Local Activities


    In order to keep the earth livable, it is needed that human being should decrease the amount of carbon emission. Carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxide (NO2) and methane prevent sun lights from returning to space by condensing throughout the atmosphere. The condensing called “Greenhouse Gas Effect” causes temperature changes by trapping sun lights in the atmosphere. While thinking about solutions personally to decrease the amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, “Ecological Literacy” workgroup came by the idea of greening the roof of security cabin which we had painted and garnished with project logos and flags of partner countries. Green roof application is a cheap and practical method that everybody can easily implement to decrease carbon emission, to insulate naturally and of course, to delight the eye. Starting from the idea, ecological detectives using a little help from the personnel planted two vine stocks onto the backyard of security cabin. They increased the shade of green by girdling ivies around the stocks. Members of workgroup tied the vine stocks diagonally on the roof and covered the roof from one end to another. Ecological detectives are now awaiting to see vines and ivies growing, getting green and reducing carbon emission by generating oxygen. Keep working.

    Umut Uysaler, Erasmus+ school coordinator, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu


    Dünyanın yaşanabilir olma özelliğini korumak için insanoğlunun ürettiği karbon salınımlarını azaltması gerekiyor. Karbondioksit (CO2), azot oksit (N2O) ve metan, atmosferde yoğunlaşarak, yeryüzüne düşen Güneş ışınlarının uzaya geri yansımasını önlüyor. Sera etkisi adı verilen bu yoğunlaşma ışınları atmosfere hapsederek iklimin ısınmasına neden oluyor. Atmosfere karbondioksit (CO2) salınımını azaltmak için bireysel olarak neler yapabileceğimizi düşünürken, “Ecological Literacy” çalışma grubu, daha önce proje logoları ve ortak ülkelerin bayraklarıyla boyayıp süslediğimiz güvenlik kulübesinin çatısını yeşil çatı haline getirme fikrini ortaya attı. Karbon salınımını azaltmak, doğal yolla yalıtım sağlamak ve elbette göz zevki için, yeşil çatı herkesin bireysel olarak uygulayabileceği ucuz ve pratik bir yöntemdir. Bu fikirden yola çıkarak, ekolojik detektifler, personelin de yardımıyla, satın aldıkları iki adet asma kütüğünü kulübenin arkasındaki toprak alana diktiler. Kütüklerin etrafına sarmaşıklar sararak yeşil tonunu artırdılar ve asma kütüklerinin ucunu çatıya çapraz bağlayarak çatıyı boydan boya asma ile kapladılar. Ekip üyeleri, şimdi dört gözle asmaların ve sarmaşıkların büyüyüp yeşillenmesini, çatıyı tamamen kaplayıp karbon salınımını azaltarak oksijen üretimine başlamasını bekliyorlar. Çalışmaya devam.

    Fatma Karadoğan, öğretmen, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    Promoting Preparatory Classes and Project at Kindergarten 43 Sibiu

    Within the partnership that "Constantin Noica" High School has got with Kindergarten 43 Sibiu, we developed an activity of promoting our high school, respectively of the preparatory classes that we will establish in the school year 2017-2018. During the activity we presented the educational offer, the pupils’ course program and the Erasmus+ project "Ecological Literacy". The activity took place on February 27th, 2017 with the parents of the pre-schoolers in Kindergarten 43, who will enroll their kids in our school. Both the project coordinator and the high school headmaster had the pleasure of being presented to them some of the activities in the kindergarten, recycling activities, promising besides to Mrs. Mihaela Niță , the headmaster of the kindergarten, that we will continue them with the preschoolers in our school through the Erasmus+ project. The existence of an Erasmus+ project on environmental issues in our high school is likely to attract more pupils to our school, that it is possible to have a class in addition to the expected number.

    Daniela Cioplea, teacher, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Promovarea claselor pregătitoare și proiectului la Grădinița 43 Sibiu

    În cadrul parteneriatului pe care Liceul Teoretic “Constantin Noica” îl are cu Grădinița 43 Sibiu, am desfășurat o activitate de promovare a liceului nostru, respectiv a claselor pregătitoare pe care le vom înființa în anul școlar 2017-2018. În timpul activității am prezentat oferta educațională, programul de curs al elevilor și proiectul Erasmus+ “Ecological Literacy”. Activitatea a avut loc în data de 27 februarie 2017 cu părinții copiilor din Grădinița 43, care își vor înscrie copiii la școala noastră. Atât coordonatoarea proiectului cât și directorul liceului au avut deosebita plăcere de a li se prezenta câteva dintre activitățile din grădiniță, activități de reciclare, promițând de altfel d-nei Mihaela Niță, directoarea grădiniței, că le vom continua cu preșcolarii în cadrul școlii noastre, prin proiectul Erasmus+. Existența unui proiect Erasmus+ pe teme ecologice în liceul nostru se pare că va atrage mai mulți elevi spre școala noastră, încât este posibil să avem o clasă în plus, față de numărul preconizat.

    Cristina Pinca, secretară, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu

    How Colors Can Play An Important Role Even in the Dish

    Our pupils involved in this Erasmus+ project had a Gastronomic lesson with the topic “How Colors Can Play An Important Role Even in the Dish”. They were guided by their teacher, Mrs. Raluca Teglas. By this theoretical and practical activity, the pupils have understood that colours also can influence our balance, can provoke emotions and memories, can connect us with nature and can even seem that they slow down the time. Colors have various meanings to different cultures and individuals. That's why we have to get in touch with the colors that resonate for us and to decorate our environment with them in order to make better our lives. By inspiring us from our partners' culture through this Erasmus+ project, we can contribute to the union of people, cultures, idea. Thus, our lives will be more and more beautiful, happier and happier. We have the example of the rainbow, which impresses by its beauty, knowing to gather together violet, indigo, blue, green,yellow, orange and red. The pupils agreed that unity is the most important thing and each color must have its own importance in life. The photos taken then prove the success of our activity.

    Adrian Demian, teacher, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu



    Cum pot culorile juca un rol important chiar și în farfurie

    Elevii noștri implicați în acest proiect Erasmus+ au avut o lecție gastronomică cu tema „Cum pot culorile juca un rol important chiar și în farfurie “. Ei au fost îndrumați de profesoara lor, d-na Raluca Teglas. Prin această activitate teoretică și practică, elevii au înțeles că și culorile pot influența echilibrul nostru, pot provoca emoții și amintiri, ne pot conecta cu natura și poate chiar părea că acestea încetinesc timpul. Culorile au diferite semnificații pentru diferite culturi și diferiți indivizi. De aceea, trebuie să intrăm în contact cu culorile ce rezonează pentru noi și să ne decorăm mediul cu ele, în scopul de a ne face mai bună viața. Inspirându-ne din cultura partenerilor noștri prin intermediul acestui proiect Erasmus+, putem contribui la unirea oamenilor, culturilor, ideilor. Astfel, viața noastră va fi din ce în ce mai frumoasă, din ce în ce mai fericită. Avem exemplul curcubeului, care impresionează prin frumusețea sa, știind să adune laolaltă violet, indigo, albastru, verde, galben, portocaliu și roșu. Elevii au fost de acord că unitatea este cel mai important lucru și fiecare culoare trebuie să aibă propria importanță în viață. Fotografiile făcute atunci dovedesc succesul activității noastre.

    Mihai Victorin Ordean, director, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu


    Celebrating Earth Day

    On March 20, the international Earth Day is celebrated. In our gymnasium we had 2 special events on that day, i.e. we celebrated the Earth Day and the 5-12 grades pupils presented their “Green Areas are Human and Natural Creation” project results. Since September 1, the pupils have responsibly taken part in various environmental activities that were integrated in different lessons such as Maths, Foreign Language, Literature, Physics. On March 20, the pupils had to present their activities' final results. Works were assessed by the jury, chaired by Rita Rasikiene, Head of the gymnasium. There were various presentations. Some pupils presented the herbs they grew, as well as giving the main information of their whole work they did while taking care of them. The other ones presented a hand-made “green wall”, which may be used to decorate the gymnasium. The pupils also presented mini-gardens, stained glass, mosaics, reflectors made from recycled materials and the grass they grew. All the pupils put a lot of effort and work to achieve their goals. It was interesting to compare the results and learn something new. It's a traditional event in our gymnasium, so we have no doubt that next year our pupils will surprise us with even more outstanding works. 


    Vita Kuliešiūtė, teacher, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas

    Švenčiame Žemės Diena

    Kovo 20- pasaulinė Žemės diena. Gimnazijoje ši diena buvo ypatingai paminėta ir sutapo su projektine 5-12 klasių diena „Žalieji želdiniai - žmogaus ir gamtos kūrinys“. Mokiniai nuo pat rugsėjo 1-os dienos atsakingai ruošėsi ir vykdė įvairias projekto veiklas integruodami tokius dalykus kaip gamtamoksliniai tyrimai, gamta ir žmogus, biologija, fizika, matematika, užsienio kalba, literatūra. Na, o išaušus kovo 20-os rytui kiekviena klasė turėjo pristayti savo sukurtus projektus, kuriuos atsakingai vertino žiuri komisija, o jos pirmininkė buvo gimnazijos direktorė R.Rasikienė. Pristatymai buvo labai įvairūs. Kai kurie mokiniai pristatinėjo augintas prieskonines daržoves, rodydami skaidres, pateikdami medžiagą apie jų auginimą bei priežiūrą. Kiti- savo pačių sukurtą žaliąją sienelę, kuri galėtų būti panaudota gimnazijos erdvių puošimui. Dar kiti- sukurtus mini sodus, užaugintą žolytę, mozaikas, atšvaitus pagamintus iš antrinių žaliavų, vitražus. Visi mokiniai įdėjo daug pastangų, darbo ir jėgų, kad pasiekti išsikeltą tikslą ir gauti norimą rezultatą. Idomu buvo palyginti savo ir kitų mokinių darbus, sužinoti kažką naujo, pasisemti naujų idėjų. Ši diena gimnazijoje tradicinis renginys, tad neabejojame, kad ir kitais mokslo metais mokiniai mus džiugins savo išradingais ir puikiais darbais.

    Indrė Šlajūtė, mokytojas, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas

    Together with the Pupils’ Parents

    We had a lot of meetings with the parents of pupils involved in this project. Among them can be mentioned that in which the mobility in Cyprus was introduced. They were delighted on theactivities' multitude with their kids. In another meeting our pupils’ parents prepared Easter decorations for school and Erasmus+ partners. With the project team of teachers and their children, parents participated in a meeting where we all learned how to cook Easter pie. Besides, there were many meetings in which we disseminated our project activities. They were proud to be part of such an interesting European project and understood better their role in order to support the achievements of all project actions, for their children's benefit. The project activities managed to make parents be closer of our school’s actions. The photos added here prove their implication in the project and school life.

    Andzelika Andreikeniene, Erasmus+ school coordinator, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas


    Kartu su mokinių tėvais

    Mes turėjome keletą susitikimų su mokiniais, dalyvaujančių šiame projekte tėvai daug. Tarp jų, jis gali būti paminėta, kad per kurį buvo priimta Kipre mobilumas. Nebuvo malonu apie veiklą su vaikais minios. kito posėdžio metu mūsų mokinių tėvai ruošėsi Velykų dekoracijas mūsų mokyklų ir mūsų Erasmus + partneriais. Kartu projekto komanda mokytojų ir jų vaikams, tėvai dalyvavo susitikime, kur mes visi išmoko, kaip virėjas Velykų pyragą. Be to, ten buvo daug susitikimų, kurioje mes platino mūsų projekto veiklą. Jie didžiavosi, kad dalis tokio įdomaus Europos projektą ir geriau suprantamos jų vaidmenį siekiant remti visų projekto veiklų pasiekimus, dėl savo vaikų labui. Projekto veikla pavyko padaryti tėvai būtų arčiau mūsų mokyklos veiksmus. Čia pridėjo nuotraukų įrodyti savo poveikio, atsižvelgiant į projekto gyvenime ir mokykloje.

    Rita Rasikiene, mokyklos direktorius, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas



    “TUBITAK SCIENCE FAIRS” that aim to provide an environment for students studying between 5-12th classes in which they can research on the subjects they determine according to their fields of interest, within the framework of curriculum and exhibit the results of researches, also learn by having fun, are organized every year. Our students who participated in this year’s fair with the support of Science and Technology teachers, exhibited their works that they had prepared according to fields of interests, for the students, teachers, parents and local authorities in the school garden. Among the works, those especially related to our theme of ELIT project, “Effect of Acid Rains” and “Production of Soap” drew the attentions of participants.

    Huseyin Durak, father of Imran Durak, pupil in Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu


    5-12. sınıfta okumakta olan öğrencilerin eğitim öğretim programı çerçevesinde ve kendi ilgi alanları doğrultusunda belirledikleri konular üzerine araştırma yaparak, araştırmalarının sonuçlarını sergileyebilecekleri, öğrenciler ve izleyiciler için eğlenerek öğrenebilecekleri bir ortam oluşturmayı amaçlayan  “TÜBİTAK Bilim Fuarları” her yıl düzenlenmektedir. Bu yılki bilim fuarına okulumuzu temsilen, Fen Teknoloji öğretmenlerimizin desteğiyle katılan öğrencilemiz, ilgi alanları çerçevesinde hazırladıkları eserlerini okul bahçesinde, öğrencilere, öğretmenlere, velilere ve yerel otoritelere sergilemiştir. Özellikle, ELIT temasına uygun olarak hazırlanan “Asit Yağmurlarının Etkisi” ve “Sabun Yapımı” adlı çalışmalar katılımcıların ilgisini çekmiştir.

    Hulusi Gürbüz, okul müdürü, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu


    This year’s  winter showed all its power. Apart from very low temperatures and strong wind it rewarded us with lots of snow. Students from class 3B used this and spent P.E. lesson sledding in the frozen city park. They came back to school with a lot of beautiful impressions and wrote about this experience and winter in Croatian language lesson. In Art lesson they made paper snowmen. They also presented their works to all students on our school’s project ELIT’s billboard.


    Petar Ovčar, pupil, l. osnovna skola Cakovec


    Ovogodišnja zima pokazala je svu svoju snagu. Osim niskim temperaturama i jakim vjetrom nagradila nas je i s puno snijega. Učenici 3.d razreda to su iskoristili. Sat Tjelesno zdravstvene kulture proveli su na sanjkanju u zaleđenom gradskom parku. Vrativši se s puno lijepih dojmova, na satu Hrvatskog jezika, pisali su o tom doživljaju i o zimi. Na satu Likovne kulture izradili su papirnate snjegoviće. Na kraju su svoje radove predstavili svim učenicima naše škole na panou projekta ELIT.

    Draženka Blažeka, učitelj, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    New Activities in the Portuguese Partner School

    The pupils and teachers of our school developed new activities. Among the most important of them was the celebration of the International Day of Peace. Because together we build a better world, the pupils worn white shirts (meaning the light in the world) and also colorful ones (symbol of union among peoples) to celebrate this important date. Peace rule the world. It's so good to see that the teachers' children can get to work with our pupils. It's good when we all learn. A fantastic class, full of math, good times and lots of learning. Besides, our activities were presented in a new magazine. Our teacher, Cidália Marques had the courage to propose it and the capacity to coordinate it. We had another school assembly and one more challenge for our pupils. The rules are the results of negotiation were built by pupils, applied by them and discussed among pupils. With this, they gained autonomy, responsibility and cooperation, by working all the areas and grewing up together. Space and art were in action through our gifted pupils' activities. When everything was ready for another start, we leave the votes of an excellent school year for all. Our teacher, Cristina Lima presented us her fabulous work.

    Paulo Almeida, headmaster, Agrupamento de Escolas Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva

    Novas atividades na Escola de Parceiros Portugueses

    Os alunos e professores da nossa escola desenvolveram novas atividades. Entre os mais importantes foi a celebração do Dia Internacional da Paz. Porque juntos construímos um mundo melhor, os alunos usavam camisas brancas (ou seja, a luz do mundo) e também coloridas (símbolo de união entre os povos) para celebrar esta importante data. A paz governa o mundo. É tão bom ver que os filhos dos professores podem trabalhar com nossos alunos. É bom quando todos aprendemos. Uma aula fantástica, cheia de matemática, bons momentos e muito aprendizado. Além disso, nossas atividades foram apresentadas em uma nova revista. Nossa professora, Cidália Marques teve a coragem de propor e a capacidade de coordená-la. Tivemos outra assembléia escolar e mais um desafio para nossos alunos. As regras são os resultados da negociação foram construídos por alunos, aplicados por eles e discutidos entre os alunos. Com isso, eles ganharam autonomia, responsabilidade e cooperação, trabalhando todas as áreas e se juntando. O espaço e a arte estavam em ação através das atividades de nossos alunos talentosos. Quando tudo estava pronto para outro começo, deixamos os votos de um excelente ano lectivo para todos. Nossa professora, Cristina Lima, nos apresentou seu fabuloso trabalho.

    Anabela Brigida, Erasmus+ school coordinator, Agrupamento de Escolas Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva

    Stories and Events in Our School

    The pupils in our school celebrated the "International Day of the European Languages", achieving postcards, letters and posters, the "Day Without a Car" through debates, drawings and compositions and other activities involving stories as that of a container, resulting an eco-book, or of the 3 dolphins. The pupils learned on the damaging consequences of increasing of cars number in traffic. They held a debate on if to forbid driving in the city center, concluding that we had too many parking lots and too little kids’ playgrounds. In the compositions they wrote to look our city without a car and how much life would be healthier and more enjoyable. Drawings showed that they must use bicycles and hiking more. They will try to influence adults choosing these movement ways being healthier for people and environment. Agreeing Čakovic City, they painted city containers. The kids’ wish is that all city containers to be painted and happy as their picture book container. The stories delighted them a lot. There were 3 friends of dolphins: Riki, Boni, and Dino. They liked swimming together and playing in the sea. Dupin Dino saw the fish and stalked at them. Then the fishermen came in the boat. The fishermen dropped the net. Dino stuck to the net. He called for help from his friends. Riki and Boni heard it. They drifted quickly to the boat and hit the net. So they saved Dina. Since then, they were looking after the fishermen and their nets. From this story, they talked about real life. Lucija and Antonius are twins and go together in 3rd grade in the Elementary School Čakovec. Their grandparents live on Pag Island. They spend the whole summer with them at sea. They often go fishing with a daddy’s boat. Antonija is successful in fishing and Lucija loves sea stories. Lucy wrote a 3 dolphins story and showed it in drawing. The dwarves often get caught up in fishing nets and then get caught. Her story, however, has a happy ending as dolphin friends have saved her from the fishing net.

    Ivana Ružić, Erasmus+ school coordinator, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Priče i događaji u našoj školi

    Učenici u našoj školi proslavili su "Međunarodni dan europskih jezika", postižući razglednice, pisma i plakate, "Dan bez automobila" kroz rasprave, crteže i skladbe i mnoge druge aktivnosti koje uključuju priče poput onoga kontejnera, rezultat eko knjige, ili tri dupina. Učenici su naučili o štetnim posljedicama sve većeg broja automobila u prometu. Održali su raspravu o tome treba li zabraniti vožnju u središtu grada, zaključujući da smo imali previše parkirališta i previše dječjih igrališta. U skladbama koje su napisali da bi naš grad bez automobila i koliko bi život bio zdraviji i ugodniji. Crteži su pokazali da bi trebali koristiti bicikle i planinariti više. Pokušat će utjecati na odrasle osobe da odaberu ove načine kretanja koji su zdraviji za ljude i okoliš. U dogovoru s gradom Čakom učenici su naslikali gradske kontejnere. Dječja želja je da su svi kontejneri u gradu slikani i sretni, kao i kontejner iz njihove slikovnice. Priče su ih jako oduševile. Tri su prijatelja dupina. Jedan se zvao Riki, drugi se zvao Boni, a treći Dino. Voljeli su plivati zajedno i igrati se u moru. Dupin Dino vidio je ribu i prišao njima. Onda su ribari ušli u čamac. Ribari su spustili mrežu. Dino se zaglavio na mrežu. Pozvao je pomoć od svojih prijatelja. Riki i Boni su to čuli. Brzo su se spustili na brod i pogodili mrežu. Tako su spasili Dinu. Od tada su se brinuli o ribarima i njihovim mrežama. Iz ove priče razgovarali su o stvarnom životu. Lucija i Antonius su blizanci i idu zajedno u 3. razredu u Osnovnoj školi Čakovec. Njihovi bake i djedovi i djedovi žive na otoku Pagu. Cijelo ljeto provode s njima na moru. Često idu u ribolov s tatinskim čamcem. Antonija je uspješna u ribolovu, a Lucija voli morske priče. Lucy je napisala priču o tri dupina i pokazala je crtežom. Patuljci se često ulove u ribarske mreže, a zatim se uhvate. Njezina priča, međutim, ima sretan kraj zato što su ga dupini prijatelji spasili iz ribarske mreže.

    Marija Toplek, mokytojas, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Giving Solutions to the Environmental Problems to Local Authorities

    In September 28th 2017, 6th–8th graders that are involved in the international ELIT project gathered for the usual Thursday meeting. The meeting focused on students’ proposals for local authorities how to reduce ecological problems in our native city Kaunas, what could be the best solutions for better environment, how in general to decrease world problems related to pollution. All the students working in pairs prepared a list of possible solutions to make our city greener, better for living. Despite this, students actively were discussing about reusing, recycling, reducing in this way preparing for the upcoming conference that will be held in President Valdas Adamkus Gymnasium in November “In the healthy world- healthy soul”. Moreover, students illustrated their offerings how to make our city a better place to live that will be submitted to Kaunas local authorities. All in all, the project coordinator noticed that the students have improved their skills on how to hold a proper public speech in order to engage the audience, also their English skills were improved.

    Andzelika Andreikeniene, Erasmus+ school coordinator, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas


    Suteikti vietos savivaldos aplinkosaugos problemų sprendimo būdus

    2017 m. Rugsėjo 28 d. Įprastą ketvirtadienį susirinko šešioliktoji greideriai, dalyvaujantys tarptautiniame ELIT projekte. Susitikimas buvo skirtas studentų pasiūlymams vietos valdžios institucijoms, kaip sumažinti ekologines problemas mūsų gimtojoje Kauno mieste, kokie galėtų būti geriausi aplinkos gerinimo sprendimai, kaip apskritai sumažinti pasaulines taršos problemas. Visi studentai, dirbantys poromis, paruošė galimų sprendimų, kaip padaryti mūsų miestą ekologiškesne, geriau gyventi. Nepaisant to, studentai aktyviai diskutavo apie pakartotinį panaudojimą, perdirbimą ir tokiu būdu mažindavosi rengiantis būsimai konferencijai, vyksiančiai Prezidento Valdo Adamkaus gimnazijoje lapkričio mėn. "Sveikasis pasaulis - sveika siela". Be to, studentai iliustruoja savo aukojimus, kaip padaryti mūsų miestą geresne gyvenimo vieta, kuri bus pateikta Kauno vietinėms valdžios institucijoms. Apskritai projekto koordinatorius pastebėjo, kad studentai patobulino savo įgūdžius, kaip tinkamai surengti viešą kalbą, kad būtų galima suaktyvinti auditoriją, taip pat pagerėjo jų anglų kalbos įgūdžiai.

    Rita Rasikiene, mokyklos direktorius, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas



    In collaboration with DND Čakovec in the project "Read All, Big and Small" 3rd grade students were guests at DV Bambi (kindergarten). We read the poem of Planet Earth, sang and together with kindergarten children they held an ecological workshop. From news print we shaped the miniature planet we live on and have to keep from pollution and destruction. In this way we celebrated together the Earth Day.

    Ivana Ružić, Erasmus+ school coordinator, l. osnovna skola Cakovec


    Suradnja s DND Čakovec u projektu “Čitamo svi, veliki i mali” učenici 3.b razreda bili su gosti u DV Bambi. Čitali smo pjesmu Planeta Zemlja, pjevali i s malim polaznicima vrtića odradili ekološku radionicu. Iz novinskog  papira oblikovali smo minijaturnu planetu na kojoj živimo i koju moramo čuvati od zagađenja i uništavanja. Tako smo zajedno proslavili  imendan planete Zemlje.

    Draženka Blažeka, učitelj, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Animal Day in Class 3A

    In the month of October students from class 3A devoted a lesson to animals. October 4th is Animal Day and they marked it with a fable, discussion and drawing. Aesop's fable ”Nightingale and a Man” taught them the importance of animal freedom and responsible behavior of man towards animals. They discussed about how animals feel locked up in cages and  separated from their natural surroundings. They presented that in drawings. They read another wonderful story - ”White Deer” by Vladimir Nazor, a famous Croatian writer. In this fable the main character Anka, gets into the woods and acquires the ability of understanding animal's language. Anka loves nature unconditionally and protects animlas and people. Writer Vladimir Nazor taught us in this amazing fable about human relationship not only towards humans but also to animals. Students also enjoyed in a theatrical show ”White Deer”, by a children's theater from Osijek, which was presented at Assitej, a festival of children’s theaters in Čakovec.


    Ivana Ružić, Erasmus+ school coordinator, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Dan životinja u 3.a razredu

    U mjesecu listopadu učenici 3. a razreda posvetili su životinjama. 4. 10. Dan životinja obilježili su basnom, raspravom i crtežom.  Ezopova basna Slavuj i čovjek poučila ih je o važnosti slobode životinja i ponašanju čovjeka prema životinjama. Raspravljali su o tome kako se osjećaju životinje zatvorene u kavezima i krletkama i izdvojene iz svojeg prirodnog okruženja. To su prikazali crtežima. Čitali su još jednu prekrasnu priču - Bijeli jelen, Vladimira Nazora, poznatog hrvatskog pisca. U toj bajci glavni lik, guščarica Anka, dospijeva u šumu i dobiva sposobnost razumijevanja životinjskog govora. Anka neizmjerno voli prirodu i štiti i životinje i ljude. Književnik Vladimir Nazor nas je poučiotom prekrasnom bajkom o humanom odnosu ne samo prema ljudima već i prema životinjama. Učenici su uživali i i u kazališnoj predstavi Bijeli jelen, Dječjeg kazališta iz Osijeka,  koja se prikazivala na festivalu dječjih kazazališta Assitej u Čakovcu.

    Marija Toplek, teacher, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    An Exchange of Ideas on Different Pedagogies

    Resident in Cascais, but natural from Rio Major, Carla Marina Mendes was born in March 1975. with a degree in "Communications Science" by the new university of Lisbon and a post-graduate in "Health communication". Over 19 years of experience, and having been through different publications, he specialized in the area of health journalism. He won the "Journalism Award" in 2012; the "rights of children in news" Award (with an article written in conjunction with journalist and writer Isabel Stilwell) in 2014; and the "Global Coalition/pulmonale" prize in 2015. The current mother of a boy is concerned about the National Education System. "The Right School for Your Son", is his first published book. It makes a relevant analysis of the current national landscape and presents examples of different pedagogies such as Waldorf, highscope, modern school movement or domestic education. More than a book presentation, the author proposed an exchange of ideas. It was an interesting conversation at the Municipal Library of Rio Maior for the Erasmus+ teachers team of our school.

    Paulo Almeida, headmaster, Agrupamento de Escolas Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva

    Uma troca de idéias sobre diferentes pedagogias

    Residente em Cascais, mas natural de Rio Maior, Carla Marina Mendes nasceu em março de 1975. Tem uma licenciatura em “Ciências da Comunicação” pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa e uma pós-graduação em “Comunicação em Saúde”. Ao longo de 19 anos de experiência, e tendo passado por diferentes publicações, especializou-se na área do jornalismo de saúde. Ganhou o “Prémio de Jornalismo na Área da Dor”, em 2012; o prémio "Os Direitos das Crianças em Notícia", (com um artigo escrito em conjunto com a jornalista e escritora Isabel Stilwell), em 2014; e o “Prémio de Jornalismo Global Lung Coalition/Pulmonale”, em 2015. Atual mãe de um rapaz, encontra-se preocupada com o sistema de ensino nacional. “A escola certa para o seu filho”, é o seu primeiro livro publicado. Nele, faz uma análise pertinente do panorama nacional vigente e apresenta exemplos de diferentes pedagogias, tais como Waldorf, Highscope, Movimento da Escola Moderna ou Ensino Doméstico. Mais do que uma apresentação de livro, o autor propõe uma troca de idéias. Foi uma conversa interessante na Biblioteca Municipal de Rio Maior para a equipe de professores Erasmus+ da nossa escola.

    Anabela Brigida, Erasmus+ coordenadora escolar, Agrupamento de Escolas Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva

    International Day of School Libraries

    School Librarian Dragica Pongrac and 3rd grade students marked the International Day of School Libraries with interesting and educational activity in the school library. From the old and rejected books of the school library, students made apple trees. This activity continued on activities related to the Apple Day, and activities related to civic education, and talk about recycling and separating waste from the immediate environment. So, students were making apple trees by folding, folding and gluing old book pages. Interesting sculptures decorate the cabinet's cabinet. In Međimurje County, the largest number of apple trees were planted. In this way, we encourage students to the importance of consuming this fruit.

    Lara Mikulic, pupil, l. osnovna skola Cakovec 


    Međunarodni dan školskih knjižnica

    Školska knjižničarka Dragica Pongrac i učenici 3.d razreda obilježili su Međunarodni dan školskih knjižnica zanimljivom i edukativnom aktivnošću u školskoj knjižnici. Od starih i odbačenih knjiga školske knjižnice, učenici su izrađivali  stabla jabuka. Ova aktivnost se nastavljala na aktivnosti vezane uz Dan jabuka, te aktivnosti vezane uz građanski odgoj, a govore o recikliranju i odvajanju otpada iz neposredne okoline. Dakle, učenici su trganjem, presavijanjem i ljepljenjem starih stranica knjiga izradili drva jabuka. Zanimljive skulpture ukrašavaju ormar školske knjižnice. U Međimurskoj županiji je zasađeno najviše voćaka jabuka. Na ovaj način potićemo učenike na važnost konzumiranja ovog voća.


    Ivana Ružić, koordinator škole Erasmu+, l. osnovna škola Čakovec

    International Day of People with Disabilities

    3 December - International Day of People with Disabilities is promoted by the United Nations organisation since 1998 with the aim of promoting a greater understanding of disability issues and to mobilise the defence of dignity, rights and good - to be people. Gonçalo, our former student, was with us today to celebrate this day! He shared his life story, the challenges he has overcome and the barriers that in cities persist in making people's daily lives difficult.

    Célia Pereira, teacher, Agrupamento de Escolas Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva

    Dia Internacional das Pessoas com Deficiência

    3 de Dezembro - Dia Internacional das Pessoas com Deficiência é promovido pela Organização das Nações Unidas desde 1998 com o objetivo de promover uma maior compreensão dos assuntos relacionados com a deficiência e para mobilizar a defesa da dignidade, dos direitos e do bem-estar das pessoas. O Gonçalo, nosso ex-aluno, esteve connosco hoje para celebrar este dia! Partilhou a sua história de vida, os desafios que ultrapassou e as barreiras que nas cidades teimam em dificultar o dia-a-dia das pessoas com dificuldades de mobilidade.

    Paula Silva, adjunta do diretor, Agrupamento de Escolas Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva  

    Our Local Activities from November 2017 to April 2018

    As we established among partners during the mobility in Romania, carried out in October 2017, each partner school had to make a presentation in PowerPoint or video showing it at the 4th mobility with pupils from Lithuania, from April 2018. These materials presents our local activities from November 2017 to April 2018. The Turkish team, for instance, made a video presentation, which is uploaded here. It refers to the eco parade, organized in order to attract the attention to the resuse of the waste material and clean the environment, the discussions groups preparing a successful seminar, the eco marathon, the lessons about air pollution, the exhibition with collected materials raising awareness throughout the society, the seminar about garbage and waste management, the educational games related to the environment, the documentary visit to the Metropolitan Planetarium from Gaziantep City, a theatre performance, „Ekocan, the Lovely Bee”, acted by the pupils aged 12, etc.

    Umut Uysaler, Erasmus+ school coordinator, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    Kasım 2017'den Nisan 2018'e kadar Yerel Faaliyetlerimiz

    Ekim 2017'de Romanya'da hareketlilik sırasında ortaklar arasında kurduğumuz gibi, her bir ortak okul, Nisan 2018'den itibaren Litvanya'dan öğrencilerle 4. hareketlilikte bunu gösteren bir PowerPoint veya video sunumunu yapmak zorunda kaldı. Bu materyaller yerel etkinliklerimizi sunuyor. Kasım 2017'den Nisan 2018'e kadar. Türk takımı, örneğin buraya yüklenen bir video sunumu yaptı. Atık malzemenin yeniden kullanılmasına dikkat çekmek ve çevreyi temizlemek için düzenlenen eko yürüyüşü, başarılı bir seminer, eko maraton hazırlama, hava kirliliği ile ilgili dersler, toplanan materyallerle sergilenen sergiler toplum genelinde farkındalık, çöp ve atık yönetimi ile ilgili seminer, çevre ile ilgili eğitsel oyunlar, Gaziantep Şehrinden Metropolitan Planetaryumu'na yapılan belgesel ziyareti, 12 yaşındaki öğrenciler tarafından gerçekleştirilen “Ekocan, Güzel Arı” tiyatro gösterisi , vb.


    Fatma Karadoğan, öğretmen, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu


    Učenik Gabriel Murk izradio je u Power Pointu prezentaciju u kojoj je učenicima Ekološke grupe objasnio da se pod globalnim zatopljenjem  smatra  povećanje prosječne temperature zemljine atmosfere i samog planeta Zemlje uzrokovanih učinkom stakleničkih plinova. Upozorio je na katastrofalne posljedice kao što su podizanje razine mora, povećan broj uragana i poplava, povećanje sušnog razdoblja u područjima uz Sredozemno more  ili pak povećanje znatne količine oborina u sjevernijim dijelovima našeg planeta. Te posljedice dovode do narušavanja ljudskog zdravlja kao i nestanak pojedinih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta. Fotografijama je zorno prikazao smanjenje površine Ledenjaka Grinnell u zadnjih 100 godina. Filmom o globalnom zagrivanju učenici su uvidjeli da topljenje ledenjaka i povećanje požara dovodi do gubitka staništa za mnoge životinjske vrste te su shvatili koliko je važno ozbiljno pristupiti ovom problemu. Kako bi  učenici aktivno preispitali sebe i aktivno razmišljali dobili su zadatak da se olujom ideja  prisjete svega što znaju ili što su danas zapamtili  o „Globalnom zatopljenju“. Svaki učenik došao je pred ploču zapisati, prema njihovom mišljenju, važanu ključnu riječ koja će im pomoći kod pisanja referata o globalnom zatopljenju. Nakon što su napisali referate učenici su ih glasno čitali,a zatim zajednički komentirali. Zaključili su da je važno proširivati svoje znanje o okolišu, štedjeti električnu energiju u svojim domovima i našoj školi, vožnju automobilom zamijeniti biciklom, povećati sadnju drveća koje upija otpadne plinove iz zraka, reciklirati, sortirati te da kupnjom električnog automobila Mete Rimca mogu pridonijeti zaštiti i čuvanju okoliša.  Nova saznanja o zaštiti okoliša učenici će u budućnosti međusobno podijeliti što će doprinijeti boljitku svih živih bića jer su svi u životnoj zajednici međusobno povezani i ovisni jedni o drugima.

    Draženka Blažeka, učitelj, l. osnovna skola Cakovec  


    Pupil Gabriel Murk made a PowerPoint presentation in which the Ecological Group students explained that global warming is seen as an increase in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and Earth's planet itself caused by the effects of greenhouse gases. He warned of catastrophic consequences such as raising sea levels, increasing the number of hurricanes and floods, increasing the dry season in areas along the Mediterranean Sea, or increasing a significant amount of precipitation in the northern parts of our planet. These consequences lead to human health disorders as well as disappearance of certain plant and animal species. Photographs have shown a marked reduction in the Grinnell Glaze area over the last 100 years. With a film about global warming, the students realized that melting glaciers and rising fire led to the loss of habitats for many animal species, and they realized how important it is to seriously address this problem. In order for the students to actively reconsider themselves and actively think, they are given the task of storming an idea of what they know or remember about Global Warming today. Each student came to the board to write, in their opinion, an important keyword that will help them write global warming reports. After writing the lessons, the students read them aloud and then shared their comments. They concluded that it is important to extend their knowledge of the environment, save electricity in our homes and our school, replace the car by bike, increase the planting of absorbing waste gases from the air, recycle, sort and purchase the Mete Rimca electric car to help protect and environmental protection. New knowledge about environmental protection will in the future share the students with each other, which will contribute to the betterment of all living beings, because all are in the living community interdependent and dependent on each other.

    Marija Toplek, teacher, l. osnovna skola Cakovec