Pupils' Mobilities

  • The Number of Pupils for Mobility

    According to mutual agreement between the coordinators of the six partner schools in the Erasmus+ project 2016-2018 „Ecological Literacy”, we established the number of pupils involved by us in the learning/teaching/training activities. The Romanian team will send abroad 12 pupils, 4 pupils in each of the 3 host countries (Cyprus, Croatia and Lithuania) and it will receive 15 pupils (3 pupils from each of the other 5 partner countries). Turkey and Portugal are the countries without mobility; in these 2 countries there will be only transnational teachers meetings. Romania organizes both a mobility and a transnational meeting. That’s why Romania will send 4 pupils. Romania organizes a mobility instead of Latvia, which left the project, after approval. Turkey and Portugal will also send 12 pupils abroad, 3 pupils in each of the 4 host countries (Romania, Cyprus, Croatia and Lithuania). A number of 9 pupils from Croatia, Lithuania and Cyprus will go abroad and a number of 16 pupils will be received by these countries from the other 5 partner countries (4 from Romania and 3 from each of the other 4 countries). The pupils number obeys the Application Form and proves our good cooperation. Our pupils will show interest for the culture of all countries involved in this project. They will develop techniques for team working and adopt methods of learning through discovery, multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary boundaries to create a holistic approach. One of the most important objectives will be reached, namely the raising of their integration in the European community. They will write their impressions about the mobility in which they will participate, will create a booklet of poems about energy and environment, will achieve diagrams, statistics, graphics, costumes of recycled materials that they wear in parades, using also specific elements of national clothing, and will write essays about what people do in order to protect the environment. In addition, they will take part in debates on seminars, making even lists with their solutions on pollution theme and the authorized institutions they could send them to, will exchange some recipes of their national dishes or cakes, cooking according to them while they stay in their host families. Our pupils will search for different sources of information and do some materials according their personal learning style which they could not find in usual activities in school, such as: taking photos, tapes, searching the net, posting on a project website or visiting European partners’ school website. They will be free to experience and discover in differently, to meet science and cultural personalities from other countries on our planet with different scientific views.

    Gabriela Mirela Jugar, ELIT project coordinator, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Numărul elevilor pentru mobilități

    Conform acordului comun între coordonatorii celor șase școli partenere în proiectul Erasmus+ 2016-2018 "Alfabetizare Ecologică", am stabilit numărul de elevi implicați de noi în activitățile de învățare/predare/formare. Echipa română va trimite în străinătate 12 elevi, și anume 4 elevi în fiecare din cele 3 țări gazdă (Cipru, Croația și Lituania) și va primi 15 elevi (3 elevi din fiecare dintre celelalte 5 țări partenere). Turcia și Portugalia sunt țările fără mobilitate; în aceste 2 țări vor fi doar întâlniri transnaționale ale profesorilor. România organizează atât o mobilitate, cât și o întâlnire transnațională. De aceea, România va trimite 4 elevi. România organizează o mobilitate în locul Letoniei, care a părăsit proiectul, după aprobare. Turcia și Portugalia vor trimite de asemenea 12 elevi în străinătate, adică 3 elevi în fiecare din cele 4 țări gazdă (România, Cipru, Croația și Lituania). Un număr de 9 elevi din Croația, Lituania și Cipru vor merge în străinătate și un număr de 16 elevi vor fi găzduiți de către aceste țări din celelalte 5 țări partenere (4 din România și 3 din fiecare dintre celelalte 4 țări). Numărul de elevi respectă Formularul de Aplicație și dovedește buna noastră cooperare. Elevii noștri vor manifesta interes pentru cultura tuturor țărilor implicate în acest proiect. Ei vor dezvolta tehnici de lucru în echipă și vor adopta metode de învățare prin descoperire, limite multidisciplinare și trans-disciplinare pentru a crea o abordare holistică. Unul dintre cele mai importante obiective vor fi atinse, și anume ridicarea nivelului de integrare în comunitatea europeană. Ei vor scrie impresiile lor despre mobilitatea în care vor participa, vor crea o broșură de poezii despre energie și mediu, vor realiza diagrame, statistici, grafice, costume din materiale reciclate pe care le poartă la parade, folosind de asemenea elemente specifice costumului național, și vor scrie eseuri despre ceea ce fac oamenii pentru a proteja mediul înconjurător. În plus, ei vor participa la dezbateri în seminarii, făcând chiar liste cu soluțiile lor pe tema poluării și cu instituțiile abilitate cărora le-ar putea trimite aceste liste, vor face schimb unele rețete gastronomice cu mâncăruri sau prăjituri naționale, gătind conform acestora în timp ce stau în familiile lor gazdă. Elevii noștri vor căuta diferite surse de informații și vor realiza materiale, conform stilului lor personal de învățare, pe care nu le-ar putea găsi în activități uzuale în școală, cum ar fi: fotografieri, realizare de casete, căutare pe net, postare pe un site al proiectului sau vizitare site-urilor școlilor partenere europene. Ei vor fi liberi să experimenteze și să descopere în diferite moduri, să se întâlnească cu personalități culturale și științifice din alte țări de pe planeta noastră, ce au puncte de vedere științifice diferite.

    Adina Secu, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu

    The Agenda of the Mobility in Paphos, Cyprus

    In the Application Form we have established that the first short-term exchange of pupils to be in February and the host to be the partner school from Cyprus. During the transnational meeting in Romania, in November 2016, we have chosen the last week of February (19-25). Gymnasio Apostolou Pavlou has sent the programme of this mobility to partners since December 2016, looking forward to receive its guests. The date of February 19th is the day of the arrival of the participants in the International Airports from Paphos or Larnaca and Saturday, 25th February is the day of the Erasmus+ partners’ departure. The host school prepared in detail its agenda, including a welcome reception with the speeches of the school headmaster and project coordinator, an artistic show, a tour of the school, a work session with the presentation of the project activities (for September 2016 to January 2017), traditional games and a lot of documentary visits to Paphos Archaeological Museum, the Venetian bridge of “Tzelefos”, Amiantos Environmental Information Center, Troodos Botanical Garden “Α.G. Leventis”, Episkopi Environmental Information Centre, “Asprokremmos” Dam, the “Orites” Wind Farm, Kouklia (Palaepaphos), Limassol City, Saint Neofytos Monastery, Tombs of the Kings and Kato Paphos Archaeological Park. The guest pupils will be accommodated by their hosts families. In order to enforce their friendship they will eat together not only in host families or during trips, but also at school, one day (on Thursday, according to the schedule), having together a traditional lunch. The most exciting moments will be, certainly, that of awarding of the Attendance Certificates and of the Activity Certificates, and especially that of farewell.


    Demetris Symeonides, Erasmus+ school coordinator, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou Paphos

    Η Ατζέντα της κινητικότητας στην Πάφο, Κύπρος

    Στην φόρμα αίτησης καθορίσαμε η πρώτη ανταλλαγή μαθητών να γίνει τον Φεβρουάριο και ο οικοδεσπότης να είναι το συνεργαζόμενο σχολείο από την Κύπρο. Κατά τη κινητικότητα στη Ρουμανία, τον Νοέμβριο του 2016, επιλέξαμε την τελευταία εβδομάδα του Φεβρουαρίου (19-25). Το Γυμνάσιο Αποστόλου Παύλου έστειλε το πρόγραμμα για αυτή τη κινητικότητα από το Δεκέμβριο του 2016, ανυπομονώντας να έρθουν οι φιλοξενούμενοι του. Στις 19 Φεβρουαρίου θα έχουμε την άφιξη των συμμετεχόντων στο Διεθνές Αεροδρόμιο Πάφου ή σε αυτό της Λάρνακας και το Σάββατο 25 Φεβρουαρίου την αναχώρηση. Το σχολείο υποδοχής ετοίμασε το πρόγραμμα στο οποίο συμπεριλαμβάνεται μια μικρή εκδήλωση υποδοχής με σύντομες ομιλίες από τη Διευθύντρια και τον συντονιστή του προγράμματος, καλλιτεχνικό πρόγραμμα, ξενάγηση στο σχολείο, παρουσιάσεις των εργασιών του προγράμματος (για την περίοδο από το Σεπτέμβριο 2016 μέχρι και τον Ιανουάριο 2017), παραδοσιακά παιχνίδια και αρκετές εκπαιδευτικές επισκέψεις όπως στο Αρχαιολογικό μουσείο της Πάφου, την ενετική γέφυρα “Τζιελεφός”, το Περιβαλλοντικό κέντρο και τον βοτανικό κήπο του Τροόδους, το περιβαλλοντικό κέντρο Επισκοπής, τον υδατοφράκτη Ασπρόκρεμου, το αιολικό πάρκο, τον αρχαιολογικό χώρο στην Παλαίπαφο, την πόλη της Λεμεσού, το μοναστήρι το Αγίου Νεοφύτου, τους Τάφους των Βασιλέων και το Αρχαιολογικό Πάρκο της Πάφου. Οι μαθητές θα φιλοξενηθούν από οικογένειες Κύπριων μαθητών. Οι μαθητές, για να γνωριστούν καλύτερα μεταξύ τους, θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να γευματίσουν μαζί με τις οικογένειες που θα τους φιλοξενούν αλλά θα έχουν επίσης και ένα γεύμα με παραδοσιακά φαγητά στο σχολείο. Από τις συναρπαστικότερες στιγμές θα είναι χωρίς αμφιβολία η επίδοση των Πιστοποιητικών συμμετοχής αλλά και το αποχαιρετιστήριο δείπνο.


    Maria Theofanous-Anthi, διευθυντής του σχολείου, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou Paphos


    Erasmus+ ELIT team of teachers at the 1st Primary School Čakovec regularly conducts numerous activities with the aim of pupils recognizing, adopting and implementing in everyday life the responsible ways of behaviour to nature and its riches that it offers us. Cooperation and communication are the foundation of successful team work of the international project team of our school which is recognized and appreciated in the local community and educational community at a state level. We are enthusiastic in planning and preparing the learning and teaching activities which we will carry out from 23rd until 29th April 2017 when our school and town will be visited by our partners from Portugal, Cyprus, Romania, Turkey and Lithuania. The preparations for hosting our partners are in full swing, and planning, preparing and organizing activities are regularly discussed in project team's work meeting. During the visit of our partners at our school we will conduct a number of workshops on recycling, use of natural materials, learning about tradition and culture of our region. The pupils, teachers, parents, external associates and broader local community will actively participate in the workshops.

    Valerija Horvat, teacher, l. osnovna skola Cakovec


    Erasmus+ ELIT tim učitelja u I. osnovnoj školi Čakovec redovito provodi niz aktivnosti sa ciljem da učenici upoznaju, usvoje i u svakodnevnom životu primijenjuju odgovorne oblike ponašanja prema prirodi i bogatstvima koje nam priroda pruža. Suradnja i komunikacija temelj su uspješnog timskog rada međunarodnog projektnog tima naše škole koji je prepoznat i cijenjen u lokalnoj zajednici i obrazovnoj zajednici na državnoj razini. S posebnim entuzijazmom planiramo i pripremamo aktivnosti učenja i poučavanja koje ćemo provesti od 23. do 29. travnja 2017. godine kada će našu školu i grad posjetiti partneri iz Portugala, Cipra, Rumunjske, Turske i Litve. Pripreme za gostovanje naših partnera u punom su jeku, a aktivnosti planiranja, pripremanja i organiziranja se redovito dogovaraju na radnim sastancima projektnog tima. Prilikom gostovanja naših partnera u školi ćemo provesti niz radionica o recikliranju, korištenju prirodnih materijala, upoznavanju tradicije i kulture našeg kraja. U radionicama će aktivno sudjelovati učenicima, učitelji, roditelji, vanjskim suradnici i šira lokalna zajednica.

    Ivana Ružić, Erasmus+ koordinator projekta, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    The First Pupil Mobility in Cyprus

    The first Erasmus+ ELIT five-day mobility took place in Paphos, Cyprus on 19-25 February 2017. The 6th grader Salvija Antanaityte and the 7th graders Oresta Arbasauskaite and Steponas Mikalauskas were the first lucky ones that honorably won the competition and earned the possibility to go abroad. Six teams consisting of 3-4 students took part in the meeting. The sunny and unseasonably warm winter Monday morning started with the students and their teachers from Portugal, Lithuania, Turkey, Croatia, and Cyprus meeting at school, which began with the Cyprian traditional greeting of pouring olive oil on the palms and tasting the Cyprian bread. Later, the students and teachers enjoyed the Cypriot performances. After that, they had the opportunity to attend some lessons, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Economics and Music. It was a great chance to compare Lithuanian and foreign lessons. A short break was followed by a trip to Paphos central square, which is currently undergoing some construction since Paphos was declared the European Capital of Culture. We also visited the town hall and another gymnasium in Paphos. Tuesday morning began with the conference "Ecological Problems and Possible Solutions”. Presentations were held by the representatives of various institutions and students. After the conference the participants went to plant olive trees in the gymnasium’s yard. Hard work was followed by some rest: in the afternoon the whole delegation went to St. Neofyto monastery, which was built in XII century and is rich in history. On Wednesday morning, we were offered the trip to Episkopi environmental center to watch a movie about the fauna and flora, climate, geography of Cyprus. Later, we went hiking, where we admired the extraordinary scenery and tasted oranges. In the afternoon we visited the beautiful and tourist-friendly town of Limassol and in the evening we returned to Paphos. Thursday was as busy as the other days. The morning was started with the trip to Kannaviou dam, and later we visited one of the 50 wineries of Paphos - Ezousa winery, where we found out about wine production and maturation subtleties. The trip to the winery was followed by a trip to folklore and weaving museum, Fiti. The students were impressed by weaving art and could not stop getting surprised by the ways silk is produced. After lunch we went to the botanical garden and the Aphrodite cave, where the beauty and the love goddess Aphrodite is said to have a swim once. Last day of the mobility was also busy. In the morning students presented their videos about all the activities of the week. Later, the students and their teachers were awarded certificates of participation. In the afternoon we visited Kato archaeological park, where we heard the story of the ancient city. And everything was crowned with the evening carnival. It was really hard to say goodbye to everyone. Memories about the visited places and warm Cypriots definitely will not fade soon. The students sincerely thanked Rita Rasikiene, Head of the gymnasium, and Andzelika Andreikeniene, the English teacher, for the opportunity to participate in such a meaningful and wonderful project.

    Andzelika Andreikeniene, Erasmus+ school coordinator, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas

    Pirmasis mokinu mobilumas Kipre

    Pirmasis tarptautinio Erasmus+ projekto “Elit” mokinių trumpalaikis (5 dienų) mobilumas įvyko vasario 19-25 d. Kipre, Pafoso mieste. Trims, garbingai laimėjusiems atranką, Prezidento Valdo Adamkaus gimnazijos mokiniams - šeštokei Salvijai Antanaitytei bei septintokams Orestai Arbašauskaitei ir Steponui Mikalauskui - pirmiesiems pasisekė vykti į svetingą šalį. Saulėtą ir neįprastai šiltą vasario 20 d. rytą Kipre susitiko 6 delegacijos (jas sudarė po 3-4 mokinius) iš Rumunijos, Portugalijos, Lietuvos, Turkijos, Kroatijos ir Kipro. Svečių sutikimas prasidėjo tradiciniu kipriečių papročiu pilant alyvuogių aliejų į delnus ir ragaujant nacionalinės Kipro duonos. Vėliau mokiniai ir mokytojai grožėjosi kipriečių pasirodymu. Po renginio visi svečiai turėjo galimybę lankytis fizikos, chemijos, ekonomikos bei muzikos pamokose. Išties buvo be galo įdomu palyginti mokymą Lietuvoje ir svečioje šalyje. Tą pačią dieną projekto dalyviai patraukė į centrinę Pafoso aikštę, kurioje dar vyksta remonto darbai, kadangi miestas yra paskelbtas 2017 metų Europos kultūros sostine. Teko pasisvečiuoti ir miesto merijoje bei dar vienoje Pafoso gimnazijoje. Antradienį delegacijos dalyvavo konferencijoje „Ekologinės problemos ir galimi jų sprendimo būdai“. Mokiniai klausėsi įvairių institucijų atstovų bei bendraamžių pranešimų. Pasibaigus konferencijai visi draugiškai prisidėjo prie alyvmedžių giraitės sodinimo gimnazijos kieme. Tą dieną aplankytas Švento Neofyto vienuolynas, kuris pastatytas net XII a., paliko neišdildomą įspūdį. Trečią viešnagės dieną buvo numatytas apsilankymas Episkopi aplinkosaugos centre. Mokiniai žiūrėdami filmukus susipažino su Kipro fauna ir flora, klimato ir reljefo ypatumais. Kaipgi Kipre neaplankyti kalnų? Žygis pėsčiomis į kalnus, nepaprasto grožio kraštovaizdis, tiesiog nuo šakų nuskintų apelsinų skonis vertė ne kartą aikčioti iš nuostabos ir malonių pojūčių. Po pietų aplankytas ir gražus bei turistų gausiai lankomas Limassol miestas. Ketvirtadienis buvo užimtas ne ką mažiau nei kitos dienos. Giedras rytas prasidėjo išvyka prie įstabios Kannaviou užtvankos. Susidomėjimo sulaukė ekskursija po Ezousa vyno daryklą. O Fiti folkloro ir audimo muziejaus darbuotojai lankytojams atskleidė audimo meno paslaptis. Gilindamiesi į ekologinę projekto temą dalyviai vyko į Botanikos sodą, įkurtą prie Afroditės urvo, kuriame, kaip manoma, kadaise maudydavosi antikinė grožio ir meilės deivė. Svečiai net nepastebėjo, kaip kelionė priartėjo prie pabaigos. Paskutinę mobilumo dieną  mokiniai pristatė savo kūrybos filmuką, kuriame užfiksavo  visas neužmirštamos savaitės veiklas. Vėliau mokiniams ir jų mokytojams buvo įteikti projekto dalyvių sertifikatai. Didelį įspūdį paliko paskutinė pažintinė išvyka į Kato archeologinį parką, užburiantis pasakojimas apie senovinį miestą. Viską vainikavo vakaro karnavalas, kuriame mokiniai, kaip priklauso karnavale, šėlo trypė ir susibičiuliavę tiesiog gerai leido laiką. Išsiskyrimas buvo viena iš sunkiausių ir graudžiausių kelionės akimirų. Be abejo, ilgai neišblės patirti įspūdžiai, išgyventos emocijos,  šilti prisiminimai apie regėtas įstabaus grožio vietoves ir  salos šeimininkus - svetingus ir draugiškus kipriečius. Mokiniai už gražią kelionę, už paskatinimą dalyvauti tokiame įtraukiančiame projekte dėkingi gimnazijos direktorei R.Rasikienei ir aktyviajai anglų kalbos mokytojai A.Andreikėnienei.

    Rita Rasikiene, direktorei gimnazijos, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas


    The 2nd stop for the Erasmus+ project “Ecological Literacy” which Vali M. Lutfullah Bilgin Secondary School involved as partner was Cyprus. We were in Cyprus along with 3 pupils between t 19-26 February. Our journey to Cyprus mobility which was scheduled to start on the 20th of February was one day earlier because we had to stop by Athens for visa application. A long journey was there waiting for us from Gaziantep to Istanbul, Athens and Cyprus. We made it to Athens on Sunday and spent the night there to apply for the visa the next day. The chance to explore Athens couldn’t be missed. In the evening on Monday, the group was on the way for Cyprus, receiving all the necessary documents. The journey that began on Sunday morning was finally over late at night on Monday. We were kindly welcomed by our Cypriot friends and taken to school to meet the host families. The next stop was the hotel for resting. In the morning of day two, a warming welcome ceremony was there for us. After the speeches of local authorities and school headmistress, we attended the 1st Paphos School Environmental Conference hosted by Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou and were presented new information by Forestry Directorate. Then, all of us watched the presentations of good practices prepared by the schools in Paphos. After the presentations ended, open buffet was waiting for the guests. So to speak, all the food we tasted had the similar flavor with that of our country. We were two neighbor countries separated by the sea after all. Food, people, customs…Everything was almost identical. After the ceremony end, teachers and pupils planted olive trees on the garden. It was such a well-organized activity. Thanks to our friends, we all have olive trees of our own in Paphos.At noon, in convenient with the programme, Erasmus+ group went to see Saint Neofytos Monastery, had a tour there and learned about the history and traditions of both Monastery and the area. After the lunch, after leaving the pupils with host families we were back at the hotel to plan the upcoming discussion sessions. The third day began with a short meeting at school. Then we set off for the Episkopi Environmental Information Centre and learned many things about fauna and flora of Cyprus. It was followed by a refreshing walk among the paths to see some of the animals and plants in their habitat. Pupils picked fruit all the way. It was tiring but joyous. In the afternoon, partnership was in Limassol which was 60 km. away from Paphos. After having lunch there, we had the opportunity to see the castle and old town of Limassol. Pupils bought some souvenirs for their friends and families. While the sun was setting, everybody was on the way back to Paphos, exhausted but glad. The fourth day at Paphos was totally reserved for cultural tours. First, we had a visit to artificial Dam of Kannaviou where everyone took excellent photos with the company of unique view, then, passed to a local winery where we learned the journey of wine from grape yard to the bottle and wine cellar. The next stop was Fiti Museum of Weaving and Folkloric Art. The museum, virtually, was presenting a visual show for us with the traces of traditions, agriculture equipment, household appliances and handlooms. Finally, we popped in Baths of Aphrodite and Botanical Garden nearby. Everyone at the tour was amazed by beauty of scenery with the cameras in their hands, taking photos… The tour was over, a short meeting took place at the hotel then it was time to rest for the evening. Early in the morning of day five, we gathered at school in order to evaluate the mobility and to share the photos taken. After the evaluation meeting, teachers watched the impressive presentation which was prepared by host and guest pupils showing the magnificent moments they had shared during the mobility. Then, in company with cheerful minutes, certificate ceremony was realized and certificates were awarded by the headmistress and the project coordinator. After the certificate ceremony, the last stop in Paphos was Kato Paphos Archaeological Park that is included in UNESCO World Heritage Sites list. Having had an informative tour, we had free time to prepare the luggage and get ready for the farewell party in the evening. In the evening, the members of the group Ecological Literacy met at the hotel to attend to the party prepared by our friends as the sign of hospitality. In the fancy dress party where host families, students and guests were all participated, pupils had unforgettable moments and promised each other to meet again. Strong bonds and everlasting friendships were founded; magical moments were experienced in Cyprus mobility. The sixth day, it was time to go back home. Retrieving was good; but departing was difficult and sorrowful. According to scheduled hour, each group was leaving one another. We too, left the hotel to meet our students at school and to go to airport. When we made it to the school, sentimental moments were experienced. Pupils were happy to know these nice people; but sad because they had to leave. After families and pupils said bye to each other with tears in their eyes, we left once again to go home. There are many reasons that make the six days we spent in Cyprus special for both pupils and teachers. Being in a foreign country for the first time, away from family, caused pupils to feel anxious and scared at first. They were to stay with foreigners and get to know a new culture. However, kind interest and intimacy of host parents helped them feel at home from the very first day. The tears in the moment of departure and pupils’ calling host families as soon as the plane landed before their own families were the proof of everlasting friendship and devotion. During six days, pupils met many people from different cultures, improved their language proficiency and fulfilled the priority of Erasmus+ being a citizen of European Community. On behalf of me, kind interest of our friends who were always with us from the very beginning of the mobility, intimacy of people of Paphos who tried to communicate with us using our mother tongue having learned our nationality and being two siblings of the same culture made me extremely happy throughout the mobility. Moreover, the unforgettable moments and special memories during the mobility will be saved in my heart and remembered forever. Finally, on behalf of me and my pupils, I want to thank Maria Theofanous-Anthi, the headmistress who provided everything perfect, my dear friend Demetris Symeonides, the coordinator who unceasingly, diligently work to make everything run on lines, esteemed teachers and students of the project team of Gymnasium Apostolou Pavlou and host families who embraced my pupils as if their own children. Good bye my friends. Hope to see you all again.

    Umut Uysaler, Erasmus+ school coordinator, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu


    Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulunun ortağı olduğu Erasmus+ projesi "Ecological Literacy" 'nin ikinci durağı Kıbrıs’tı. 19-26 Şubat arasında 3 öğrencimiz ile birlikte Kıbrıs’taydık. 20 Şubatta başlaması planlanan hareketlilik için yolculuğumuz bir gün erken başlamıştı. Sırasıyla Gaziantep, İstanbul, Atina ve Kıbrıs olmak üzere uzun bir yolculuk bizi bekliyordu. Pazar günü Atina’ya vardık ve ertesi gün vize başvurusu yapmak üzere o geceyi Atina’da geçirdik. Öğrencilerimizle Atina’yı gezme fırsatımız oldu. Pazartesi akşamı, vize başvurumuz kabul edilip gerekli izinleri aldıktan sonra, Kıbrıs’a doğru yola koyulduk. Pazar sabahı başlayan yolculuğumuz, pazartesi akşamı sona ermişti. Kıbrıslı dostlarımız tarafından karşılandık ve öğrencilerimizi misafir olacakları aileler ile tanıştırmak üzere okula gittik. Öğrencilerimizi ailelerine teslim ettikten sonra, dinlenmek üzere otelimize geçtik. İkinci günün sabahında, sıcak bir karşılama ve etkileyici gösteriler bizi bekliyordu. Yerel otoriteler ve okul müdiresinin konuşmalarından sonra, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou’nun ev sahipliğini yaptığı 1. Paphos Okul Çevre Konferansına katıldık. Orman Müdürlüğünden yetkililerin hazırladıkları sunumları dinledik. Daha sonra, ev sahibi okulun ve Paphos’daki diğer okulların örnek uygulamalarını izledik. Sunumlar sonrasında harika bir açık büfe bizi bekliyordu. Tattığımız tüm yemeklerde, ülkemizden lezzetler vardı. Denizin ayırdığı iki komşu ülkeydik sonuçta. Yemekler, insanlar, alışkanlıklar, her şey neredeyse aynıydı. Sunumlar bittikten sonra, öğrencilerle birlikte, okul bahçesine zeytin ağaçları diktik. Çok güzel bir organizasyondu. Dostlarımız sayesinde bizim de Kıbrıs’ta dikili bir ağacımız var artık. Öğle vakti, programa uygun olarak Saint Neofytos Manastırı’na gittik, manastırın ve bölgenin tarihi, gelenekleri hakkında bilgi aldık. Öğle yemeğinden sonra, öğrencilerimizi ev sahibi ailelerin yanına bırakarak planlamaları yapmak üzere otele döndük. Üçüncü günün sabahında, dostlarımız tarafından okuldan alınıp öğrencilerle buluşmak üzere okula vardıktan sonra, kısa bir toplantı gerçekleştirdik ve Episkopi Çevre Bilgilendirme Merkezine doğru yola koyulduk. Kıbrıs’ın bitki örtüsü ve hayvan çeşitliliği hakkında harika bilgiler edindik. Kıbrıs’ta yaşayan hayvanların sergilendiği tematik köşeler özellikle büyülemişti bizleri. Bilgilendirme Merkezinde rehberimizin nazik ilgisi ve harika anlatımıyla çok güzel zaman geçirdik. Merkezde sergilenen hayvan ve bitkilerden bir kısmını doğal ortamlarında görebilmek için dağ yolları arasında yürüyüşe çıktık. Öğrenciler, yol boyunca ağaçlardan portakal ve mandalina topladılar. Yorucu fakat çok keyifliydi. Öğleden sonra, Paphos’a yaklaşık 60 km. uzaklıktaki Limassol şehrine uğradık. Öğle yemeğini burada yedikten sonra, kaleyi ve eski Limassol kentini gezip inceleme fırsatımız oldu. Eski çarşıda öğrencilerimiz kendileri ve aileleri için çeşitli hediyeler aldı. Akşama doğru bitkin ama mutlu bir şekilde Paphos’a geri döndük. Paphos’ta dördüncü gün tamamen kültür turlarına ayrılmıştı. Önce, Kannaviou Baraj Gölünü gezdik, muhteşem göl manzarasında eşsiz fotoğraflar çektik. Daha sonra yerel bir şarap mahzenine gidip üzümün tarladan şişeye, mahzene olan yolcuğunu öğrendik. Sonraki durağımız, Fiti Dokuma ve Halk Sanatları Müzesi’ydi. Geçmişten günümüze süregelen geleneklerin, tarım araçlarının, ev eşyalarının ve dokuma tezgâhlarının sergilendiği müze bize görsel bir şov sunuyordu adeta. Sonraki durağımız, muhteşem bir doğal güzelliğin sunulduğu Afrodit Banyosu ve yanında bulunan Botanik Bahçesiydi. Hareketliliğe katılan herkes manzaranın güzelliğinden büyülenmiş, fotoğraf makinelerine sarılmışlardı. Turumuzu bitirmiş dönüş yoluna koyulmuştuk. Önümüzdeki hareketlilikleri planlamak ve gerekli hazırlıkları yapmak üzere otelde kısa bir toplantının ardından herkes istirahate çekilmişti. Beşinci gün erkenden, proje toplantısının kazanımlarını değerlendirmek, çekilen fotoğrafları paylaşmak üzere okulda toplandık. Değerlendirme toplantısından sonra, ev sahibi ve misafir öğrencilerin birlikte hazırladıkları, yaşadıkları unutulmaz anları gösteren etkileyici sunumu izledik. Sonrasında, keyifli anların yaşandığı törende okul müdiresi ve proje koordinatörü tarafından sertifikalar dağıtıldı. Sertifika töreninden sonra, son durağımız, UNESCO Dünya Mirası Listesinde bulunan Kato Paphos Arkeoloji Müzesi’ydi. Bilgilendirici bir turun ardından, valizlerimizi hazırlamak ve hediyeler almak üzere dağıldık. Akşam, Kıbrıslı dostlarımızın konukseverliklerinin nişanesi olarak hazırladıkları veda yemeğine katıldık. Öğrenciler, öğretmenler ve ailelerin de katıldığı kostümlü partide öğrencilerimiz unutulmaz anlar yaşadılar ve gelecekte tekrar görüşmek üzere sözleştiler. Kıbrıs hareketliliğinde ömür boyu sürecek sarsılmaz dostluklar kurulmuş, çok özel anlar yaşanmıştı. Altıncı gün, yola çıkma vakti gelip çatmıştı. Kavuşmak güzel; ayrılıklar zor ve can sıkıcıydı. Hareket saatine göre her grup öğrencileriyle birlikte ayrılıyordu. Öğrencilerimizle okulda buluşup havaalanına geçmek üzere otelden ayrıldık. Okula vardığımızda, duygusal anlar bizi bekliyordu. Öğrencilerimiz, bu harika insanlarla tanıştıkları için mutlu; ayrılmak zorunda oldukları için kederliydiler. Aileler ve öğrencilerimiz, gözyaşlarıyla vedalaştıktan sonra tekrar görüşmek üzere sözleştiler ve bir kez daha evimize dönmek üzere dostlarımızdan ayrıldık. Kıbrıs’ta geçirdiğimiz altı günü hem öğrenciler hem de bizler açısından çok özel kılan birçok sebep vardı aslında. Ailelerinden ayrı, hiç bilmedikleri bir ülkede ilk defa bulunmak başlangıçta öğrencilerimizde tedirginlik ve kaygı uyandırmıştı. Tanımadıkları insanların evlerinde kalacaklar ve yeni bir kültürü tanıyacaklardı. Fakat ev sahibi ailelerin yakın ilgisi ve sevecen tavırları ilk günden öğrencilerin evinde hissetmelerini sağlamıştı. Ayrılık anındaki gözyaşları ve uçaktan iner inmez telefona sarılarak ailelerinden önce ev sahiplerini aramaları bu eşsiz anların bir ispatıydı adeta. Altı gün boyunca, öğrencilerimiz farklı kültürlerden çok çeşitli insanlarla tanışmış, dil yeterliklerini geliştirmiş ve Avrupa toplumunun vatandaşı olarak Erasmus+ önceliklerini yerine getirmişlerdi. Kendi adıma, havaalanına vardığımız andan itibaren yanımızda olan dostlarımızın yakın ilgisi, Paphos halkının bize karşı takındığı nazik tavırlar ve bizimle kendi dilimizde iletişim kurmaları iki halkın denizin ayırdığı iki kardeş olması beni çok mutlu etmişti. Tabi ki, hareketlilik boyunca, geçirdiğim özel ve unutulmaz anlar, hayat boyunca benimle kalacak ve daima hatırlanacaktı. Hareketlilik boyunca her şeyin mükemmel olmasını sağlayan, okul müdiresi Maria Theofanous-Anthi başta olmak üzere gece gündüz ara vermeden çalışan, her an yanımızda olan proje koordinatörü sevgili dostum Demetris Symeonides’e, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou proje ekibinin kıymetli öğretmen ve öğrencilerine ve öğrencilerimi kendi çocukları gibi kucaklayan Kıbrıslı ailelere şahsım ve öğrencilerim adına teşekkür ederim. Hoşçakalın dostlarım, yine görüşmek üzere.

    Hulusi Gürbüz, okul müdürü, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu


    Our third stop for the Erasmus+ project called “Ecological Literacy” was Croatia. We spent a week in Cakovec, Croatia to participate in the 2nd short-term exchange of students between 23-29th of April, 2017. Our journey began in the morning of April the 23rd National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. We arrived at Zagreb Airport after seven hour flight including airport transfer and set off to go to Cakovec, 100 km away from Zagreb. When we arrived at the hotel, our friends and host families were there waiting for us. After the warm greeting, the entire team participated in a trip to Mura River where we experienced the vegetation and animal world. We saw the traditional crafts and mills on the river. The trip ended with the dinner and students left for the houses while teachers were leaving for the hotel. The morning of second day started with reception by the mayor of Cakovec, Stjepan Kovac in the town hall. After a delighted chat session and sharing of good practices, the team set out agaın to explore the town accompanied by a tourist guide. After lunch, we visited the district school, Novo Selo Rok where we saw marvelous eco garden. The pupils presented and exchanged seeds, also planted 15 apple trees together. The host pupils prepared a short cultural program and traditional games for all participants. After the program, the team visited solar panels in Sivica and learned the importance of renewable energy and how energy is produced by sun. The same day, the last stop was Accredo Adrenalin Park where students and teachers divided into mixed international groups and participated in team building activities. Pupils had great time. The third day began with the reception prepared by our host. We were greeted by the headmaster Sinisa Stricak and Croatian coordinator Ivana Ruzic. Parents who had prepared traditional food also attended the reception. Then the team began exploring the school and realized different workshops. After lunch, we enjoyed the joyous moments of boat trip on Drava River. On Wednesday, the 26th of April, we visited Trakoscan Castle which is among the most beautiful castles of Europe and learned the history of Croatian region. After lunch, the entire team set out for the capital, Zagreb. There we had the chance to see Cathedral, Mandusevac Fountain, Ban Jelacic Square, Ilica Street, Stone Gate and other important places. On the fifth day, a meeting of coordinators was held which we discussed about project activities, cooperation among partners and preparation of intermediate reports. Three workshops were realized at school; making decorative items from natural materials, traditional games, dances and recycling old clothes. After lunch, we saw the baroque town of Varazdin. At night, swimming was organized for all pupils. On the sixth day, our hosts took us to the Tehnix doo which is a leading company on recycling and then to gold panning on the river Drava. In the afternoon, pupils from all countries held presentations about schools, cities and countries as well as local activities. After the presentations, another meeting of coordinators was taken place to organize new activities and discussed ways of dissemination. We finished the night with a farewell party after the certificate ceremony for all participants. In the morning of day seven, we got up earlier and said bye to our friends, set out for Zagreb Airport as soon as the host families brought our pupils. We want to thank Ivana Ruzic, the Croatian coordinator, Sinisa Stricak the headmaster, esteemed members of project team and the host families who were always there with us and prepared an amazing programme for the kind interest throughout the mobility.

    Esra Guzelta, teacher, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu


    Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu’nun ortak olarak yer aldığı Erasmus+ “Ecological Literacy” projesinde üçüncü durağımız, Hırvatistan’dı. İkinci kısa süreli öğrenci değişimi hareketliliğine katılmak üzere, 23-29.04.2017 tarihleri arasında üç öğrencimizle birlikte, Hırvatistan’ın Čakovec şehrinde bir hafta geçirdik. Yolculuğumuz, 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı sabahı başladı, havaalanı transferiyle birlikte yaklaşık yedi saatlik bir yolculuktan sonra başkent Zagreb’e vardık. Zagreb’e, yaklaşık 100 km. mesafedeki Čakovec’e doğru yola koyulduk. Otele vardığımızda dostlarımız ve ev sahibi aileler bizi bekliyordu. Sıcak bir karşılamadan sonra, tüm ekip çevrenin bitki ve hayvan çeşitliliğini inceleme fırsatı bulduğumuz Mura bölgesindeki Mura Nehri gezisine çıktık. Bölgenin geleneksel el sanatlarını ve nehir üzerindeki değirmenleri gördük. Gezi, akşam yemeği ile son buldu, öğrenciler evlere; öğretmenler otele gitmek üzere ayrıldık. İkinci günün sabahı, ekibimizin, Čakovec belediye başkanı, Stjepan Kovač tarafından belediye binasında kabul edilmesiyle başladı. Keyifli geçen bir sohbet ve iyi uygulamaların paylaşımından sonra, bir turist rehberi eşliğinde Čakovec şehrini keşfetmek üzere tekrar yola çıktık. Öğle yemeğinden sonra, muhteşem bir ekolojik bahçesi olan Novo Selo Rok okuluna uğradık. Burada öğrenciler yanlarında getirdikleri tohumları arkadaşlarına tanıtıp değiş tokuş yaptılar. Aynı zamanda birlikte 15 tane elma ağacı diktiler. Ev sahibi okulun öğrencileri tüm katılımcılar için kültürel bir program ve geleneksel oyunlar hazırlamışlardı. Programın ardından Sivica’da bulunan güneş panellerini görmeye gittik, yenilenebilir enerjinin önemini ve güneşten enerji üretimini öğrendik. Aynı gün son durak, tüm Elit ekibinin karışık olarak eşleştirildiği ve çekişmeli takım oyunlarının oynandığı Accredo Adrenalin Parkı'ydı. Öğrencilerimiz harika zaman geçirdiler. Üçüncü gün ev sahiplerimizin hazırladığı resepsiyonla başladı. Geleneksel şarkılar ve danslar eşliğinde okul müdürü Sinisa Stricak ve Hırvat proje koordinatörü Ivana Ruzic tarafından karşılandık. Resepsiyona hazırladıkları geleneksel yemeklerle ev sahibi veliler de katıldı. Daha sonra, okulu keşfetmeye başladık ve farklı atölye çalışmaları gerçekleştirdik. Öğle yemeğinden sonra, hepimiz Drava Nehri'nde düzenlenen bot gezisine katılıp keyifli anlar geçirdik. 26 Nisan Çarşamba günü, Avrupa'nın en güzel kalelerinden biri olan Trakoscan Kalesi'ni ziyaret ettik ve Hırvatistan bölgesini tarihini öğrenme fırsatı bulduk. Öğle yemeğinden sonra başkent Zagreb'e doğru yola çıktık. Orada, Katedral, Mandusevac Çeşmesi, Ban Jelacic Meydanı, Ilica Caddesi, Taş Kapı ve diğer önemli yerleri gezip, şehrin tarihini öğrendik. Beşinci gün, proje etkinliklerinin, ortaklar arası etkileşimin ve ara raporların tartışıldığı bir koordinatörler toplantısı gerçekleştirdik. Okulda, doğal malzemelerden dekoratif eşyalar, geleneksel oyun ve eşyalar ve eski kıyafetlerin geri dönüşümü adlı üç farklı çalıştay gerçekleştirdik. Öğle yemeğinden sonra, barok Varazdin kasabasını görmeye gittik ve tarihi, kültürü ve uluslararası önemini öğrendik. Akşam olduğunda, öğrencilerimiz kendileri için düzenlenen yüzme etkinliğine katılıp eğlenceli anlar yaşadılar. Altıncı gün, ev sahiplerimiz bizi bölgenin geri dönüşüm alanında öncü kuruluşlarından olan Tehnix d.o.o şirketine ve Drava Nehri'ne altın aramaya götürdüler. Öğleden sonra, ortak ülkelerden öğrenciler, hazırladıkları okulları, şehirleri, ülkeleri ve yerel etkinlikleriyle ilgili sunumları arkadaşlarıyla paylaştılar. Sunumların ardından koordinatörlerin yeni etkinlikleri planladıkları, yaygınlaştırma yollarını tartıştığı bir toplantı daha düzenlendi. Tüm katılımcılar için düzenlenen sertifika töreninin ardından, veda partisi ile geceyi sonlandırdık. Yedinci gün, sabah erkenden kalktık ve ev sahibi veliler öğrencilerimizi getirir getirmez, dostlarımızla vedalaşıp Zagreb'e havaalanına doğru bir kez daha yola koyulduk. Hareketlilik boyunca, yanımızda olan Hırvat koordinatör Ivana Ruzic, okul müdürü Sinisa Stricak, proje ekibinin değerli üyeleri ve öğrenci velilerine gösterdikleri ilgi ve hazırlamış oldukları harika program için teşekkür ederiz.

    Erkan_Demirci, öğretmen, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    The Third Mobility Erasmus+, Sibiu, Romania 2017

    The third Erasmus+ mobility took place between 8 and 14 October 2017, in Sibiu City, Romania, with the participation of the following partners involved in the partnership: from the part of Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu, Gaziantep, Turkey, the accompanying teachers were Mr. Umut Uysaler and Ms. Fatma Karadogan and the guest pupils were Irem Sena Ocal, Sude Ozsert and Irem Cagdinlioglu; from the part of Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou, Paphos, Cyprus, the accompanying teachers were Mr. Demetris Symeonides and Mr. Dimitris Papanearchou and the guest pupils were Filippos Giapanis, Alexandros Kofteros and Stefanos Georgiou; from the part of President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium, Kaunas, Lithuania, the accompanying teacher was Ms. Andzelika Andreikeniene and the guest pupils were Gabija Kutkutė, Ignas Gruodis and Gabija Šinkevičiūtė, from the part of Agrupamento de Escolas Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva, Rio Maior, Portugal, the accompanying teachers were Ms. Anabela Brigida and Ms. Susana Lopes and the guest pupils were Maria Margarida Henriques, Simão Gomes and João Pedro Batista; from the part of I. Osnovna Škola, Čakovec, Croatia, the accompanying teachers were Ms. Ivana Ružić, Mr. Siniša Stričak and Mr. Branko Vujnović and the guest pupils were Ines Lesjak, Lara Topolnjak, Vito Jambrošić and Lara Mikulić. According to the program prepared by the host school within this Erasmus+ short-term exchange of groups of pupils, on 8th October 2017, Ms. Gabriela Mirela Jugar, the “Ecological Literacy” project coordinator, waited at “Henri Coandă” International Airport from Bucharest Capital City the pupils from Turkey and their accompanying teachers, transported them by bus to Sibiu City, accommodated the teachers to a hotel in the host city and the pupils to their host families. On the way, they could admire some nice places of Romania. The exciting meeting of their hosts was at “Constantin Noica” Theoretical High School Sibiu. The partner teachers and their pupils from Lithuania, Croatia, Portugal and Cyprus arrived to Sibiu Airport, being welcomed by Mr. Mihai Victorin Ordean, the headmaster of "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School, who has accompanied them, accommodating the guest teachers to the same local hotel to be together and the guest pupils to their host families. In the afternoon we had two interesting documentary visits, one to “Fairies Valley” Castle from Porumbacu Village, an impressive castle built from natural materials and one to Brukenthal Palace from Avrig Town, Sibiu County. On 9th October 2017, the guest pupils were at classes together with their host pupils. Ms. Gabriela Mirela Jugar, the coordinator of the project, took the guest teachers from the local hotel in order to go to the host school. There, it was first a welcome reception with bread and salt by the host teachers. The host pupils, wearing folk costumes, greeted the guest teachers with flowers. It followed the opening speech of the high school headmaster, Mr. Mihai Victorin Ordean, then the speech of the project coordinator, Ms. Gabriela Mirela Jugar, the moment of offering some symbolic presents and the speech of the guests. A short artistic show delighted the audience through a beautiful montage of songs played the musical instruments made just by the plupils themselves, guided by Ms. Mădălina Sporiș, their teacher, an evening sitting and a programme of folk dances specific to Transylvania, prepared by Ms. Emilia Dragomir and her pupils. After that it followed the achievement of a group photo with the guest and host teachers and pupils involved in this mobility of the Erasmus+ project. The tour of the host school, a workshop in which teachers and pupils made a personalized gift and a project meeting of the six coordinators and of the team teachers were the other activities of this day. On 10th October 2017, in the morning, we met together the Deputy Mayor at The City Hall Sibiu, where we learned many things related to our project topics, useful not only for the participant teachers, but also for their pupils and we visited the historical centre of the city. After the lunch in the centre of the host city with all delegations of teachers and pupils, the teachers met again at the host high school for sessions of project management. We talked then about all the necessary details, useful to have o good project, by means of a fruitful cooperation. In the afternoon the guest teachers had free time to purchasing souvenirs for the Erasmus+ Corner. We had to mention the fact that the moments of arranging the Erasmus+ Corner in our schools are presented by all of us through photos and short movies, being one of our project responsibilities. On 11th October 2017, all Erasmus+ guests and their host teachers and pupils involved in this short-term exchange of groups of pupils had a documentary visit to Râul Sadului, where they were impressed by traditional houses, huts and lawns spread over the mountain peaks, the orchards surrounding the hamlets, the well-preserved traditions, the local hospitality, the legends of the place and the beauty of the landscape. The place was chosen by the Romanian project team especially the pupils to develop a multitude of attractive activities related to the work of the Romanian peasants in a mountain area and to understand the beauty of life in countryside. Besides, the pupils involved in this Erasmus+ mobility, either guests, or hosts made a few mandalas (geometric designs symbolic of the universe which transmit positive energies not only to the environment but also to the people who view them). They realized different things of recycled scraps found in hiking. In the afternoon, the guest teachers from Turkey, Croatia, Lithuania, Portugal and Cyprus had free time to rest a bit after a long journey. The teachers met again in the evening to socialize and the pupils spent nice moments in their host families. They had the opportunity to know each other better, to show the photos taken until now, to share souvenirs or presents brought from abroad, to learn more about life in a Transylvanian City, in a Romanian family. They played together some Romanian games, told jokes and enjoyed the host mother’s home cakes. On 12th October 2017, in the morning, we had together a documentary visit to Astra Museum Sibiu and Dumbrava Forest, located in the middle of a dense forest, containing buildings, watermills, windmills, gigantic presses for wine, fruit and oil, hydraulic forges and structures representing village architectural styles from many parts of Romania and illustrating the technological people legacy by a collection of wooden farmhouses and sheepfolds, as well as the wooden church and the two traditional inns. Here, the host high school organized a workshop and also arranged to have lunch together the participant teachers and pupils. In the afternoon, the teachers had a meeting again at school for planning the next activities within this Erasmus+ project and the guest pupils spent time with the host pupils in their families. In the evening, the host high school organized a festive dinner of farewell for the teacher guests together with the Romanian teachers involved in the project. On 13th October 2017, early in the morning we had an interesting visit to Alba Iulia City, located on the Mureş River, Transylvania region, where we could see the fortress with seven bastions in a stellar shape, having inside the Union Hall with the Honor Gallery, the Museum of Unification, the orthodox and Roman Catholic cathedrals, libraries and palaces. Situated at the foot of the Apuseni Mountains and the Southern Carpathians, this city is undoubtedly one of the oldest in Romania. It was an important locality, and even before the Roman occupation of Apulum, the city was the seat of the first archbishoprics founded at the beginning of the eleventh century, the capital of the Principality of Transylvania and one of the centers of the Austrian administration of the Grand Duchy of Transylvania, part of the Habsburg Empire. In the afternoon, all delegations participating to this short-term exchange of groups of pupils had a special documentary project visit to Turda Salt Mine, which can be found in Top 10 places to see in the beautiful Transylvania. Besides, the improvement of the salt mine was restored between years 2008-2010. Therefore, some standards of modern visiting were included. An elevator with bird’s eye-view was installed, as well as a wheel with gondolas. A recreation space with wharf was created in which tourists can boat. Even though Turda Salt Mine was dug during the Middle Ages for salt exploitation, it momentary changed its function becoming one of the most visited sights in Romania. During exploitation the mine was served by another entrance (the old entrance) through Francz Josef Gallery. Turda Salt Mine consists of an assembly of mine galleries and operating rooms. The balconies made out of wood which unfold under the ceiling offer an extraordinary perspective on the entire underground hole. The cut of the salt lumps was being done inside the hearth mine. In the evening we returned to the hotel, respectively in the host families, after a memorable trip, where pupils involved in the mobility in Romania learned a lot of useful things, not only for this Erasmus+ project but also for them. On 14th October 2017, we had in the morning the most important event, namely the awarding of the Attendance Certificates and of the Activity Certificates for this short-term exchange of groups of pupils by the project coordinator and the host headmaster. Then, in the afternoon, it followed for all the guests of the Romanian high school free time to prepare the travel to the native country, luggage, etc. This was also the day of the departure of Erasmus+ partners, a very difficult moment, looking certainly forward the new short-term exchange of groups of pupils in Lithuania. To Bucharest left the teachers and pupils from Turkey. From Sibiu City left the teachers and pupils from Cyprus, Portugal, Lithuania and Croatia.

    Gabriela Mirela Jugar, ELIT project coordinator, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Cea de-a treia mobilitate Erasmus+, Sibiu, Romania 2017

    Cea de-a treia mobilitate Erasmus+ a avut loc în perioada 8-14 octombrie 2017, în orașul Sibiu, cu participarea următorilor parteneri implicați în parteneriat: din partea școlii Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu, Gaziantep, Turcia, profesorii însoțitori au fost domnul Umut Uysaler și domnișoara Fatma Karadogan iar elevii oaspeți au fost Irem Sena Ocal, Sude Ozsert și Irem Cagdinlioglu; din partea gimnaziului Apostolou Paulou, Paphos, Cipru, profesorii însoțitori au fost domnul Demetris Symeonides și domnul Dimitris Papanearchou, iar elevii oaspeți au fost Filippos Giapanis, Alexandros Kofteros și Stefanos Georgiou; din partea gimnaziului President Valdas Adamkus, Kaunas, Lituania, profesoara ce i-a însoțit pe elevi a fost doamna Andzelika Andreikeniene, iar elevii oaspeți au fost Gabija Kutkutė, Ignas Gruodis și Gabija Šinkevičiūtė, din partea Agrupamento de Escolas, Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva, Rio Maior, Portugalia, profesorii însoțitori au fost doamna Anabela Brigida și doamna Susana Lopes iar elevii oaspeți au fost Maria Margarida Henriques, Simão Gomes și João Pedro Batista; din partea școlii I. Osnovna, Čakovec, Croația, profesorii însoțitori au fost doamna Ivana Ružić, domnul Siniša Stričak și domnul Branko Vujnović, iar elevii oaspeți au fost Ines Lesjak, Lara Topolnjak, Vito Jambrošić și Lara Mikulić. Potrivit programului pregătit de școala gazdă în cadrul acestui schimb de grupuri de elevi pe termen scurt Erasmus+, pe 8 octombrie 2017, doamna Gabriela Mirela Jugar, coordonatorul proiectului "Alfabetizare Ecologică", a așteptat la Aeroportul Internațional "Henri Coandă" din București elevii din Turcia și profesorii lor însoțitori, i-a transportat cu autobuzul în orașul Sibiu, a cazat profesorii la un hotel din orașul gazdă și elevii la familiile lor gazdă. Pe drum, ei au putut admira câteva locuri frumoase din România. Emoționanta întâlnire a gazdelor a fost la Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu. Cadrele didactice partenere și elevii lor din Lituania, Croația, Portugalia și Cipru au sosit la Aeroportul Sibiu, fiind primiți de domnul Mihai Victorin Ordean, directorul Liceului Teoretic "Constantin Noica", care i-a însoțit, găzduind profesorii oaspeți la același hotel local, ca să fie împreună, și elevii oaspeți la familiile lor gazdă. După amiază am avut două vizite documentare interesante, una la Castelul "Valea Zânelor" din satul Porumbacu, un castel impresionant construit din materiale naturale și una la Palatul Brukenthal din orașul Avrig, județul Sibiu. Pe 9 octombrie 2017, elevii oaspeți au fost la ore împreună cu elevii lor gazdă. D-na Gabriela Mirela Jugar, coordonatorul proiectului, a luat profesorii oaspeți de la hotelul local pentru a merge la școala gazdă. Acolo, a fost mai întâi o primire de bun venit cu pâine și sare de către profesorii gazdă. Elevii gazdă, purtând costume populare, au întâmpinat profesorii oaspeți cu flori. A urmat discursul de deschidere al directorului liceului, domnul Mihai Victorin Ordean, apoi discursul coordonatorului de proiect, doamna Gabriela Mirela Jugar, momentul prezentării unor cadouri simbolice și discursul invitaților. Un scurt spectacol artistic a încântat publicul prin intermediul unui montaj de melodii frumoase, interpretate la instrumente muzicale realizate de elevi, îndrumați de doamna Mădălina Sporiș, profesoara lor, o șezătoare și un program de dansuri populare specifice Transilvaniei, pregătite de doamna Emilia Dragomir și elevii săi. Apoi a urmat realizarea unei fotografii de grup cu profesorii și elevii oaspeți împreună cu profesorii și elevii gazdă implicați în această mobilitate a proiectului Erasmus+. Turul școlii gazdă, un atelier în care profesorii și elevii au făcut un cadou personalizat și o întâlnire de proiect a celor șase coordonatori și a profesorilor din echipă au fost celelalte activități ale acestei zile. Pe 10 octombrie 2017, dimineața, ne-am întâlnit împreună cu viceprimarul la Primăria Sibiu, unde am învățat multe lucruri legate de temele noastre de proiect, utile nu numai pentru profesorii participanți, dar și pentru elevii lor și am vizitat centrul istoric a orașului. După prânzul din centrul orașului gazdă, cu toate delegațiile de profesori și elevi, profesorii s-au întâlnit din nou la liceul gazdă pentru sesiunile de management de proiect. Am vorbit atunci despre toate detaliile necesare, utile pentru a avea un proiect bun, printr-o cooperare fructuoasă. După-amiază, profesorii oaspeți au avut timp liber să cumpere suveniruri pentru Colțul Erasmus+. Trebuie să menționăm faptul că momentele de aranjare a Colțului Erasmus+ în școlile noastre sunt prezentate de noi prin fotografii și filme scurte, fiind una dintre responsabilitățile noastre de proiect. În data de 11 octombrie 2017, toți invitații Erasmus+, profesorii gazdă și elevii implicați în acest schimb pe termen scurt de grupuri de elevi au avut o vizită documentară la Râul Sadului, unde au fost impresionați de casele tradiționale, colibele și pășunile răspândite pe vârfurile munților, livezile din jurul cătunelor, tradițiile bine conservate, ospitalitatea locală, legendele locului și frumusețea peisajului. Locul a fost ales de către echipa de proiect din România, special pentru elevi, pentru a dezvolta o multitudine de activități atractive legate de activitatea țăranilor români într-o zonă montană și pentru a înțelege frumusețea vieții din mediul rural. În plus, elevii implicați în această mobilitate Erasmus+, fie invitați, fie gazde au făcut câteva mandale (desene geometrice simbolice ale universului care transmit energii pozitive nu numai mediului, ci și oamenilor care le văd). Ei au realizat lucruri diferite din resturile reciclate găsite în drumeții. După-amiază, profesorii invitați din Turcia, Croația, Lituania, Portugalia și Cipru au avut timp liber să se odihnească puțin după o lungă călătorie. Profesorii s-au întâlnit din nou seara să socializeze și elevii au petrecut momente frumoase în familiile lor gazdă. Au avut oportunitatea de a se cunoaște mai bine, de a arăta fotografiile făcute până acum, de a împărtăși suveniruri sau cadouri aduse din străinătate, pentru a afla mai multe despre viața într-un oraș din Transilvania, într-o familie românească. Au jucat împreună niște jocuri din România, au spus glume și s-au bucurat de prăjiturile de casă ale mamei gazdă. În dimineața zilei de 12 octombrie 2017, am avut o vizită documentară la Muzeul Astra Sibiu și la pădurea Dumbrava, situată în mijlocul unei păduri dense, care conține clădiri, mori de apă, mori de vânt, prese gigantice pentru vin, fructe și ulei, forje hidraulice și structuri care reprezintă stiluri arhitecturale ale satelor din multe părți ale României și care ilustrează moștenirea tehnologică a oamenilor printr-o colecție de ferme și stâne de lemn, precum și biserica de lemn și cele două hanuri tradiționale. Aici, liceul gazdă a organizat un atelier și, de asemenea, a aranjat luarea prânzului împreună, profesori și elevi participanți. După-amiază, profesorii au avut o ședință din nou la școală pentru planificarea următoarelor activități în cadrul acestui proiect Erasmus+, iar elevii oaspeți au petrecut timpul cu elevii gazdă în familiile lor. Seara, liceul gazdă a organizat o cină festivă de rămas bun pentru oaspeți împreună cu românii implicați în proiect. Pe 13 octombrie 2017, dimineață am avut o vizită interesantă în orașul Alba Iulia, situat pe râul Mureș, regiunea Transilvania, unde am putut vedea fortăreața cu șapte bastioane într-o formă stelară, având în interior Sala Uniunii cu Galeria de Onoare, Muzeul Unificării, catedralele ortodoxe și romano-catolice, bibliotecile și palatele. Situat la poalele munților Apuseni și Carpaților Meridionali, acest oraș este, fără îndoială, unul dintre cele mai vechi din România. A fost o localitate importantă și chiar înainte de ocupația romană de la Apulum, orașul era sediul primelor arhiepiscopii fondate la începutul secolului al XI-lea, capitala Principatului Transilvaniei și unul dintre centrele administrației austriece de Marele Ducat al Transilvaniei, parte a Imperiului Habsburgic. După-amiază, toate delegațiile care au participat la acest schimb de grupuri de elevi pe termen scurt au avut o vizită de proiect documentară specială la Salina Turda, care se găsește în Topul celor mai frumoase 10 locuri de văzut în Transilvania. În plus, îmbunătățirea minei de sare a fost restabilită între anii 2008-2010. De aceea, au fost incluse câteva standarde ale vizitei moderne. A fost instalat un lift cu ochi de păsăre, precum și o roată cu gondole. A fost creat un spațiu de agrement cu debarcader, în care turiștii pot naviga. Chiar dacă a fost săpată în timpul Evului Mediu pentru exploatarea sării, Salina Turda și-a schimbat momentan funcția sa devenind una dintre cele mai vizitate atracții din România. În timpul exploatării mina a fost utilată cu o altă intrare prin galeria Francz Josef. Salina Turda constă într-un ansamblu de galerii de mină și de săli de operații. Balcoanele din lemn care se desfășoară sub tavan oferă o perspectivă extraordinară asupra întregii găuri subterane. Tăierea bucăților de sare se făcea în interiorul minei de vatră. Seara, ne-am întors la hotel, respectiv în familiile gazdă, după o călătorie memorabilă, unde elevii implicați în mobilitatea din România au învățat multe lucruri utile, nu numai pentru acest proiect Erasmus+, ci și pentru ei. În data de 14 octombrie 2017, am avut cel mai important eveniment, și anume acordarea certificatelor de participare și a certificatelor de activitate pentru acest schimb pe termen scurt de grupuri de elevi de către coordonatorul proiectului și directorul gazdă. Apoi, după-amiazî, a urmat pentru toți oaspeții liceului român timp liber pentru a pregăti călătoria în țara natală, bagaje etc. De asemenea, a fost și ziua plecării partenerilor Erasmus+, un moment foarte dificil, așteptând, firește, cu nerăbdare noul schimb pe termen scurt al grupurilor de elevi din Lituania. La București au plecat profesorii și elevii din Turcia. Din orașul Sibiu au plecat profesorii și elevii din Cipru, Portugalia, Lituania și Croația.

    Diana Bucuță, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu

    ERASMUS+ ELIT Reception by the Mayor of Čakovec Town

    The Mayor of the town of Čakovec, Stjepan Kovač, on Monday, 24th April 2017 welcomed the representatives of the First Primary School Čakovec and their guests from Lithuania, Romania, Turkey, Cyprus and Portugal. During that week our school was the host of the second short-term exchange of students within the project Erasmus+. It is a project of international school partnerships in order to exchange knowledge and student development called „Ecological Literacy“. About thirty pupils from the mentioned countries spent the week together with their host in varoious workshops, exploring the school, visiting solar parks, company Tehnix in Donji Kraljevec, but also learning about the history and sights of Čakovec and Međimurje. The Mayor wished all the guests a pleasant stay in our town, highlighting that they were visiting a town that invests greatly in primary education. Such exchange projects, besides networking, enable formation of new knowledge and friendships, as well as exchange of experiences that can then be applied in our setting. The Mayor spent half an hour in conversation with the guest, talking about the similarities and differences of educational systems.

    Draženka Blažeka, teacher, l. osnovna skola Cakovec 


    Gradonačelnik Grada Čakovca Stjepan Kovač u ponedjeljak, 24. travnja 2017. godine  je primio predstavnike I. osnovne škole te njihove goste iz Litve, Rumunjske, Turske, Cipra i Protugala. Naime, naša škola domaćin je 2. kratkoročne razmjene učenika u sklopi projekta Erasmus+. Riječ je o projektu međunarodnih školskih partnerstava za razmjenu znanja i razvoj učenika pod nazivom „Ecological literacy“, odnosno Ekološka pismenost. Tridesetak učenika iz ovih zemalja zajedno s domaćinima u sljedećih tjedan dana održat će niz radionica, posjetiti škole, razgledati postavljene solarne parkove, tvrtku Tehnix u Donjem Kraljevcu, a bit će vremena i za upoznavanje povijesti i znamenitosti Čakovca i Međimurja. Gradonačelnik Kovač je predstavnicima gostiju zaželio ugodan boravak u našem kraju, naglasivši da su došli u Grad koji izuzetno mnogo ulaže u osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje. Ovakvi projekti razmjene osim povezivanja, omogućuju i stjecanje novih znanja i prijateljstva, te razmjenu iskustava koja se ona mogu primijeniti u našoj sredini. Sa predstavnicima škola zadržao se u polusatnom razgovoru, razgovarajući u sličnostima i različitostima obrazovnih sustava.

    Petar Ovčar, učenik, l. osnovna skola Cakovec