Our Conferences

  • Our First Conference for Launching the Erasmus+ Project

    On Monday, September 12th, 2016, we had, during the ceremony of opening the school year 2016-2017, our first conference for lunching the Erasmus+ project „Ecological Literacy”. In this respect, Mrs. Gabriela Mirela Jugar, the project coordinator, has read the speech she prepared, in the presence of all pupils and teachers in „Constantin Noica” Theoretical High School Sibiu, of their parents and grandparents who have accompanied them on their first school day and of other guests.The audience could learn that our institution will be involved for two years in a European project of strategic partnership that aims to support the development, transfer and implementation of innovative practices and joint initiatives in order to promote, cooperate, learn mutually and to exchange of experience at European level, together partners schools from Turkey, Portugal, Cyprus, Lithuania and Croatia. In her speech, the coordinator has mentionned that by this project, the pupils (from the preparatory class to the class XII) will have the chance to show others the beauty of their personality, putting in value their qualities and hobbies, care for the cleanliness of the environment in which they live and learn, proving thus their friendship and the European appartenance. In this speech, the coordinator has expressed her confidence that we will benefit from the permanent support of the school inspectorate, of local authorities, of regional environmental institutions and of the Association of Parents, as well as her hope that this project will be an incentive to all teachers in our city to start  Erasmus+ projects, contributing to continuous training of teachers and to the strengthening of the European dimension in the education of the pupils in Sibiu County by cooperative activities between schools. This speech, as well the documents of the project, contains the disclaimer, as it can be seen in red color in the printed document and published with Slideshare. Here are the links to the text of the speech, in English and Romanian:



    Diana Bucuță, teacher, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Prima noastră conferință de lansare a proiectului Erasmus+

    Luni, 12 septembrie 2016, noi am avut, în timpul ceremoniei de deschidere a anului școlar 2016-2017, prima noastră conferință pentru lansarea proiectului Erasmus+ „Alfabetizare Ecologică". În acest sens, d-na Gabriela Mirela Jugar, coordonatoarea proiectului, a citit discursul pe care l-a pregătit, în prezența tuturor elevilor și profesorilor din Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu, a părinților și bunicilor lor, care i-au însoțit în prima lor zi de școală, și a altor oaspeți. Publicul a putut afla că instituția noastră va fi implicată, timp de doi ani, într-un proiect european de parteneriat strategic care îşi propune să sprijine dezvoltarea, transferul şi implementarea de practici inovatoare şi de iniţiative comune cu scopul promovării, cooperarii, ȋnvăţării reciproce şi schimbului de experienţă la nivel european, împreună cu școli partenere din Turcia, Portugalia, Cipru, Lituania și Croația. În discursul său, coordonatoarea a menționat faptul că, prin acest proiect, elevii (de la clasa pregătitoare şi până la clasa a XII-a) au şansa de a arăta altora frumuseţea personalităţii lor, punându-şi în valoare calităţile şi pasiunile, grija pentru curăţenia mediului în care trăiesc şi învaţă, demonstrându-şi astfel prietenia şi apartenenţa europeană. În acest discurs, coordonatoareal și-a exprimat încrederea că vom beneficia de sprijinul permanent al inspectoratului școlar, al autorităților locale, al instituțiilor regionale de mediu și al Asociației Părinților, precum și speranța că acest proiect va fi un imbold pentru toate cadrele didactice din oraşul nostru în vederea demarării de proiecte Erasmus+, contribuind la formarea continuă a dascălilor şi la consolidarea dimensiunii europene în educaţia elevilor judeţului Sibiu, prin activităţi de cooperare între şcoli. Acest discurs, ca toate documentele proiectului, conține disclaimer-ul, așa cum poate fi observat, colorat în roșu, în documentul tipărit și publicat cu SlideShare. Iată link-urile către textul discursului, în engleză și română:



    Mircea Botiş, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu

    Erasmus+ ELIT Press Conference

    On Thursday, 20th October, the First elementary school in Čakovec held a press conference to introduce the Erasmus+ project Ecological Literacy (international school partnership project) we're taking part in, together with our partners from Romania, Cyprus, Turkey, Portugal and Lithuania. As project part, we'll promote ecological consciousness and literacy among pupils, teachers, parents and local community, we will raise awareness and learn about the concept of green energy, green housing, renewable energy sources, air, noise and light pollution and reduced life quality because of pollution, waste, clean energy, transport, weather, natural disasters. Pupils, teachers of the Eramus+ team, coordinator Ivana Ružić and headmaster Siniša Stričak presented their previous experiences and spoke on what they expect from the international partnership in future.

    Draženka Blažeka, teacher, l. osnovna skola Cakovec 

    Erasmus+ ELIT Konferencija za medije

    U četvrtak, 20. listopada u I. OŠ Čakovec održana je predstavljanje Erasmus+ projekata ECOLOGICAL LITERACY iz područja međunarodna školska partnerstva koje provodi naša škola sa partnerima iz Rumunjske, Cipra, Turske, Portugala i Litve. U sklopu projekta razvijati ćemo ekološku svijest i pismenost među učenicima, učiteljima, roditeljima i u lokalnoj zajednici, upoznati i naučiti koncept zelene energije, zelene kuće, obnovljive izvore energije, zagađenje, otpad, koncept čiste energije, transport, vremenske (ne)prilike, prirodne nepogode, smanjenje kvalitete života zbog zagađenja, zagađenje zraka, svjetlosno i zvučno zagađenje. Učenici, učitelji članovi Erasmus+ tima, voditeljica projekata Ivana Ružić i ravnatelj škole Siniša Stričak, predstavili su svoja iskustva i očekivanja od međunarodne suradnje u budućnosti.

    Marija Toplek, učitelj, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Inter-county conference "EU projects in schools"

    January 9, 2017 in the Technological Innovation Centre Međimurje in Čakovec was held inter-county conference for teachers and teachers of informatics and computer science in primary and secondary schools from the City of Zagreb, Zagreb, Karlovac, Krapina-Zagorje, Varazdin and Medjimurje County. Conference entitled EU projects in schools organized by the Agency for Education, a lead consultant Saeed Deljac, prof. At the Workshop presenters Jane Banic, director, First Gymnasium Varazdin; mr. sc. Kristinka Blažek, Technical School Čakovec; Marijan Horvat, Technical School Čakovec; Tina Čerpinko, Nina Prašnjak, Mario Stancic, director of the VI. Varaždin Primary School; Tamara Vidovic and Tea Horvatić, PS Strahoninec and Ivana Ruzic, I. elementary school Čakovec presented the EU projects implemented in their institutions of development concept to implementation, evaluation and acceptance of the final isvještaja projects, their own experiences and best practices. In addition to the exchange of experiences, the meeting was an opportunity to develop new ideas and partnerships in future projects, empowerment odrazovne community in the implementation of international projects.

    Sinisa Stricak, headmaster, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Međužupanijski stručni skup "EU projekti u školama"

    9. siječnja 2017. godine u Tehnološko inovacijskom centru Međimurje u Čakovcu održan je međužupanijski stručni skup za učitelje i nastavnike informatike i računalstva u osnovnim i srednjim školama s područja Grada Zagreba, Zagrebačke, Karlovačke, Krapinsko-zagorske, Varaždinske i Međimurske županije. Skup pod nazivom EU projekti u školama organizirala je Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje, a vodila savjetnica Saida Deljac, prof. Na skupu su predavači Janja Banić, ravnateljica, Prva gimnazija Varaždin; mr. sc. Kristinka Blažeka, Tehnička škola Čakovec; Marijan Horvat, Tehnička škola Čakovec; Tina Čerpinko, Nina Prašnjak, Mario Stančić, ravnatelj VI. OŠ Varaždin; Tamara Vidović i Tea Horvatić, OŠ Strahoninec i Ivana Ružić, I. osnovna škola Čakovec predstavili EU projekte provedene u njihovim ustanovama od razvoja ideje do realizacije, evaluacije i prihvata završnih isvještaja projekata, vlastita iskustva i primjere dobre prakse. Uz razmjenu iskustava, skup je bio prilika za razvoj novih ideja i partnerstava u budućim projektima, osnaživanje odrazovne zajednice u području provedbe međunarodnih projekata.

    Ana Novinščak, učenik, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    We Discover Ourselves by Exploring the World

    Pupils and teachers’ international conference of scientific, investigatory and creative works “We Discover Ourselves by Exploring the World ” was in Kauno Varpo gymnasium on 15 May, 2017. We are pleased that 2 pupils of Prezidento Valdo Adamkaus gymnasium, Haroldas Kečioris and Dovydas Buziliauskas, attended it. They held a presentation “Developing of Competences Participating in International Projects“ and shared experience gained by participating in the international project Erasmus+ ELIT 2016-2018. They not only made a presentation, but also listened to other pupils presentations on experience in international projects, as they improved and knowledge. The section "International Cooperation Experiences: Challenges and Opportunities" was led by Liutauras Ivoska, project coordinator at Lithuanian National Agency. There, the pupils had the chance to listen to presentations like "Erasmus+ Chance Lives, Open Minds" by a participant from Germany, "School Without Borders: International Project Experience", "Life and Work in Europe: Advice Manual", etc. as well as sharing their best practice and improving English skills. The pupils were prepared by the English teacher methodologist Andželika Andreikėnienė.

    Rita Rasikiene, headmaster, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas


    2017 m. gegužės 15 d. Kauno “Varpo” gimnazijoje vyko tarptautinė mokinių ir jų mokytojų mokslinių, tiriamųjų, kūrybinių darbų konferencija “TIRIAM PASAULĮ- ATRANDAM SAVE”. Džiaugiamės, kad konferencijoje sudalyvavo ir Prezidento Valdo Adamkaus gimnazijos IIb kl. mokiniai Haroldas Kečioris ir Dovydas Buziliauskas. Mokiniai pasidalino savo patirtimi įgyta dalyvaudami tarptautiniame Erasmus + projekte ELIT. (2016-2018m.m) pristatydami pranešimą „Developing of competences participating in international projects“. Konferencijos metu mokiniai ne tik skaitė savo pranešimą, bet ir išklausė kitų mokinių, bei mokytojų pristatymus apie įvairias patirtis dalyvaujant tarptautiniuos projektuose, patobulintas kompetencijas bei įgytas žinias. Sekcijai „Tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo patirtys: iššūkiai ir galimybės“ vadovavo Lietuvos Nacionalinės Agentūros projektų koordinatorius Liutauras Ivoška. Konferencijos metu mokiniai turėjo galimybę išklausyti šiuos pranešimus: „Erasmus+ chance lives, open minds“- pranešėja iš Vokietijos; „School without borders: international Project experience“, „ Life and work in Europe: advice manual „ ir kt. , pasidalinti geraja patirtimi bei patobulinti savo anglų k žinias.

    Andzelika Andreikeniene, Erasmus+ mokyklos koordinatorius, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas

    Together, Professionals for Education

    Within the conference entitled ”Together, Professionals for Education”, which held in Sibiu City on the 2nd of November 2016, the project coordinator presented a movie reflecting the literary and artistic creation process for the project booklet, achieved by using a special tool changing a Word document into a movie, after collecting the photos sent by e-mail by each school coordinator. The conference, addressed to teaching staff in primary education in order to value the experience in psychology and pedagogy was organized by Sibiu County School Inspectorate and House of Teaching Staff Sibiu. Mr. Sorin Cristea from University of Bucharest and Mrs. Mihaela Bucuţă from "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu were the guests professors. The audience consisting in teachers from schools in Sibiu County was delighted by this movie, made with the contribution of all 6 school coordinators. The material has got 63,1 Mb, so we could upload it on the ECAS platform, knowing that one attachment hasn’t to exceed 100 Mb. For the posting on the project website, first it was uploaded on Youtube and on the own blog by the coordinator.

    Here is the link:

    Raluca Teglaș, teacher, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu 

    Împreună, profesioniști pentru educație

    În cadrul conferinței intitulate "Împreună, profesioniști pentru Educație", care a avut loc la Sibiu în data de 2 noiembrie 2016, coordonatorul proiectului a prezentat un film care reflectă procesul de creație literară și artistică pentru broșura de proiect, realizat prin utilizarea unui instrument special de schimbare a unui document Word în film, după colectarea fotografiilor trimise prin e-mail de către fiecare coordonator școlar. Conferința adresată cadrelor didactice din învățământul primar pentru a valorifica experiența în psihologie și pedagogie a fost organizată de Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Sibiu și Casa Corpului Didactic din Sibiu. D-l Sorin Cristea de la Universitatea din București și d-na Mihaela Bucuță de la Universitatea "Lucian Blaga" din Sibiu au fost profesorii invitați. Publicul format din profesori din școlile județului Sibiu a fost încântat de acest film, realizat cu contribuția tuturor celor 6 coordonatori școlari. Materialul are 63,1 Mb, încât l-am putut încărca pe platforma ECAS, știind că un atașament nu trebuie să depășească 100 Mb. Pentru postarea pe site-ul proiectului, mai întâi a fost încărcat pe Youtube și pe blogul propriu de către coordonator.

    Iată link-ul:


    Daniela Cioplea, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu

    Let’s Get Together by Working Together!

    Andželika Andreikėnienė, co-ordinator of the international project Erasmus + "ELIT", of the President Valdas Adamkus Gymnasium located in Lithuania, Kaunas city, together with the director of the Gymnasium Rita Rasikienė, participated in the international conference "We are joining together in cooperation" which took place in Latvia in Riga on 15-16 November 2017. The conference was attended by teachers, coordinators of projects from 17 different European countries. During the conference, the participants shared their best practices in project implementation, shared their successes and enjoyed the benefits of projects for students, their parents, the institution and the community. The following day, the conference participants worked in groups to create new contacts in order to create new projects. Participants were also acquainted with innovations in the implementation of international Erasmus+ KA2 projects. We are glad to have the opportunity to participate in the conference and we are grateful to the Danish organizers of the conference. We also want to share a few moments from the conference.

    Vita Kuliešiūtė, teacher, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas

    Susijunkime drauge bendradarbiaudami kartu!

    Prezidento Valdo Adamkaus gimnazijos, esančios Lietuvoje, Kauno mieste tarptautinių projekto Erasmus+ “ELIT” koordinatorė Andželika Andreikėnienė kartu su gimnazijos direktore Rita Rasikiene dalyvavo tarpatautinėje konferencijoje “Susijunkime drauge bendradarbiaudami kartu”, kuri vyko Latvijoje, Rygoje 2017m. lapkričio 15-16d. Konferencijoje dalyvavo mokytojai, projektus koordinuojantys koordinatoriai net iš 17 skirtingų Europos šalių. Konferencijos metu dalyviai pasidalino gerąja patirtimi įgyvendindami projekus, pasidalino sėkmėmis ir pasidžiaugė projektų teikiama nauda mokiniams, jų tėvams, institucijai, bendruomenei. Sekančią dieną konferencijos dalyviai dirbo grupėmis, siekdami užmegzti naujus kontaktus, tam, kad nauji projektai atsirastų. Taip pat dalyviai buvo supažindinami su naujovėmis įgyvendinant tarptautinius Erasmus+ KA2 projektus. Džiaugiamės turėję galimybę sudalyvauti konferencijoje ir tariame didžiulį ačiū konferencijos organizatoriams danams. Taip pat norime pasidalinti keliomis akimirkomis iš konferencijos.

    Indrė Šlajūtė, mokytojas, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas