
  • The Workshop with the Theme "Who was Erasmus"

    Within this activity of creativity, Mrs. Gabriela Mirela Jugar, the coordinator of the project "Ecological Literacy" together with her 27 pupils of the class IV A, from "Constantin Noica" High School (including three children with ADHD), started in the story of the projects, as it is seen by the pupils. Through children's eyes, "Erasmus's Story" is different than you have ever imagined. The pupils have started from the idea that nothing would come alive, even a project, or its name if it were not a man to put this name. As all the things you learn are based on a learned and the discovery of other things is made by us in practice, the children expressed their ideas. According to Alexandra, a pupil of 10 years old, "Erasmus was a man!" And then we started looking for our little man and tried to build it as best we could. We prepared some materials: a worn sock, without pair, rice, thread, a cardboard from the roll toilet paper. Then we started building "Mr. Erasmus”. We have made first the cap of the character because we thought it would be very cold in wintertime for our little man. We have cut the cardboard into thin strips and then we have moved thick thread, realizing after that the cap. We have filled the sock with rice and then we have made a special smile with the pencil. We have created some collages from the photos.

    Cristian Potcovel, pupil, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Atelierul cu tema „Cine a fost Erasmus”

    În cadrul acestei activități de creativitate, d-na Gabriela Mirela Jugar, coordonatorul proiectului „Alfabetizare Ecologică”, împreună cu cei 27 de elevi ai săi din clasa a IV a A, de la Liceul Teoretic ”Constantin Noica” (dintre care trei copii cu ADHD), a pornit în povestea proiectelor, așa cum este văzută de elevi. Prin ochi de copil, „Povestea lui Erasmus” este altfel decât ce v-ați închipuit vreodată. Elevii au pornit de la ideea că nimic nu ar prinde viață, nici chiar un proiect, sau denumirea acestuia, dacă nu ar fi existat un om care să-i pună acest nume. Cum toate lucrurile pe care le învățăm pornesc de la un învățat, iar descoperirea altor lucruri o facem noi prin practică, copiii și-au exprimat ideile. În opinia Alexandrei, o elevă de 10 anișori: „Erasmus a fost un om!”. Și atunci am pornit în căutarea omulețului nostru și am încercat să-l construim cum am putut mai bine. Am pregătit câteva materiale: o șosetă uzată, fără pereche, orez, ață, carton de la sulul de hârtie igienică. Apoi am pornit în construirea „Domnului Erasmus”. Am confecționat mai întâi căciula personajului, deoarece ne-am gândit că iarna ar fi foarte rece pentru omulețul nostru. Am tăiat cartonul în fâșii subțiri, apoi am trecut ață groasă, realizând apoi căciulița. Am umplut șoseta cu orez, apoi i-am făcut un zâmbet deosebit cu creionul. Din fotografiile făcute am realizat colaje.

    Andrei Coroș, elev, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu

    Creating Christmas Cards for Project Friends

    On 12 December, the 6-8th graders who are involved in the project met for a joint activity to create Christmas cards for the project peers from other countries. The students came to the meeting well-prepared and in a very good mood. Preparing greeting cards for the peers from Cyprus, Portugal, Croatia, Romania and Turkey was a pretty exceptional activity. The students willingly shared not only ideas, but also the tools that were needed for the production of cards. The room was full of positive emotions and hope their friends from foreign countries would like their works. We sincerely hope that our foreign friends will like our cards and best wishes, because children put a lot of love and effort to make them. We are very happy about our students' creativity, innovative ideas, as well as meaningful and warm wishes. Our students are sure that handmade cards are much more valuable and precious than those sold in shops or bookstores. We are very proud of our students and we all are certain that our handmade cards will surprise not only our foreign friends, but also those who are around us. All best wishes from the project participants from Lithuania!

    Vita Kuliešiūtė, teacher, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas



    Veikla kalėdinių atvirukų ruošimas projekto draugams

    Gruodžio 12d. tarptautinio projekto ELIT dalyviai 6-8 kl. mokiniai vėl rinkosi bendrai veiklai-kalėdinių atvirukų ruošimui projekte dalyvaujantiems bendraamžiams iš kitų šalių. Mokiniai į užsįėmimą atėjo pakyliai nusiteikę ir gerai pasiruošę. Juk atvirukus darys ne bet kam, o draugams į svečias šalis: Kiprą, Portugaliją, Kroatiją, Rumuniją bei Turkiją. Viso užsiėmimo metu mokiniai nuoširdžiai dalinosi ne tik idėjomis, bet ir priemonėmis kurios buvo reikalingos atvirukų gamybai. Nestigo teigiamų emocijų ir kalbų apie tai, ar atvirukai patiks draugams iš svečių šalių. Na, mes iš tiesų tikimės, kad atvirukai patiks, nes vaikai įdėjo daug meilės ir pastangų, tam, kad juos pagaminti. Džiaugiamės mokinių kūrybiškumu, inovatyviomis idėjomis, prasmingais ir šiltais žodžiais. Taip pat mokiniai prašė perduoti, kad jie vis dar yra įsitikinę, kad rankų darbo atvirukai yra kur kas mielesni ir patrauklesni, nei tie, kuriuos perkame parduotuvėje ar knygyne. Didžiuojamės savo mokiniais ir tikime, kad ši graži tradicija nedings ir draugus mes stebinsime rankų darbo atvirukais ne tik is svečių šalių, bet ir tuos, kurie gyvena šalia mūsų. Su didžiausiais linkėjimais, iš projekto dalyviai iš Lietuvos!

    Andzelika Andreikeniene, Erasmus+ mokyklos koordinatorius, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas


    The Story of Paper Bags

    In early October, pupils of the Child forum Zmajići (Little Dragons) together with their teachers Draženka Blažeka and Marija Toplek participated in activities as part of the event Children's week. They actively participated in the workshop „The story of the paper bag“, held in the Kindergarten Maslačak (Dandelion). There they developed their creativity, cooperation, a positive attitude towards working and talked on the importance of environment protecting. The results are originally decorated paper bags made of recycled paper, which pupils will use later in school. The activities were part of the Erasmus+ project Ecological Literacy, developed by the First elementary school in Čakovec.

    Ivana Ružić, Erasmus+ school coordinator, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Priča papirnate vrećice

    Početkom listopada učenici Dječjeg foruma Zmajići sa učiteljicama Draženkom Blažeka i Marijom Toplek, uključili su se u aktivnosti povodom Dječjeg tjedna. Aktivno su sudjelovali na radionici u DV Maslačak (rod porodice glavočike}. ”Priča papirnate vrećice” gdje su razvijali kreativnost, suradnju, pozitivan donos prema radu ali i svijest o važnosti zaštite okoliša. Rezultat aktivnosti su maštovito ukrašene papirnate vrećica od recikliranog papira koje će koristiti za čuvanje svojih radova. Aktivnost je dio Erasmus+ projekta Ecological literacy kojeg provodi I. osnovna škola Čakovec.

    Valerija Horvat, učitelj, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Decorate Your Cloth Bag

    Our school for many years cooperates with the environmental group Nobilis. By various workshops and lectures kids want to raise awareness about the importance and the need to protect the environment and develop skills in individual/each of us can contribute. In 4 C recent workshop "Ornaments of Our Canvas Bag" the pupils listened to a brief lecture on the harmfulness of plastic bags' use. After lecture each pupil was given a cloth bag (which we would like to thank the city donated bags) that he could decorate as desired. From old T-shirt that no longer to carry, the pupils cut out various applications to decorate bags. It was fun as many for the first time got in hands a needle and thread! There were ideas on this occasion to pay tribute to the bag. The workshop was prepared and conducted by Dubravka Kečkeš and Ivana Ričko Borovic.

    Valerija Horvat, teacher, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Ukrasi svoju platnenu vrećicu

    Naša škola već dugi niz godina surađuje sa zaštitarsko- ekološkom organizacijom Nobilis. Putem različitih radionica i predavanja najmlađe se želi osvijestiti o važnosti i potrebi zaštite okoliša te poučiti kako pojedinac/ svatko od nas, može tome doprinijeti. U 4.c nedavno je održana radionica pod nazivom „Ukrasi svoju platnenu vrećicu“. Učenici su slušali kratko predavanje o štetnosti upotrebe plastičnih vrećica. Poslije predavanja svaki učenik je dobio platnenu vrećicu (zahvaljujemo Gradu koji nam je donirao vrećice) koju je mogao ukrasiti po želji. Od starih majica koje više ne nose učenici su izrezivali različite aplikacije kojima su ukrašavali vrećice. Bilo je zabavno jer su mnogi po prvi put primili u ruke iglu i konac! Javljale su se i ideje kome i kojom prigodom će pokloniti vrećice. Radionicu su pripremile i vodile Dubravka Kečkeš i Ivana Ričko Borović.

    Marija Toplek, učitelj, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Workshop on the Environment

    Vali M. Lutfullah Bilgin Secondary School project workgroup conducted a workshop on “Ecology” within the scope of Erasmus+ project “Ecological Literacy” in Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Ecological Building between 23 – 27.01.2017. Ecological Winter School which was planned to create an awareness of environment and nature lasted for five days. The pupils tried new exciting ecological applications during the workshop in which different activities were realized every new day such as terrarium, sun bug and seed bomb, they also had the opportunity to develop their skills and learn by experiencing. We thank Ecological Building directorate and staff for their kind support and intimacy. Day 1: Students who were taken from the school by the bus assigned by Metropolitan Municipality for them to the seminar room of Ecological Building. After the briefing related to environment and renewable energy, ecological detectives made their own presentations about their themes. Later on, we got to the new building and the workshop was realized. The pupils built terrarium which meant a miniature garden with several plants in a bell jar on the first day. After they had completed their tasks, they were taken back home by the same vehicle. Day 2: The working group continued learning about renewable energy sources on the second day at Ecological Winter School. During the second session in the workshop, they came to know how to generate electricity using solar panels. Pupils generated electricity by using small, middle scaled and larger solar panels, then measured the amount of energy they produced. As the last activity of the second day, the members of workgroup turned the electrical energy they produced into the motional energy by building small bugs with solar panels on them. Day 3: On the third day of the workshop, students generated electricity through vegetables and fruits. They provided enough power for LED bulb and table clock by generating electricity through potato and orange. They used voltmeter to measure the amount of energy produced. After making their own presentations on renewable energy, ecological detectives completed the third day at ecological winter school. Day 4: On the fourth day which started with a presentation on renewable energy sources, our hosts organized a thematic trip to Botanical Garden. After the briefing and short tour in the garden, ecological detectives planted wild violets. Then, in the workshop, they prepared dough by mixing water and paper grapon. Students obtained seed bombs adding chamomile seeds into the dough. In spring, they are going to plant the seed bombs in parks, gardens or any places that fit planting and contribute to the green view of the city. Day 5: Our last day at Ecological Winter School... on the last day, pupils learned the importance of waste treatment and its contribution to environment as well as economy. They designed and built nests with wasted materials. By coloring and garnishing pinecones   ecological detectives made owls and placed them in the nests. At the end of the day, there was the certificate ceremony organized. We said bye to our esteemed hosts and left for home. We would like thank Elif KARAKAŞ and staff of Ecological Building, who prepared different activities for us during five days once again.

    Umut Uysaler, Erasmus+ school coordinator, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu


    Erasmus+ projesi “Ecological Literacy” kapsamında, Vali M. Lütfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu proje çalışma grubu, Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi Ekolojik Bina’da 23-27.01.2017 tarihleri arasında “Ekoloji” konulu atölye çalışması gerçekleştirmiştir. Öğrencilerimizde çevre ve doğa konularında farkındalık oluşturmak amacıyla düzenlenen ekolojik kış okulu beş gün sürmüştür. Her gün farklı bir etkinliğin gerçekleştirildiği atölye çalışmalarında öğrenciler teraryum, güneş böceği, tohum bombası gibi heyecan verici ekolojik uygulamaları denemiş; hem el becerilerini geliştirip hem de yaparak yaşayarak öğrenme fırsatı bulmuşlardır. Proje çalışma grubuna bu fırsatı sağlayan Ekolojik Bina yönetimi ve tüm personeline nazik ilgi ve desteklerinden ötürü teşekkür ederiz. Gün 1: Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin tahsis ettiği araçla okuldan alınan öğrenciler, öncelikle Ekolojik Binanın seminer salonuna alındılar. Çevre ve yenilenebilir enerji ile ilgili bilgilendirmeden sonra, projemizin ekolojik dedektifleri, Ekolojik Bina eğitmenlerine kendi konularıyla ilgili sunumlarını yaptılar. Sonrasında, yeni binaya geçilip atölye çalışmasına başlandı. Birinci gün, proje çalışma grubu, bir cam kap içinde yaşayan bitkilerin yer aldığı minyatür bir bahçe olan teraryum yaptı. Minyatür bahçelerini tamamlayan öğrenciler, aynı araçla evlerine döndü. Gün 2: Ekolojik kış okulunda, ikinci gün çalışma grubu yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarını öğrenmeye devam ettiler. Atölyede gerçekleştirilen ikinci oturumda, öğrenciler güneş panelleri kullanarak enerji üretmeyi öğrendiler. Küçük, orta ve büyük boy güneş panelleri kullanarak elektrik ürettiler ve ürettikleri enerji miktarını ölçtüler. Günün son etkinliğinde, öğrenciler üzerlerinde güneş panelleri bulunan minik böcekler yapıp ürettikleri elektrik enerjisini hareket enerjisine çevirdiler. Gün 3: Atölye çalışmasının üçüncü gününde, öğrencilerimiz meyve ve sebzeden elektrik üretti. Patates ve portakal kullanarak ürettikleri elektrik enerjisiyle masa saati ve LED ampul çalıştırdılar. Ürettikleri enerji miktarını voltmetre kullanarak ölçtüler. Ekolojik dedektifler, enerji tasarrufu ile ilgili çalışmalarını sunduktan kış okulundaki üçüncü günü de tamamladılar. Gün 4: Geri dönüşüm ile ilgili sunumlarla başlayan dördüncü günde, ev sahiplerimiz bizleri Botanik Bahçesi'nde ağırladı. Bilgilendirme ve tematik gezimizin ardından, ekolojk dedektifler yabani menekşe ekimi yaptılar. Botanik gezisinin ardından, atölyede grafon kâğıtlarını ıslatıp hamur haline getirdiler ve içlerine papatya tohumu ekleyip tohum bombaları elde ettiler. Bahar aylarında, tohum bombalarımızı; park, bahçe ya da herhangi bir yeşil alana atarak şehrimizin yeşillenmesine katkıda bulunacağız. Gün 5: Ekolojik kış okulundaki son günümüz. Beşinci gün, atık değerlendirmenin önemini, ekonomi ve çevreye katkısını öğrendik. Atık maddeleri kullanarak kuş yuvaları yaptık, çam kozalaklarını boyayıp süsleyerek kuş yuvalarının içine baykuşlar yerleştirdik. Etkinliğimiz sonrasında sertifika töreniyle birlikte ev sahiplerimizle vedalaşarak ayrıldık. Beş gün boyunca bizlere her gün yeni etkinlikler hazırlayan, yeni sunumlar yapan Elif öğretmenimize ve tüm Ekolojik Bina personeline bir kez daha teşekkür ederiz.

    Hulusi Gürbüz, okul müdürü, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    Eco Workshop by Zmajići and KIds of the Kindergarten Bambi

    Cooperation of Kids' Forum „Zmajići“ and DND Čakovec (Our Kids Association) in the project „All of us read, big and small“ that was implemented for 4 years was enriched with a new companionship. We hosted a group of the kindergarten Bambi kids and together we read the story "Snowman" by Zvonimir Balog and sang winter songs. We organized an eco workshop. Using natural, discarded and useless materials we made snowmen. Newspaper, Styrofoam, plastic bags, wheat straw, aluminum foil were used to make snowmen who aren't always cold, white or snowy. These project activities were leaded by our teachers Draženka Blažeka and Marija Toplek and kindergarten teachers. There were involved about 30 kids of the kindergarten and 25 pupils of Kids' Forum „Zmajići“.

    Jelena Kovačić, pupil, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Eko radionica zmajića i mališana iz dv Bambi

    Suradnja Dječjeg foruma “Zmajići”s DND Čakovec u projektu “Čitamo svi veliki i mali” koji se provodi već 4 godine obogaćena je za jedno novo druženje. Ugostili smo vrtićku skupinu djece DV Bambi s kojim smo čitali priču Snjegović Zvonimira Baloga pjevali pjesme posvećene zimi. Organizirali smo ekološku radionicu. Pomoću prirodnih, odbačenih i neupotrebljivih materijala izrađivali smo snjegoviće. Novinski papir, stiropor, plastične vrećice, pšenična slama, aluminijska folija poslužili su za izradu snjegovića koji nisu uvijek hladni, bijeli i snježni. Voditeljice ove projektne aktivnosti su učiteljice Draženka Blažeka i Marija Toplek te odgajateljice iz dječjeg vrtića Bambi. Na aktivnosti je sudjelovalo tridesetak djece iz vrtića i 25 učenika Dječjeg foruma Zmajići.

    Sinisa Stricak, ravnatelj škole, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Bunch of Love Thoughts for Mums in a Jar of "Jam for Soul"

    We are still small, the 2nd class, but we decided to make a surprise to mother on the 8th of March. We gathered all our warm and full of love and gratitude thoughts on coloured small notes, like the petals of flowers, painstakingly placed them in little jars and we decorated them with ribbons and little hearts. Our teacher helped, too, as we are not too skilled. Recyclable little jars, caps, scraps of coloured paper, pieces of rope that remained from other activities, more colour and imagination. It wasn't hard! Slowly, our gift took shape. We tied the little jar with "jam for soul" and we gave it to mothers. Now every "I love you, my good fairy", "thank you for being there", "I'm so happy you're my mother" are in a safe place, and mother's smile and the light in her eyes assured me that my dreams are protected.

    Gabriela Mirela Jugar, ELIT project coordinator, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Buchet de gânduri de iubire pentru mame într-un borcan de „dulceață pentru suflet"

    Suntem încă mici, clasa a II-a, dar ne-am hotărât să-i facem mamei o surpriză de 8 Martie. Am adunat toate gândurile noastre calde și pline de dragoste și recunoștință pe mici bilețele colorate, asemeni petalelor de flori, le-am așezat cu migală în borcănașe și le-am decorat cu fundițe și inimioare. Ne-a ajutat și doamna învățătoare, că nu suntem prea pricepuți. Borcănașe reciclabile, căpăcele, resturi de hârtie colorată, bucățele de sfoară care au rămas de la alte activități, multă culoare si imaginație. N-a fost greu! Încet, încet darul nostru a prins contur. Am legat borcănașul cu „dulceață pentru suflet” și l-am dăruit mamelor. Acum fiecare „te iubesc zâna mea cea bună”, „mulțumesc pentru că exiști”, „sunt atât de fericit că ești mama mea” sunt la loc sigur, iar zâmbetul mamei și lumina din ochii ei mă asigură că visurile mele sunt ocrotite.

    Daniela Cioplea, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu


    Our county is known for growing corn, and corn husk has long been used to create useful (bags, doormats, coasters) and decorative objects. The pupils from grades 3A and 3B, together with their teachers Marija Toplek and Draženka Blažeka, as well as pupils from the partner schools from Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Turkey and Cyprus, got acquainted with corn husk as a suitable material for creation of flowers, they learned different ways of paining, soaking and forming corn husk. We all tried to learn and make our own flower with the help of the leader.

    Ivana Ružić, Erasmus+ school coordinator, l. osnovna skola Cakovec


    Zavičaj nam je poznat po sijanju kukuruza, a komušina oljuštena od klipa odavno se upotrebljava za izradu uporabnih (cekera, torbi, otirača, podmetača) i ukrasnih predmeta. Učenici 3.a i 3.b razreda sa učiteljicama Marijom Toplek i Draženkom Blažeka te učenici i učitelji iz partnerskih škola iz Litve, Portugala, Rumunjske, Turske i Cipra, upoznali su komušinu kao podatan  materijal za izradu cvijeća, načine bojanja, namakanja i  oblikovanja  komušine. Svi smo pokušali uz pomoć voditeljice naučiti i izraditi svoj cvijet.

    Lara Topolnjak, učenik, l. osnovna skola Cakovec  


    In class 3D, the pupils' families happily join our school projects.  This time they helped their children  make magnets in the shape of a tie. The main part of the work is done, and pupils will finish their ties and give them to the guests of ELIT project.

    Petar Ovčar, pupil, l. osnovna skola Cakovec


    U našem se 3. d razredu školskim projektima rado pridružuju i roditelji. Ovaj put su svojoj djeci pomogli u izradi magneta u obliku kravata. Glavni dio posla je obavljen, a učenici će dovršiti kravate i pokloniti ih gostima iz projekta ELIT.

    Lara Mikulic, pupil, l. osnovna skola Cakovec