saved by recycling, reduction of damage by conservation, etc. 

    Fatma Karadoğan, teacher, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    Proje Ekibi ve Çalışma Grubu

    Erasmus+ projesi “Ecological Literacy” kapsamında okulumuzda, yurt içi ve yurt dışı etkinliklerine katılmak üzere gönüllü öğretmenlerimizden proje ekibi; gönüllü öğrencilerimizden proje çalışma grubu oluşturulmuştur. Gönüllü öğretmenlerden etkinliklere katılabileceklerini taahhüt edenler, gerekli formları doldurarak proje ekibine alınmış, öğrenciler arasından seçilen 50 kişi proje çalışma grubunu oluşturmuşlardır. Ayrıca yurtdışı hareketliliklerine katılacak öğretmen ve öğrencilerin tespiti için, proje koordinatörünün gönderdiği İngilizce ve Fen Bilgisi testleri uygulanmış ve geçer not alan öğrenci ve öğretmenler en yüksek puan alandan itibaren yurtdışı hareketliliklerine katılmaya hak kazanmışlardır. Proje çalışma grubunda görevli öğrenciler, ilgi alanlarına göre alt gruplara ayrılmıştır. Her alt grup, üyelerinin ilgi duyduğu alanlara yönelik çalışmalar yaparak projenin yaygınlaştırılmasına katkıda bulunacaklardır. Bu alt gruplardan bazıları şunlardır:                                                                                                                                              - Enerji Tasarrufu Grubu: Enerji tasarrufunun önemi ve tasarruf etmenin yolları hakkında sunumlar hazırlayıp hem kendi okullarında hem de mümkün olduğunca diğer okullarda eğitimler verecekler.
    - Su Tasarrufu Grubu: Su tasarrufunun önemi ve tasarruf etmenin yolları hakkında sunumlar hazırlayıp hem kendi okullarında hem de mümkün olduğunca diğer okullarda eğitimler verecekler.
    - Tanıtıcı Sunumlar Grubu: Proje hakkında genel bilgilerin olduğu sunumlar hazırlayarak okulda ve çevrede projenin tanıtımını yapacaklar.
    - Kompost Grubu: Geri dönüşümün önemini ve yollarından bir tanesini somut olarak görebilmek amacıyla kompost grubu, kompost bin hazırlayıp çıkan ürünü inceleyecek ve sonuçları rapor halinde sunacaklardır.
    - Röportaj Grubu: Projeyi daha geniş kitlelere yaymanın en iyi yolunun yerel otoriteleri işin içine katmak olduğuna inanıyoruz. Bu amaçla, röportaj grubu, ilimizdeki yerel otoritelerle röportaj yaparak bunları proje dergisinde ve web sayfasında yayınlayacaktır.
    - Faydalı Bilgiler Grubu: tasarruf yaparak elde edeceğimiz kazanç, çevreye verilen zararda azalma, geri dönüşüm ile kurtarılan ağaç sayısı ve diğer faydalı bilgilerin paylaşıldığı afiş, poster veya sunumlar hazırlayacaklardır.

    Enes Bulut, öğrenci, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    Water - Importance for Life on Earth

    3rd grade pupils, led by their teacher Tanja Žganec, as part of ELIT project, learned about the protection of water and its importance for life of all living creatures in a Nature and Society lesson. They made more things for the topic and decorated the school's Erasmus+ corner. Besides acquiring new knowledge, they developed creativity, cooperation and team work, and in doing so they also had a great time.

    Ivana Ružić, Erasmus+ school coordinator, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Voda - Važnost života na Zemlji

    Učenici 3. d razreda su vođeni učiteljicom Tanjom Žganec na satu Prirode i društva, a u sklopu projekta ELIT, učili o zaštiti voda i njihovoj važnosti za život svih živih bića. Izradili su radove na tu temu i uredili školski Erasmus+ kutak. Uz to što su stekli nova znanja, razvijali su kreativnost, suradnju i timski rad i povrh svega dobro su se i zabavili.

    Draženka Blažeka, učitelj, l. osnovna skola Cakovec


    16 years ago, at the initiative of the Council of Europe on September 26, is marked as the European Day of Languages. On that occasion, Mayor of the City of Čakovec Stjepan Kovač received the students of the 1st elementary school from Čakovec, where marking this day is part of the activities within the four Erasmus+ projects currently being carried out. About fifty lower grade students, together with their teachers, presented to the mayor postcards sent by post to each of the 19 partner schools. The pupils of the Children's Form designed a bilingual eco picture book related to the Eco Patrol that the pupils had spent during the last school year. A series of multimedia honors and animations with the motives of the Republic of Croatia were also published, which are published on the school's web pages. According to the teacher and coordinator of activities related to projects by Ivana Ružić, the school through European projects seeks to enable students to learn about other countries, languages and customs, and teachers participating in the project get useful information on what other education systems look like. Mayor of Čakovec Stjepan Kovač pointed out that I. primary school is the best in the city for conducting European projects. Markings like this student enable new experiences and learning in a different and interesting way. The acquisition of knowledge about differences, new friendships that are not only related to the school and the town in which they live are very important, and they provide students with new insights that will make them very useful in future life, said Mayor Kovač, among other things. I. Primary School Čakovec is the largest school in Čakovec and Međimurje County, and pupils of other nationalities attend it. Students from the Hungarian, Spanish, Albanian, Russian and Polish national minorities were present in their mother language. First Elementary School Director Siniša Stričak and Mayor Kovac gave awards to three students whose artworks were selected in the Ecological Literacy project. These are Nela Levačić, Mateo Demario Časni and Elena Šarić. It should be noted that the goal of the European Day of Languages is to raise awareness of the importance of language as one of the most important identities of people and men. There are more than 6,000 languages in the world, only over 220 in Europe, and fostering linguistic diversity and preservation of the linguistic heritage is not only important for the promotion of cultural diversity and tolerance, but also because of the danger of extinction of almost half of the world's languages.

    Lara Mikulic, pupil, l. osnovna skola Cakovec   


    Prije 16 godina na inicijativu Vijeća Europe 26. rujna obilježava se kao Europski dan jezika. Tim povodom gradonačelnik Grada Čakovca Stjepan Kovač primio je učenike I. osnovne škole iz Čakovca, gdje je obilježavanje ovog dana dio aktivnosti u sklopu četiri Erasmus+ projekta koje trenutno provode. Pedesetak učenika nižih razreda, zajedno sa svojim učiteljicama gradonačelniku je predstavilo razglednice koje su poštom poslali svakoj od ukupno 19 stranih partnerskih škola. Učenici Dječjeg forma osmislili su dvojezičnu eko slikovnicu, vezanu uz Eko patrolu koji su tijekom prošle školske godine provodili učenici.  Izrađeno je i niz multimedijalnih čestiti i animacija sa motivima Republike Hrvatske, koje su objavljene na mrežnim stranicama škole. Prema riječima učiteljice i koordinatorice aktivnosti vezane uz projekte Ivana Ružić, škola preko europskih projekata nastoji učenicima omogućiti upoznavanje drugih zemalja, jezika i običaja, a učitelji koji sudjeluju u projektu dobivaju korisna saznanja kako izgledaju drugi obrazovni sustavi. Gradonačelnik Grada Čakovca Stjepan Kovač istaknuo je da je I. osnovna škola ponajbolja u gradu u provođenju europskih projekata. Obilježavanja poput ovog učenicima omogućuju nova iskustva te učenje na drugačiji i zanimljiv način. Stjecanje znanja o različitostima, nova prijateljstva koja nisu vezana samo uz školu i grad u kojem žive vrlo su važna, te učenicima omogućuju nove spoznaje koja će im u budućem životu itekako koristiti, rekao je, među ostalim, gradonačelnik Kovač. I. Osnovna škola Čakovec najveća je škola u Gradu Čakovcu i Međimurskoj županiji, te ju pohađaju i učenici drugih nacionalnosti. Predstavili su se učenici mađarske, španjolske, albanske, ruske i poljske nacionalne manjine i to na svom materinjem jeziku. Ravnatelj I. osnovne škole Siniša Stričak i gradonačelnik Kovač uručili su nagrade trojci učenika čiji su likovni radovi odabrani u projektu Ecological Literacy. To su Nela Levačić, Mateo Demario Časni i Elena Šarić. Treba napomenuti da je cilj Europskoga dana jezika osvijestiti važnost jezika kao jednog od najznačajnijih identiteta naroda i čovjeka. Na svijetu postoji više od 6000 jezika, samo ih u Europi ima više od 220, a njegovanje jezične raznolikosti i čuvanje jezične baštine nije važno samo zbog promicanja kulturne različitosti i tolerancije, već i zbog opasnosti od izumiranja gotovo polovice svjetskih jezika. 

    Petar Ovčar, učenik, l. osnovna skola Cakovec