

    The Dissemination of the 1st Transnational Meeting in Sibiu City, Romania

    Between 14 to 20 November 2016, within the Erasmus+ project entitled by us “Ecological Literacy”, it was held at “Constantin Noica” Theoretical High School from Sibiu the first transnational meeting of the school partnership, attended by two representatives of each Erasmus+ partner school, the coordinators and the headmasters or their teams’ teachers. Thus, the thematic activities were conducted thoroughly in the host high school, according the pre-established schedule, which was sent a month before to the five European partner schools from Turkey, Lithuania, Croatia, Portugal and Cyprus. On Monday, October 14, 2016, two teachers of “Constantin Noica” High School waited the ten participants at each of the airports from Bucharest and Sibiu. Once arriving to a hotel in the city, the Romanian project team was preoccupied to the accommodation of the guests and the preparation of the necessary details for the following day, when the opening of the transnational meeting was officially held, in the hall from the high school’s main entrance. Therefore, on Tuesday, October 15, 2016, the project team of the host high school has welcomed the guest teachers with bread and salt, according to the folk tradition and the pupils of the fourth class offered to each of them a beautiful bunch of flowers. There followed the exciting opening speeches of the school inspector for primary level education of the Sibiu County School Board, Ms. Diana Bucuţă, of the headmaster in "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School from Sibiu, Mr. Mihai Victorin Ordean and that of this whole Erasmus+ project coordinator, Mrs. Gabriela Mirela Jugar. The headmaster of the high school and the coordinator have offered to guests gifts of welcome and invited them to watch a short artistic show of folk dances specific to the region, prepared by the pupils of the 1st class, under the guidance of their primary level teacher, Mrs. Emilia Dragomir and a short musical montage prepared by the pupils of the classes V-XII, directed by Mrs. Alina Mihoc, their Music teacher. After these particularly charming artistic shows, we made together a tour of the high school and invited our guests to attend demonstrative lessons of History, Chemistry, Computer science, sustained by the pupils involved in this project Erasmus+ of school partnership, guided by the teachers Mircea Botis, Ramona Ciortea and Lidia Platon. At the thematic workshops that followed to these lessons, the guests could admire the artistry of the children of primary level, guided by their teachers (Maria Rosca, Marilena Albăstroiu and Madalina Sporis), in manufacturing of some ingenious wind rattles made of paper, representing the flags of the Erasmus+ partner countries. As set out in the Application Form, in the afternoon, all project partners presented their schools, cities and countries through video materials or made in PowerPoint and organized the international contest for choosing the project logo, by selecting one of the three winning drawings in the local contests of every country. The winning drawing was, of mutual agreement, one belonging to a pupil from Cyprus. On Wednesday, November 16, 2016, all guest partners and several members of the host team made in the morning a documentary visit to Water Canal Society from Sibiu City, in order to learn about interesting topics in the project, like the waste water treatment. In the afternoon, a new reunion held at school for project management sessions, at which attended, along with the guests, the coordinator, the headmaster of the high school and the deputy headmaster, Mr. Marius Macrea. There followed a tour of the old Sibiu City, the historical explanations being given to the Erasmus+ guest teachers by the History teacher of the host high school. Besides, all of them were delighted to go on the so-called "Liars Bridge", having time for socializing. On Thursday, November 17, 2016, we had two documentary visits, one to the Forestry Department Sibiu and another one to the artificial dam "The Mouth of the River". The entire team then had lunch at a pension with Romanian specific in Mouth River Village. In the same day afternoon, another project meeting held at school, planning the week of each mobility, sharing DVDs with our presentations, models of plan lessons and other project documents, talking about the next mobility to be held in Cyprus. To evening, the European partners were assisted to purchase souvenirs in Sibiu for the Erasmus+ Corner. On Friday, November 18, 2016, the project team met at school to see a play in English about the environmental protection, acted by the pupils trained by Ms. Penelopa Stancă, English teacher and an eco costumes parade of the pupils guided by Ms. Raluca Teglas. This program was followed by a scheduled documentary visit to Astra Museum Sibiu and Dumbrava Forest and another to Bran Castle, Dracula's realm, at the request of the project partners. In the evening we went to Christmas Fair in the Great Square of Sibiu. On Saturday, November 19, 2016, the coordinator of the project Erasmus + "Ecological Literacy", with the acronym ELIT, and the headmasters of the host high school organized in the morning the ceremony of granting certificates of participation in this first transnational meeting to all guest partners and certificates of activity for everyone involved in the action, both guests and hosts. In the afternoon, we went together to Săliste, where we visited the local museum and the first Transylvanian school, involving the director of the museum, Mr. Marius Boromiz, a good collaborator of the host high school in various educational partnerships. In the evening, the festive farewell party was organized at a pension from Sibiel Village. On Sunday, November 20, 2016, the guest partners in the Erasmus+ project "Ecological Literacy" were led to the airports they arrived. It was, of course, an emotional moment after a fruitful collaboration. The project team looks forward to reviewing in Cyprus.


    Gabriela Mirela Jugar, ELIT project coordinator, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Diseminarea primei întâlniri transnaționale în orașul Sibiu, România

    În perioada 14-20 noiembrie 2016, în cadrul proiectului Erasmus+ “Ecological Literacy”, s-a desfăşurat la Liceul Teoretic „Constantin Noica” din orașul Sibiu prima întâlnire transnaţională din cadrul parteneriatului nostru şcolar, la care au participat câte doi profesori din fiecare şcoală europeană parteneră Erasmus, respectiv coordonatorii şi directorii acestora. Activităţile noastre tematice s-au derulat într-un mod minuţios, conform programului prestabilit de noi şi trimis deja partenerilor noștri europeni din Turcia, Lituania, Croaţia, Portugalia şi Cipru. Luni, 14 octombrie 2016, câte doi profesori ai Liceului Teoretic „Constantin Noca” i-au aşteptat la aeroporturile din orașele Bucureşti şi Sibiu pe cei 10 participanţi. Ajunşi la un hotel din localitatea gazdă a întâlnirii, echipa română de proiect s-a ocupat de cazarea tuturor oaspeţilor în Sibiu şi de pregătirea detaliilor pentru a doua zi, când oficial a avut loc deschiderea acestei întâlniri, în holul de la intrarea principală a liceului nostru. Astfel, marţi, 15 octombrie 2016, echipa de proiect a liceului teoretic şi-a întâmpinat profesorii oaspeţi cu pâine şi sare, conform tradiţiei noastre populare iar elevii din ciclul primar le-au înmânat tuturor profesorilor câte un frumos buchet de flori. Au urmat apoi discursurile de deschidere ale inspectorului şcolar pentru învăţământul primar, d-na Diana Bucuţă, directorului Liceului „Constantin Noica", d-l Mihai Victorin Ordean şi coordonatoarei proiectului, d-na Gabriela Mirela Jugar. Directorul liceului şi coordonatoarea le-au oferit oaspeţilor cadouri de bunvenit şi i-au invitat să urmărească un scurt program artistic de dansuri populare specifice regiunii, pregătit de elevii clasei I, sub îndrumare d-nei învăţător Emilia Dragomir şi un scurt montaj muzical pregătit de elevii claselor V-XII, îndrumaţi de d-na Alina Mihoc, profesoara lor de muzică. După aceste deosebit de încântătoare programe artistice, s-a făcut un tur al şcolii şi s-a asistat la lecţii demonstrative de istorie, chimie, informatică, susţinute de elevii implicaţi în acest proiect Erasmus+ de parteneriat şcolar, îndrumaţi de profesorii Mircea Botiş, Ramona Ciortea şi Lidia Platon. La atelierele tematice ce au urmat acestor lecţii, oaspeţii au putut admira măiestria copiilor din ciclul primar, îndrumaţi de învăţătoarele lor (Maria Roşca, Marilena Albăstroiu şi Mădălina Sporiş), în confecţionarea unor ingenioase morişti din hârtie, reprezentând steagurile ţărilor partenere. Conform celor prevăzute în Formularul de Aplicaţie, după-amiază toţi partenerii de proiect şi-au prezentat şcolile, oraşele şi ţările prin materiale video sau realizate în PowerPoint şi au organizat concursul internaţional pentru alegerea logoului proiectului, selectând unul dintre cele trei desene câştigătoare în concursurile locale din fiecare ţară. Desenul câştigător a fost unul aparţinând unui elev din Cipru. Miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2016, toţi partenerii oaspeţi şi câţiva membri ai echipei gazdă au făcut dimineaţă o vizită de documentare la S.C. Apă-Canal S.A. Sibiu. După-amiază a avut loc o reîntâlnire la școală pentru sesiuni de management proiect, la care au participat alături de oaspeţi coordonatorul, directorul liceului şi directorul adjunct, d-l Marius Macrea. A urmat apoi un tur al Sibiului vechi, explicaţiile istorice fiind date oaspeţilor de profesorul de istorie al liceului. Joi, 17 noiembrie 2016, s-au derulat două vizite de documentare, una la Direcția Silvică Sibiu şi alta la Barajul Artificial Gura Râului. Întreaga echipă a luat apoi prânzul la o pensiune cu specific românesc din satul Gura Râului. În după-amiaza aceleiaşi zile, a avut loc la liceu o nouă reuniune de proiect pentru planificarea săptămânilor mobilităților, împărtășirea de DVD-uri cu prezentările școlilor, modele de planuri de lecție și alte documente utile proiectului şi discutarea următoarei mobilități, care va avea loc în Cipru anul viitor. Spre seară partenerii europeni au fost ajutaţi să procure în Sibiu suveniruri pentru Colțul Erasmus+. Vineri, 18 noiembrie 2016, echipa de proiect s-a reunit la şcoală pentru a urmări o scenetă în limba engleză despre protecţia mediului înconjurător, ce a fost interpretată de elevii pregătiţi de profesoara lor de engleză, d-na Penelopa Stancă şi o paradă a costumelor eco, oferită de elevii îndrumaţi de prof. Raluca Teglaș. Acest program a fost urmat de o vizită documentară la Muzeul Astra Sibiu şi Pădurea Dumbrava, prevăzute în program, şi una în plus, la Castelul Bran, tărâmul lui Dracula, la cererea partenerilor de proiect. Seara s-a mers la Târgul de Crăciun din Piaţa Mare a Sibiului. Sâmbătă, 19 noiembrie 2016, coordonatorul proiectului Erasmus+ "Ecological Literacy", cu acronimul ELIT, și directoii liceului gazdă au organizat dimineaţă o ceremonie de acordare a certificatelor de participare la această primă întâlnire transnaţională din cadrul proiectului tuturor partenerilor oaspeţi şi a certificatelor de activitate pentru toţi cei implicaţi în acţiune, atăt oaspeţi, căt şi gazde. După-amiază au mers împreună la Săliște, unde au vizitat muzeul local şi prima școală românească, cu implicarea directorului Liceului din Săliște, d-l Marius Boromiz, un bun colaborator al liceului gazdă Erasmus, în diverse parteneriate educaţionale. Seara a avut loc cina festivă de despărțire de partenerii europeni, organizată la Pensiunea Bunicilor din Sibiel. Duminică, 20 noiembrie 2016, partenerii din proiectul Erasmus+ "Ecological Literacy au fost conduşi la cele două aeroporturi la care au sosit. A fost, fireşte, un moment emoţionant, după o colaborare fructuoasă. Echipa de proiect aşteaptă cu nerăbdare revederea în Cipru.


    Mihai Victorin Ordean, director, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica " Sibiu

    Dissemination through Mass Communication Devices

    We believe that the most effective means to disseminate the project and all other activities is to use the tools of mass communication. So we intend to use social, written and visual media intensively. All the activities performed in Vali M. Lutfullah Bilgin Secondary School are transferred to media pool on monthly basis and published mainly in local media and sometimes national media accounts. Apart from these, Umut UYSALER, project coordinator, writes articles on his blog in the most visited blog page of a newspaper in Turkey and the second most visited in Europe. In the meantime, a twitter account and YouTube channel for the service of both us and our partners have been created.

    Fatma Karadoğan, teacher, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    Kitle iletişim araçları vasitasiyla yaygınlaştırma

    Erasmus+ “Ecological Literacy” projesi kapsamında yapılan etkinliklerin ve projenin yaygınlaştırılması için en etkili yolun kitle iletişim araçlarını kullanmak olduğuna inanıyoruz. Bu amaçla yazılı ve görsel basın ile sosyal medya hesaplarını yoğun olarak kullanmaktayız. Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu’nda yapılan tüm çalışmalar aylık olarak medya havuzuna aktarılmakta ve buradan çeşitli yerel ve ulusal sitelerde yayınlanmaktadır. Bunların dışında, proje koordinatörümüz Umut Uysaler, Avrupa’nın ikinci, Türkiye’nin en çok ziyaret edilen gazetesinin blog sayfasında her ay proje ile ilgili makaleler yazmaktadır. Aynı zamanda, proje adına tüm ortaklarımızın da kullanabileceği bir twitter hesabı ve youtube kanalı açılmıştır.

    Suna Düğünyurdu, öğretmen, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    Presenting Ecological Literacy Project at the National Exhibition

    President Valdo Adamkaus Gymnasium was invited to develop and show various activities to Lithuanian teachers and pupils at the educational exhibition SCHOOL 2016, taking place in Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO on 25-26 November. Collaborating with Aleksandras Stulginskis University and Vikilabas public institution, the gymnasium organized innovative activities based on exploration and STEAM topics. They included: 1. The Fair of Ideas for Teachers; 2. An Apple! What lies in it?; 3. The Secrets of Light and Colours. Special atmosphere, intellectual debates promoting interest in the world of science and innovation as well as creativity and research filled the rooms of the exhibition. At the exhibition, gymnasium’s geography teacher Vita Kuliešiūtė also presented the international project "Ecological Literacy", its objectives, the participating countries (Lithuania, Romania, Croatia, Portugal, Turkey and Cyprus), and expected results. In addition, the meeting of STEAM schools and the representatives of STEAM Open Access Centres took place, during which our gymnasium presented their expertise, future activities and their coordination, future expectations as well as the possibilities of cooperation. National educational exhibition SCHOOL 2016 provides an opportunity to gain new ideas, share your own ideas, make new contacts and share experiences about ongoing international projects.

    Andzelika Andreikeniene, Erasmus+ school coordinator, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas

    Ekologinis raštingumas pristatymas respublikineje parodoje

    Lapkričio 25–26 dienomis Lietuvos parodų ir kongresų centre „Litexpo“ respublikinėje  švietimo parodoje  „MOKYKLA 2016“gimnazija pakviesta pristatyti ir vykdyti veiklas visos Lietuvos mokytojams ir mokiniams. Gimnazija, bendradarbiaudama su Aleksandro Stulginskio universitetu, VŠĮ „Vikilabas“,  per dvi parodos dienas surengė inovatyvias veiklas, paremtas tyrinėjimu ir STEAM mokomaisiais dalykais. Tai: 1. IDĖJŲ MUGĖ MOKYTOJAMS; 2. OBUOLYS! KAS SLYPI JAME?; 3. ŠVIESOS IR SPALVŲ PASLAPTYS. Ypatinga atmosfera, intelektualios diskusijos, skatinančios domėtis mokslo pasauliu, inovacijomis, kūryba ir tyrinėjimai „Atradimų laboratorijoje“. Taip pat parodos metu mūsų gimnazijos geografijos mokytoja V.Kuliešiūtė pristate tarptautinį projektą “Ecological literacy”, jo tikslus, dalyvaujančias šalis (Lietuva, Rumunija, Kroatija, Portugalija, Turkija ir Kipras), bei laukiamus rezulatus. Čia vyko ir  STEAM mokyklų ir STEAM Atviros prieigos centrų atstovų susitikimas, kuriame mūsų gimnazija pristatė savo patirtį, buvo  aptariamos tolimesnės planuojamos veiklos, jų koordinavimas, mokyklų lūkesčiai, bendradarbiavimo galimybes. Respublikinė švietimo paroda MOKYKLA 2016  suteikia galimybę kiekvienam pasisemti naujų idėjų,  savas  pateikti kitiems, užmegzti naujas pažintis ir  bendradarbiauti, pasidalint patirtimi apie vykstančius tarpautinius projektus.

    Vita Kuliešiūt, mokytojas, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas

    ELIT presented at professional meetings ŽSV SCHOOL librarian

    Dubravka Kečkeš, school teacher and Ivana Ruzic, teacher of computer science at the County Professional Council of school librarian in Međimurje County held on 2 December 2016 in the gymnasium J. W. Slavic Čakovec presented the project Erasmus + Ecological Lliteracy. Gathered are acquainted with the project, partners, the role of our schools in the project, planned project objectives and outcomes. They presented the activities developed as part of this project, such as: painting bag, making eco pictures, films, posters, postcards, marking World Day of the apple, International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, European Car Free Day. Presentation is on the project role and importance in the development of digital competence, language skills and competences for lifelong learning students and teachers. Also, in the project contributes to the development of creativity and innovation, cooperation, responsibility, initiative, development of experiential learning, transfer of knowledge, critical thinking, meta-cognition and non-conformity.

    Petar Ovčar, učenik, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    ELIT predstavljen na stručnom skupu ŽSV školskih knjižnjičara

    Dubravka Kečkeš, školska pedagoginja i Ivana Ružić, učiteljica informatike su na Županijskom stručnom vijeću školskih knjižnjičara u Međimurskoj županiji održanom 2. prosinca 2016. u Gimnaziji J. Š. Slavenski u Čakovcu predstavile projekt Erasmus+ Ecological literacy. Okupljene su upoznale sa projektom, projektnim partnerima, ulogom naše škole u projektu, planiranim ciljevima i ishodima projekta. Predstavljene su aktivnosti provedene kao dio ovog projekta poput: oslikavanja vrećica, izrada eko slika, filmova, plakata, razglednica, obilježavanje Svjetskog dana jabuka, Međunarodnog dana zaštite ozonskog omotača, Europskog dana bez automobila, itd. Predstavljena je uloga i značaj projekta u razvoju digitalnih kompetencija, jezičnih kompetencija i kompetencija za cjeloživotno učenje učenika i učitelja. Također, rad u projektu doprinosi razvoju kreativnosti i inovativnosti, suradnje, odgovornosti, preuzimanju inicijative, razvoju iskustvenog učenja, transferu znanja, kritičkog razmišljanja, metakognicije i nekonformizma.

    Lara Topolnjak,učenik, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    ERASMUS+ ELIT Short-term exchange of students in Croatia

    First Primary School Čakovec was a host of the second short-term exchange of students in the Erasmus+ project Ecological Literacy (ELIT) from 23rd till 29th April 2017. In this short-term exchange, there were students and their teachers from partner schools in Portugal, Cyprus, Romania, Turkey and Lithuania. For guests and members of project team Erasmus+ ELIT in our school, the hosts prepared a programme for seven day filled with activities in which they can learn and teach each other to develop international partnership and innovation in education, exchange of experiences and examples of good practice, learn about history, culture and the tradition of our region. Participants in the short-term exchange of students took part in six different workshops: molding and 3D studies, traditional games and dances, recycling clothes, making ties, making decorative objects from natural materials and old things. In the district school Novo Selo Rok all guests, students, teachers and parents took part in a lecture about eco garden and exchange of seeds, in planting about fifteen apple trees in the school garden, after which they also took part in tradicional games and tasting of traditional foods and cakes. They also got to know solar power plants, their possibility of production electricity, visited company/factory Tehnix which is the leader in this part of Europe in protection and keeping the environment safe, got to know the importance and meaning of regional park Mura-Drava, museum of Međimurje, etno collection in Donji Vidovec, traditional crafts of Međimurje (washing out gold, mill on Mura, making baskets) etc. For all the participants a study trip to Zagreb, Trakošćan and Varaždin was organized, getting to know town Čakovec with expert tourguide, reception by the mayor of the town of Čakovec Stjepan Kovač, taking part in the programme of the Međimurje county  day etc. Rowing on river Drava, team building in adrenaline park Accredo and visit to Sveti Martin na Muri, enabled the guests to get to know and expirience the natural beauties of our area with development in team work and team spirit. Guest from partner schools presneted their schools, towns, regions and countries through multimedia  presentations, movies and a taste of traditional sweets! For all the participants there was also a formal presentation of certificants for taking a part in the activities. All the guests, parents, students and teachers from the project team got a chance to spend a pleasant time on the last evening with a dinner and a dance as a nice way to say goodbye!


    Sinisa Stricak, headmaster, l. osnovna skola Cakovec


    I. osnovna škola Čakovec od 23. do 29. travnja 2017. godine bila je domaćin druge kratkoročne razmjene učenika u projektu Erasmus+ Ecological literacy (ELIT). Na kratkoročnoj razmjeni učenika uz domaćine sudjelovali su učenici i njihovi učitelji iz partnerskih škola u Portugalu, Cipru, Rumunjskoj, Turkoj i Litvi. Za goste i članove projektnog tima Erasmus+ ELIT u našoj školi, domaćini su pripremili sedmodnevno druženje, aktivnosti učenja i poučavanja sa ciljem razvoja međunarodne suradnje i inovacija u obrazovanju, razmjene iskustava i primjera dobre prakse, upoznavanje povijesti, kulture i tradicije naše regije. Sudionici kratkoročne razmjene učenika sudjelovali su u šest različitih radionica: 3D modeliranje i 3D ispis, tradicionalne igre i plesovi, recikliranje odjeće, izrada kravata, izrada dekorativnih predmeta od prirodnih materijala i starih stvari. U PŠ Novo Selo Rok svi gosti, učenici, učitelji i roditelji sudjelovali su na stručnom predavanju o eko vrtu i razmjeni sjemenja, sudjelovali su u sadnji petnaestak stabala jabuka u školskom vrtu, a druženje su nastavili uz igranje tradicionalnih igara i kušanje tradicionalnih kolača. Sudionici su upoznali solarne elektrane, njihove prednosti mogućnosti u proizvodnji električne energije, posjetili su i upoznali tvornicu Tehnix koja je lider u ovom dijelu Europe u zaštiti i očuvanju okoliša, upoznali značaj i karakteristike regionalnog parka Mura - Drava, Muzej Međimurja, etno zbirku u Donjem Vidovcu, tradicionalne obrte Međimurja (ispiranje zlata, mlin na Muri, košarašstvo) itd. Za sve sudionike organizirano je i studijsko putovanje u Zagreb, Trakošćan i Varaždin, upoznavanje Grada Čakovca uz stručno vodstvo turističkog vodiča, prijem kod gradonačelnika Grada Čakovca Stjepana Kovača, sudjelovanje u programu obilježavanja dana Međimurske županije itd. Spust na rijeci Dravi, team building u adrenalinskom parku Accredo i posjet Svetom Martinu na Muri, omogućili su upoznavanje i potpuni doživljaj prirodnih ljepota našeg kraja uz razvoj timskog rada i zajedništva. Gosti iz partnerskih škola su predstavili svoje škole, gradove, regije i države kroz multimedijalne prezentacije, filmove i kušanje tradicionalnih slastica. Za sve sudionike priređena je i svečana podjela certifikata za sudjelovanje u aktivnostima, a svi gosti, roditelji, učenici i učitelji projektnog tima okupili su se na  zajedničkom druženju uz večeru i ples.

    Marija Toplek, učitelj, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Video Disseminating the Transnational Meeting in Turkey

    At the end of each Erasmus+ mobility or transnational meeting we made together its dissemination, either in video or in PPT. This project result was used by all of us in the meetings we had in our school, translating its message in our native language to be better understood by our audience. The video disseminating the transnational meeting in Turkey describes the most important events developed between 27 May and 2 June 2018. It was our third transnational meeting, aimed especially to prepare the Final Report, the first being in Romania in 2016, aimed to establish all details of implementing the project, the second in Portugal in 2017, aimed firstly to prepare the Interim Report. The texts describing the facts were according the agenda of the meeting. The photos selected to be part of this video shows suggestively the beauty of the places visited and the involvement of all participant teachers, two from each country, in the seminars or workshops organized by the host school from Gaziantep City.


    Fatma Karadoğan, teacher, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    Türkiye'de Ulusaşırı Toplantının Yaygınlaştırılması

    Her Erasmus+ hareketliliğinin ya da ulusaşırı toplantının sonunda, ya videoda ya da PPT'de yayılmasını yaptık. Bu proje sonucu, okulumuzda yaptığımız toplantılarda hepimiz tarafından kullanıldı, mesajımızı ana dilimize çevirerek dinleyicilerimiz tarafından daha iyi anlaşıldı. Ülkemizdeki uluslarüstü toplantıyı yaygınlaştıran video, 27 Mayıs - 2 Haziran 2018 arasında geliştirilen en önemli olayları anlatıyor. Bu, özellikle 2016 yılında Romanya'da ilk olan Final Raporu'nu hazırlamayı amaçlayan üçüncü uluslararası toplantımız oldu. Projenin hayata geçirilmesi, ikincisi Portekiz'de ikinci olarak, Ara Raporun hazırlanmasını amaçladı. Olayları açıklayan metinler toplantı gündemine göre yapıldı. Bu videonun bir parçası olarak seçilen fotoğraflar, ziyaret edilen yerlerin güzelliğini ve her bir ülkeden iki katılımcı öğretmeninin Gaziantep Kenti'nin ev sahibi okulunun düzenlediği seminer veya çalıştaylarda yer aldığını göstermektedir.

    Hulusi Gürbüz, okul müdürü, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu