Activity Certificates

  • The Activity Certificates of the Transnational Meeting in Romania

    Before the first Erasmus+ transnational meeting in Sibiu City, Romania, the host project team prepared the Activity Certificates for each participant teacher. In this project document it was mentioned the fact that, during this transnational meeting, the teachers attended workshops on environmental issues and some useful demonstrative lessons, learned about the pedagogical and management issues of the Romanian educational system, took part in work sessions on the project activities, management, outcomes, exhibits, conferences, enriched their knowledge about forests to the Forestry Directorate Sibiu and to the Grove Forest, had documentary visits to a water plant, River’s Mouth Artificial Dam, Astra Folk Museum, helped the host school to organize the contest of the project logo and juried the drawings of pupils, presented their schools, cities, countries and shared the DVDs with them to all partners and established the dissemination plans, the way of achieving or printing the brochure, the calendar, as well as the poems booklet. This activity certificate was signed and stamped by the host headmaster. Here is a model, published by using Slideshare:  

    Gabriela Mirela Jugar, ELIT project coordinator, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Certificatele de Activitate ale întâlnirii transnaționale din România

    Înainte de prima întâlnire transnațională Erasmus+ din Sibiu, România, echipa de proiect gazdă a pregătit Certificatele de Activitate fiecărui profesor participant. În acest document de proiect a fost menționat faptul că, la aceastî întâlnire transnațională, profesorii au participat la ateliere de lucru pe probleme de mediu, utile lecții demonstrative, au aflat probleme pedagogice și de management ale sistemului educațional românesc, au participat la sesiuni de lucru cu activități de proiect, management, rezultate, expoziții, conferințe, și-au îmbogățit cunoștințele despre păduri la Direcția Silvică Sibiu și Pădurea Dumbrava, au avut vizite documentare la o uzină de apă, la Barajul Artificial „Gura Râului”, Muzeul Popular Astra, au ajutat școala gazdă să organizeze concursul de logo al proiectului, jurizând desenele elevilor, au prezentat școlile, orașele, țările și au oferit DVD-uri cu prezentările tuturor partenerilor, au stabilit planurile de diseminare, modul de realizare sau de tipărire ale broșurii, calendarului, ca și a cărticelei de poezii. Acest certificat de activitate a fost semnat și ștampilat de către directorul școlii gazdă. Aici este un model, publicat prin utilizarea SlideShare: 

    Emilia Dragomir, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu


    The Activity Certificates of the Mobility in Cyprus

    By using the model which was achieved by the coordinator of the Erasmus+ project „Ecological Literacy”, being created before the first Erasmus+ transnational meeting in Sibiu City, Romania, the Cypriot team has achieved the Activity Certificates of the Mobility in Cyprus. In this document of project it was mentioned the fact that, during this learning/teaching/training activity as a short term exchange of groups of pupils, organized by Gymnasio "Apostolou Pavlou" Paphos between 19 and 25 February 2017, as a part of our strategic partnership between schools, the participants have learned about the history and the culture of Paphos City as well as of Cyprus, have attended various workshops on some environmental issues, have learned to respect deeply the environment through some activities such as planting trees, have enriched their knowledge about environment to the Episkopi Environmental Information Centre and to the the Botanical Garden called "Baths of Aphrodite", have had documentary visits to the Fiti Museum of Weaving and to the Folkloric Art, to the Kannaviou Dam, Kato Paphos, as well as to the Archaeological Park. This Activity Certificate was signed and stamped by the host project coordinator, Mr. Demetris Symeonides and by the headmistress of the host gymnasium, Mrs. Maria Theofanous. Here is one of thiese certificates before signing and stamping it, published by the project coordinator, using Slideshare, and posted later on her blog dedicated to the project: 

    Marios Georgiou, teacher, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou Paphos

    Τα Πιστοποιητικά Δραστηριότητα της κινητικότητας στην Κύπρος

    Με τη χρήση του μοντέλου επιτυγχάνεται από τον συντονιστή του προγράμματος Erasmus + «Οικολογική Παιδεία», που δημιουργήθηκε πριν από την πρώτη + διακρατική συνάντηση του προγράμματος Erasmus στο Sibiu της πόλης, η Ρουμανία, η κυπριακή ομάδα πέτυχε τα πιστοποιητικά Δραστηριότητα της κινητικότητας στην Κύπρος. Στο έγγραφο αυτό έργο αναφέρθηκε το γεγονός ότι, κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της μάθησης / διδασκαλίας / εκπαιδευτική δραστηριότητα ως βραχυπρόθεσμες ανταλλαγές ομάδων μαθητών, που διοργανώθηκε από το Γυμνάσιο «Αποστόλου Παύλου» Πάφο από Φεβρουάριος 19 - 25 2017, ως μέρος της στρατηγικής μας σχολική συνεργασία, οι συμμετέχοντες έμαθαν για την Πάφο και η Κύπρος ιστορία και τον πολιτισμό, παρακολούθησε σεμινάρια σχετικά με περιβαλλοντικά θέματα, έμαθε να σέβεται το περιβάλλον από ορισμένες δραστηριότητες, όπως η φύτευση δέντρων, εμπλουτισμένο τις γνώσεις τους σχετικά με το περιβάλλον στην Επισκοπή Κέντρο περιβαλλοντικής Ενημέρωσης και «Λουτρά της Αφροδίτης» Βοτανικός Κήπος , είχε ντοκιμαντέρ επισκέψεις σε Φοίτη Μουσείο Υφαντικής και Λαϊκής Τέχνης, Κανναβιού φράγμα, Κάτω Πάφου και Αρχαιολογικό Πάρκο. Αυτό το πιστοποιητικό δραστηριότητα ήταν υπογεγραμμένο και σφραγισμένο από τον συντονιστή του έργου υποδοχής, Δημήτρης Συμεωνίδης και η διευθύντρια του Γυμνασίου, κα Μαρία Θεοφάνους. Εδώ είναι ένα από τα thiese πιστοποιητικά πριν από την υπογραφή και σφραγίδα του, που δημοσιεύθηκε από τον συντονιστή του έργου, χρησιμοποιώντας Slideshare, και δημοσιεύτηκε αργότερα στο blog της αφιερωμένη στο έργο: 

    Demetris Andreou, δάσκαλος,Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou Paphos