Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

  • Visit Sorting Waste

    The 3 C class pupils in environmental groups with teacher Helena Slamek mid-November visited the sorting of useful waste and composting in Prologue. A representative of the company GKP PRE COM Ltd. explained how the waste is separated, sorted and stored. The waste that can be recycled is sold for reuse, and unused waste (garbage) drives in landfills. In the composting plant, we learned that from bio waste produced compost is food plants. We learned that the waste disposal for the environment and life quality will save raw materials, protect plants and animals, and that is all ultimate goal, is not it?

    Lara Mikulic, pupil, l. osnovna skola Cakovec  


    Posjet sortirnici otpada

    Učenici 3.c razreda ekološke grupe sa učiteljicom Helenom Slamek sredinom studenog su posjetili sortirnicu korisnog otpada i kompostanu u Prelogu. Predstavnica tvrtke GKP PRE KOM d.o.o. je objasnila kako se otpad odvaja, razvrstava i skladišti. Otpad koji se može reciklirati se prodaje za ponovnu uporabu, a otpad (smeće) koji je neiskorišten se vozi na odlagališta. U kompostani smo saznali kako od BIO OTPADA nastaje kompost koji je hrana biljkama. Naučili smo da zbrinjavanjem otpada doprinosimo zaštiti okoliša i kvaliteti života jer štedimo sirovinu, štitimo biljke i životinje, a to je svima krajnji cilj, zar ne?

    Petar Ovčar, učenik, l. osnovna skola Cakovec 


    Since October 2016 our school started a campaign to collect plastic caps. The objectives of this campaign were two: the first objective was to promote the idea of volunteering among the pupils of our school and the second was to protect the environment from useless plastic material. Our school pupils participated in this campaign with enthusiasm and managed to collect thousands of plastic caps. The plastic caps handed over on 21.01.2017 to the competent authorities to be sent for recycling. In exchange for caps our school received a wheelchair for people in need. The pupils of our school showed once again their solidarity with the suffering around us and great interest for the protection of our natural environment.

    Demetris Symeonides, Erasmus+ school coordinator, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou in Paphos


    Από τον Οκτώβρη του 2016, το σχολείο μας ξεκίνησε μιαν εκστρατεία συλλογής πλαστικών πωμάτων. Οι στόχοι της εκστρατείας ήταν δύο: ο πρώτος στόχος ήταν η προώθηση της ιδέας του εθελοντισμού ανάμεσα στους μαθητές του σχολείου και ο δεύτερος η προστασία του περιβάλλοντος από άχρηστο πλαστικό υλικό. Οι μαθητές του σχολείου μας συμμετείχαν στην εκστρατεία με ενθουσιασμό και κατάφεραν να μαζέψουν χιλιάδες πλαστικά πώματα. Τα πλαστικά πώματα παραδόθηκαν στις 21.01.201 στις ανάλογες αρχές για να σταλούν για ανακύκλωση. Ως αντάλλαγμα το σχολείο μας θα παραλάβει ένα τροχοκάθισμα για άτομα που το έχουν ανάγκη. Οι μαθητές του σχολείου μας έδειξαν για ακόμη μια φορά την αλληλεγγύη τους για τους πάσχοντες συνανθρώπους μας και το μεγάλο τους ενδιαφέρον για την προστασία του φυσικού μας περιβάλλοντος.

    Maria Theofanous-Anthi, διευθυντής σχολείου , Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou in Paphos

    In the Carpentry Workshop of the School

    On March, 2nd, 2017 the pupils of the 4th class from "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu, accompanied by Mrs. Gabriela Mirela Jugar, their primary level teacher and the "Ecological Literacy" Erasmus+ project coordinator have particped during the optional course "Our Town"at an opened activity in the carpentry workshop of the school. The carpenter showed the pupils what tools he uses to build a wardrobe, a table, even a stool, furniture necessary to the pupils in the development of the classes. Towards the end of the activity we learned how to recondition some wooden objects, a particular stage of work from the activity of a carpenter, through which we acquired knowledge about the necessity of retrofitting objects and the benefit of this on the environment. The pupils, members of the project team were very happy and the school leadership congratulated them for their ideas, drawn from what they learned in the carpentry workshop.

    Gabriela Mirela Jugar, ELIT project coordinator, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    În atelierul de tâmplărie al școlii

    În data de 2 martie 2017, elevii clasei a IV-a de la Liceul Teoretic „Constantin Noica” Sibiu , însoțiți de d-na Gabriela Mirela Jugar, învățătoarea lor și coordonatoarea proiectului Erasmus+ „Alfabetizare Ecologică” au particpat în timpul orei de opțional „Orașul nostru” la o activitate deschisă în atelierul de tâmplărie al școlii. Tâmplarul le-a arătat elevilor ce instrumente folosește pentru a construi un dulap, o măsuță, chiar și un scăunel, mobilier necesar elevilor în desfășurarea orelor. Spre sfârșitul activității am învățat și cum să recondiționăm anumite obiecte din lemn, o etapă de lucru deosebită din activitatea unui tâmplar, prin care ne-am însușit cunoștințele despre necesitatea recondiționării unor obiecte și beneficiul acestui lucru asupra mediului înconjurător. Elevii, membri ai echipei de proiect, au fost foarte încântați, iar conducerea școlii i-a felicitat pentru ideile lor, desprinse din ceea ce au învățat în atelierul de tâmplărie.

    Marius Macrea, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu


    “Ecological Literacy” project workgroup presentation team realized a project meeting to introduce the project and to create awareness among little pupils in class 4-E of Yunus Emre Primary School on Wednesday, March the 8th. As it was stated on the application form, creating awareness about environment among society, increasing the usage of renewable energy sources and supporting 3R are our primary targets. In doing this, it is our priority to penetrate young pupils as much as possible. We believe that the earlier people become environment conscious, the more long-lasting and effective it will be. So, ecological detectives made a presentation for primary school pupils to share good practices from the very beginning to present day as well as the introduction of the project. The best way of learning is to repeat and to try to teach. Ecological detectives, by sharing good practices with primary school pupils, both reiterated what they had learned, enjoyed being teachers and helped creating awareness about renewable energy sources. We would like to thank M. Sakir ULUDAG, the headmaster, his deputies, Fatih COLAK, teacher of 4-E and Tarkan ARTAN, English teacher who kindly welcomed, hosted us and technologically supported during and after presentations on behalf of our team.

    Suna Düğünyurdu, teacher, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu 


    “Ecological Literacy” çalışma grubu sunum ekibi, 08.03.2017 Çarşamba günü, proje tanıtımı yapmak ve minik öğrencileri konu hakkında bilinçlendirmek amacıyla Yunus Emre İlkokulu 4-E sınıfında bir proje toplantısı gerçekleştirdiler. Başvuru formunda da belirtildiği üzere, toplumda çevre bilinci uyandırılması, yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarına yönelmenin artırılması ve 3R kullanımının özendirilmesi projenin temel hedeflerindendir. Bunu yaparken de toplumda mümkün olduğu kadar genç nüfusa etki etmek önceliğimizdir. İnsanlarda çevre bilinci ne kadar erken oluşturulursa, etkisin de o kadar uzun ve kalıcı olduğuna inanmaktayız. Bu amaçla, ekolojik detektifler, ilkokul öğrencilerine proje tanıtımıyla birlikte proje başlangıcından günümüze dek yaptıklarını anlatan, iyi uygulamaları paylaştıkları bir sunum yaptılar. Öğrenmenin en iyi yolu, tekrar etmek ve öğretmeye çalışmaktır. Ekolojik detektifler, iyi uygulamalarını minik dostlarıyla paylaşarak hem kendi bilgilerini pekiştirdiler ve öğretmenlik yapmanın keyfine vardılar hem de öğrencilerde çevre bilinci ve yenilenebilir enerji kullanımı hususunda farkındalık oluşmasına yardımcı oldular. Sunum esnasında ve sonrasında bizi nazikçe ağırlayan, her türlü kolaylığı sağlayan başta Okul Müdürü Mehmet Şakir ULUDAĞ ve müdür yardımcıları olmak üzere, 4-E sınıf öğretmeni Fatih ÇOLAK ve bize her türlü teknolojik desteği sağlayan İngilizce Öğretmeni Tarkan ARTAN’A ekibimiz adına teşekkür ederiz.

    Müberra Durak, öğretmen, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu  


    On 20 April 2017, determination to preserve the environment joined together both students and the members of Lithuanian Parliament who had gathered in the national lesson "Eco Ideas for Lithuania 2017”, traditionally organized by PrezidentoValdo Adamkus Gymnasium, the founder and coordinator of ECO Schools Network in Lithuania and the first Lithuanian educational institution that decided to implement environmental education and environmental technology concept. More than five hundred participants took part in the eco ideas fair. Senior students of the gymnasium presented their created and published books, medicinal plants and made healthy smoothies, while the primary students fascinated everyone presenting the benefits of pumpkin and carrot chips, aloe vera and herbal plants to the event guests, i.e. Chancellor of the Ministry of Education, Tomas Daukantas, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Environment, Martynas Norbutas. During the event "Eco Ideas for Lithuania 2017", the second meeting of Lithuanian ECO Schools Network took place, during which the institutions agreed on joint environmental schemes and further operational guidelines. Rita Rasikienė, Head of Prezidento Valdo Adamkaus Gymnasium, expressed hope that the expanding Eco schools network will be a strong power drawing people’s attention to environmental threats and seeking a real and positive change in various environmental fields. Plant Exchange Fair which was also presented in the competition “Kuriame Lietuvą!”, (We Create Lithuania Ourselves) gave people a lot of positive emotions as well. Both the organizers of the event and the guests from all over Lithuania had the opportunity to exchange their plants, and the bravest ones were offered the change to check their knowledge and win their favourite plant. The visitors admitted that plant exchange not only is an opportunity to improve the interior or home environment, but also to share positivity and joyful spring mood.

    Andzelika Andreikeniene, Erasmus+ school coordinator, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas

    Eko idėjos Lietuvai 2017

    Ryžtas išsaugoti mus supančią aplinką š.m. balandžio 20d. apjungė tiek mokinius,tiek seimo narius, susirinkusius į nacionalinę pamoką „EKO idėjos Lietuvai 2017“, kurią tradiciškai organizavo Prezidento Valdo Adamkaus gimnazija - Lietuvos EKO mokyklų tinklo įkūrėja ir koordinatorė bei pirmoji įstaiga Lietuvoje, pasirinkusi įgyvendinti ekologijos ir aplinkos technologijų ugdymo sampratą. Kol vyresniųjų klasių gimnazistai pristatė savo pačių sukurtas ir išleistas knygas, maišė sveikuoliškus kokteilius, aptarinėjo vaistinius augalus, renginio svečiams Švietimo ir mokslo ministerijos kancleriui Tomui Daukantui, LR Aplinkos viceministrui Martynui Norbutui apie, moliūgų ir morkų traškučius, alijošiaus naudą žmogaus sveikatai, vaistinės arbatos privalumus su užsidegimu pasakoję pradinukai nepaliko abejingų. Renginio metu pasisemti gerosios patirties eko idėjų mugėje, eko produktų dirbtuvėse, pranešimų sekcijose galėjo daugiau nei penki šimtai renginio dalyvių. Nacionalinės pamokose „EKO idėjos Lietuvai 2017“ metu įvyko antrasis Lietuvos EKO mokyklų tinklo suvažiavimas, kurio metu įstaigos susitarė dėl bendro aplinkosauginių veiklų plano įgyvendinimo, numatė tolimesnes veiklos gaires. Prezidento Valdo Adamkaus gimnazijos direktorė Rita Rasikienė išsakė viltį, kad besiplečiantis Lietuvos EKO mokyklų tinklas - svari jėga, atkreipianti visuomenės dėmesį į ekologines grėsmes ir siekianti neabejotinai realių bei teigiamų pokyčių įvairiose gamtosaugos srityse. Daug teigiamų emocijų suteikė apsilankymas „Augalų mainų mugėje“, kurios idėją renginio šeimininkai pristatė ir pilietinių iniciatyvų konkursui „Kuriame Lietuvą!“. Augalais dalijosi ne tik renginio organizatoriai, bet ir svečiai iš visos Lietuvos, o drąsiausi turėjo galimybę pasitikrinti savo žinias sudalyvaujant viktorinoje ir laimint labiausiai patikusį augalą. Lankytojai pripažino, kad augalų mainai – tai ne tik galimybė atnaujinti interjerą ar namų aplinką, pagilinti žinias, bet ir dalijimasis pozityvumu, džiugia pavasario nuotaika.

    Rita Rasikiene, mokyklos direktorius, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas