
  • The Romanian Pupils' Impressions about the Meeting in Romania

    After the transnational meeting in Romania and even after that, the Romanian pupils have written their impressions. The pupils of the primary classes, who welcomed with flowers the partner teachers from Croatia, Turkey, Lithuania, Portugal and Cyprus, wearing national folk costumes, as well as those who danced, sang or participated to the organizing of the meeting as members of the project team were very impressed not only by the friendship showed by the guests during the tour of the school or the artistic performance, but also by the care for communication then and later, by creating a Facebook project group only for pupils, monitored by the Croatian coordinator, to whom belongs the idea of creating it. The words used by the Romanian pupils in the writing of their impressions were very exciting. They are looking forward to see again these teachers and to meet their pupils face-to-face. These moments will be, no doubt, unique ones. We chose two of these impressions to illustrate this posting on our project website, making them JPG photos after creating them on slides of a PPT.

    Marius Macrea, teacher, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu

    Impresiile elevilor români despre întâlnirea din România

    După întâlnirea transnațională din România și chiar și după aceea, elevii români și-au scris impresiile. Elevii claselor primare, care i-au primit cu flori pe profesorii parteneri din Croația, Turcia, Lituania, Portugalia și Cipru, purtând costume populare naționale, precum și cei care au dansat, au cântat sau au participat la organizarea întâlnirii, ca membri ai echipei de proiect au fost foarte impresionați nu numai de prietenia manifestată de oaspeți în timpul turului școlii sau spectacolului artistic, dar și de grija pentru comunicare, aptunci și mai târziu, prin crearea unui grup de proiect pe Facebook doar pentru elevi, monitorizat de coordonatoarea croată, căreia îi aparține ideea de a-l crea. Cuvintele folosite de elevii români în scrierea impresiilor lor au fost foarte emoționante. Ei așteaptă cu nerăbdare să-i vadă pe acești profesori și să le întâlnească elevii față-în-față. Aceste momente vor fi, fără îndoială, unele unice. Am ales două dintre aceste impresii pentru a ilustra această postare pe site-ul nostru de proiect, redate ca fotografii JPG după crearea lor pe slide-urile unei PPT.

    Daniela Cioplea, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu

    Diana's Impresions on the Transnational Meeting in Portugal

    As we established at the beginning of the project, during the second transnational meeting in Portugal, which took place from the 28th of May until the 4th of June 2017, the Romanian coordinator, Mrs. Gabriela Mirela Jugar went to Rio Maior accompanied by her school headmaster, Mr. Mihai Victorin Ordean and her school colleague Diana Adina Bucuță, who is in the same time primary level inspector at County Inspectorate Sibiu. All these teachers wrote their impressions about this Erasmus+ activity. We publish here, on the website, one of them, namely those written by Mrs. Bucuță. She was impressed by the interesting program prepared by the Portuguese host team, including many workshops, trips, visits to the Agrupamento de Escolas Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva school and its branches, by the beautiful and well equipped clasroooms and labs, by the devotion for the students and for what a teacher is meant to be, by their concern for disabled students, and the visit to Lisbon Oceanario.

    Here is the link to her text, published by the coordinator:

    Mihai Victorin Ordean, headmaster, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu  

    Impresiile Dianei despre Întâlnirea Transnațională din Portugalia

    După cum am stabilit la începutul proiectului, la cea de-a doua întâlnire transnațională din Portugalia, care a avut loc în perioada 28 mai - 4 iunie 2017, coordonatorul român, doamna Gabriela Mirela Jugar, a mers la Rio Maior însoțită de Domnul Mihai Victorin Ordean, directorul școlii ei și Diana Adina Bucuță, colega ei de școală, care este în același timp inspector pentru ciclul primar la Inspectoratul Județean Sibiu. Toți acești profesori și-au scris impresiile despre această activitate Erasmus+. Publicăm aici, pe website, unele dintre ele, și anume cele scrise de doamna Bucuță. Ea a fost impresionată de interesantul program pregătit de echipa gazdă portugheză, incluzând multe ateliere, excursii, vizite la școala Fernando Casimiro Pereira da Silva de la Agrupamento de Escolas și sucursalele sale, de frumoasele și bine echipatele clase și laboratoare, de devotamentul pentru elevi și pentru ceea ce trebuie să fie un profesor, de grija lor pentru elevii cu dizabilități și de vizita la Oceanariul din Lisabona.

    Iată link-ul textului său, publicat de coordonatoare:

    Mădălina Sporiș, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu 

    The Impressions of the Romanian Pupils about the Mobility in Romania

    After the mobility in Romania, which took place between 8 and 14 October 2017, the Romanian Erasmus+ team of the project “Ecological Literacy” in “Constantin Noica” High School Sibiu organized a meeting with the pupils involved in this mobility and their parents. The Romanian coordinator, Mrs. Gabriela Mirela Jugar asked them for writing their impressions. For posting them here, the impressions of four pupils and of a mother were selected. Thus, they belong to Vlad Diță, Luisa Dolomeț, Mircea Ioan Surpățeanu, Riccardo Diaconu and to Andrei Sebastian Coroș’s mother. “It was a week full of excitement, fun, laughter and cheerfulness on the faces of all of us”, wrote one of our pupils. “We have learned a lot of things about ecology by means of the documentary visits and the workshops carried out in school”, wrote another one. “One of the highlights of this week was the surprise party we organized for Alex who turned 14. He was very touched by our gesture.”, wrote Andrei Sebastian Coroș’s mother, who hosted a “very well educated and open minded” pupil from Cyprus, as she described him.

    Open the following links in order to see these impressions:

    Adina Secu, teacher, "Constantin Noica" Theoretical High School Sibiu 

    Impresiile elevilor români despre mobilitatea din România

    După mobilitatea din România, ce a avut loc între 8 și 14 octombrie 2017, echipa română Erasmus+ a proiectului “Alfabetizare Ecologică” a Liceului “Constantin Noica” Sibiu a organizat o întâlnire cu elevii implicați în această mobilitate și părinții lor. Coordonatoarea română, d-na Gabriela Mirela Jugar, le-a cerut să-și scrie impresiile. Pentru a le posta aici, au fost selectate impresiile a 4 elevi și a unei mame. Astfel, ele aparțin lui Vlad Diță, Luisei Dolomeț, Mircea Ioan Surpățeanu, Riccardo Diaconu și mamei lui Andrei Sebastian Coroș. “A fost o săptămână plină de emoție, distracție, râs și veselie pe chipurile tuturor”, a scris unul dintre elevii noștri. “Am învățat o mulțime de lucruri despre ecologie prin vizitele documentare și atelierele desfășurate în școală”, a scris un altul. “Unul dintre cele mai importante momente ale acestei săptămâni a fost petrecerea surpriză pe care am organizat-o pentru Alex, ce a împlinit 14 ani. El a fost foarte mișcat de gestul nostru”, a scris mama lui Andrei Sebastian Coroș, ce a găzduit un elev “foarte bine educat și isteț” din Cipru, așa cum l-a descris ea.

    Deschideți limk-urile urmatoare pentru a vedea aceste impresii:

    Daniela Cioplea, profesor, Liceul Teoretic "Constantin Noica" Sibiu 



    The Cypriot Pupils' Impressions about the 3rd Mobility

    The three pupils who have participated to the third mobility in Romania were: Alexandros Kofteros, Philippos Yiapanis, and Stefanos Georgiou. Here is what Alexandros has written about this mobility: "On the first day, the teachers and their pupils have welcomed us and have given us some beautiful presents. We have got on the bus and we have visited the Clay Castle Fairies Valley which is a castle built of natural materials. Then we have visited the Brukenthal Palace from Avrig Town and then we have returned to our host family. The second day we have had a few classes together with our polite host pupils. Then we were welcomed at the reception, in the school hall, with bread and salt. Then the headmaster of the high school and the project coordinator have offered us some symbolic gifts. After that, we have seen a short artistic performance by their most gifyted pupils. Then we have taken a group photo and have gone into a workshop where we have made several personalised gifts, one for each participant to the mobility, host or guest. On the third day we have gone to the City Hall where we have met the mayor of Sibiu and we have visited the historical centre of Sibiu City. We have had lunch and then we have gone home. On the fourth day, we have had a documentary visit to Raul Sadului and then we have gone home after a very long journey. On the fifth day we went to classes together with our host pupils and then we have had a documentary visit to Astra Museum and Dumbrava Forest. We have had lunch at the Astra Museum and then we have gone home. On the fifth day we have visited the Alba Iulia City and we have had lunch there. Then we have visited the Turda Salt Mine and then we have returned home. On the last day we have prepared our luggage to travel back to Cyprus. We have said good-bye to our friendly host families and we have gone from the SIbiu Airport to go back to Cyprus". "Philippos wrote: "Last October me some other pupils and teachers from our school, had a trip for Sibiu, Romania. We were representing our school for the Erasmus program. In Sibiu we had a lot of excursions by bus so we were able to see all aspects of the beautiful city of Sibiu. Additionally the families that hosted us were very friendly too. Generally our trip was such a great experience that we are not going to forget it ever!" Stefanos wrote: "The travel which our school organised ,it was a very good experience. All the children were polite,friendly and available  to help us for everything. Every day we had different destination but all were amazing. Also we saw other culture of people and buildings. My favourite destination it was the fairies castle.It was unusual,a legend said that fairies built this castle. That's the reason the people said this castle fairies castle. The most obscure moment it was the moment which we have to leave. It was bad because we made relations with the children and the last moments were unforgettable". 

    Dimitris Papanearchou, teacher, Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou in Paphos

    Οι εντυπώσεις των Κυπρίων μαθητών για την 3η Κινητικότητα

    Οι τρεις μαθητές που συμμετείχαν στην τρίτη κινητικότητα στη Ρουμανία ήταν οι: Αλέξανδρος Κοφτέρος, Φίλιππος Γιαπάνης και Στέφανος Γεωργίου. Εδώ έγραψε ο Αλέξανδρος: «Την πρώτη μέρα οι δάσκαλοι και οι μαθητές μας καλωσόρισαν και μας έδωσαν μερικά δώρα, πήγαμε στο λεωφορείο και επισκεφθήκαμε το κάστρο των κεριών Fairies Valley που είναι ένα κάστρο κατασκευασμένο από φυσικά υλικά και στη συνέχεια επισκεφθήκαμε το Brukenthal Το παλάτι από την πόλη Avrig και στη συνέχεια επιστρέψαμε στο σπίτι υποδοχής μας, τη δεύτερη μέρα που είχαμε μαθήματα μαζί με τους φιλοξενούμενους μαθητές μας και στη συνέχεια μας υποδέχτηκαν στην υποδοχή με ψωμί και αλάτι και στη συνέχεια μας έδωσαν ο διευθυντής του σχολείου και ο συντονιστής του έργου και μετά από αυτό, είδαμε μια σύντομη καλλιτεχνική παράσταση από τους μαθητές, αφού πήραμε μια ομαδική φωτογραφία και πήγαμε σε ένα εργαστήριο όπου δημιουργήσαμε εξατομικευμένα δώρα. Την τρίτη ημέρα πήγαμε στο δημαρχείο και συναντήσαμε τον δήμαρχο του Sibiu και επισκεφθήκαμε το ιστορικό κέντρο της Sibiu.Έχουμε το μεσημεριανό γεύμα και στη συνέχεια πήγαμε σπίτι.Στην τέταρτη ημέρα πραγματοποιήσαμε μια ντοκιμαντέρ επίσκεψη στο Raul Sadului και στη συνέχεια πήγαμε σπίτι μετά από ένα μακρύ ταξίδι Την πέμπτη ημέρα πήγαμε στην τάξη με τον οικοδεσπότη μας φοιτητές και στη συνέχεια είχαμε μια επίσκεψη ντοκιμαντέρ στο μουσείο Astra και στο δάσος Dumbrava. Είχαμε μεσημεριανό γεύμα στο μουσείο Astra και στη συνέχεια πήγαμε σπίτι. Την πέμπτη ημέρα επισκεφθήκαμε την πόλη Alba Iulia και εκεί είχαμε μεσημεριανό γεύμα. Στη συνέχεια επισκεφθήκαμε το Salt Mine Turda και στη συνέχεια επέστρεψα στο σπίτι. Την τελευταία μέρα ετοιμάσαμε τις αποσκευές μας για να επιστρέψουμε στην Κύπρο. Είπαμε αντίο στις οικογενειακές οικογένειές μας και πήγαμε αριστερά από το αεροδρόμιο SIbiu για να επιστρέψουμε στην Κύπρο." Ο Φίλιππος έγραψε: «Τον περασμένο Οκτώβριο, μερικοί άλλοι μαθητές και δάσκαλοι από το σχολείο μας, ταξίδεψαν για το Sibiu της Ρουμανίας, εκπροσωπούσαμε το σχολείο μας για το πρόγραμμα Erasmus, στο Σίμπιου είχαμε πολλές εκδρομές με λεωφορείο για να μπορέσουμε να δούμε όλες τις πτυχές της όμορφης πόλης του Sibiu, ενώ οι οικογένειες που μας φιλοξένησαν ήταν πολύ φιλικές και γενικά το ταξίδι μας ήταν μια τόσο μεγάλη εμπειρία που δεν πρόκειται να το ξεχάσουμε ποτέ ». Ο Στέφανος έγραψε: "Το ταξίδι που διοργάνωσε το σχολείο μας ήταν μια πολύ καλή εμπειρία. Όλα τα παιδιά ήταν ευγενικοί, φιλικοί και διαθέσιμοι για να μας βοηθήσουν για τα πάντα, κάθε μέρα είχαμε διαφορετικό προορισμό αλλά όλοι ήταν καταπληκτικοί. οι άνθρωποι και τα κτίρια Ο αγαπημένος μου προορισμός ήταν το κάστρο νεράιδων Ήταν ασυνήθιστο, ένας θρύλος είπε ότι νεράιδες έχτισαν αυτό το κάστρο.Αυτό είναι ο λόγος που οι άνθρωποι είπαν αυτό το κάστρο νεράιδων κάστρο Η πιο σκοτεινή στιγμή ήταν η στιγμή που πρέπει να φύγουμε Ήταν κακό επειδή κάναμε σχέσεις με τα παιδιά και οι τελευταίες στιγμές ήταν αξέχαστες".

    Maria Theofanous-Anthi, διευθυντής σχολείου , Gymnasium Apostolou Paulou in Paphos

    The Golden Roofs of Romanian Churches

    About this and all the other impressions of Sibiu City would be perfectly able to tell about Gabriela Kutkutė, Gabija Šinkevičiūtė and Ignas Gruodis, Presidents of Valdas Adamkus Gymnasium 7a, b class pupils. This was no longer the 1st trip to the foreign country of the international exchange program Erasmus+ ELIT, this time in Romania. Graduates experienced a lot of excitement on the very 1st day. By the time of the meeting, we had to fly even 3 airplanes (Vilnius, Warsaw, London, Sibiu). The trip was long and tedious, but the pupils couldn't throw away the fact that they would soon end up with the magic of an unfamiliar country. On the 1st day, pupils from Sibiu school greeted the "Erasmus+ ELIT" project 6 participants, Turkey, Croatia, Cyprus, Portugal, Romania and Lithuania. The pupils danced, sang, joked, and participants had the chance to taste traditional bread. After that, there were workshops producing photo frames made of natural materials. The other days were the most memorable. One of them went to the town mayor, visited Sibiu center, churches and learned interesting facts about the city. On another very impressive day, the participant ppupils and their teachers dug into the mountain of Râu Sadului, which fascinated its greatness and color diversity. The group reached a height of 1125 meters in just one and a half hours. Those who thought this would be a real challenge to their feet was a mistake, no one later complained of fatigue at all. At the stay end, we visited the National Astra Museum. There we had the occasion to learn how to wicker baskets, and then look around the museum's territory and traditional homes, where people once lived. Well, in the evening, there was a very fun party, where all danced together traditional Romanian dances. On the last day, the participants went to Alba Iulia City and the salt mines. Alba Iulia City is very beautiful, we saw its guard, and once again fascinated by the magnificent churches. And the salt mines were extremely interesting, amazed that the walls, floors and even ceilings were made of pure salt. It was once the largest salty treasure, but over time there were larger businesses, and this turned into a particularly popular museum for tourists. The stay is over, the participants of the Erasmus + ELIT project returned home warmly farewell. Pupils do not forget the excitement for a long time. The President Valdas Adamkus Gymnasium is an active participant and organizer of international projects, so the participants of the Erasmus + ELIT project are looking forward to the spring of 2018 in Lithuania. 

    Gabija Kutkutė, pupil, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas

    Auksiniai Rumunijos bažnyčių stogai

    Apie tai ir visus kitus Sibiu miesto įspūdžius puikiai galėtų papasakoti Prezidento Valdo Adamkaus gimnazijos 7a,b klasių mokiniai Gabija Kutkutė, Gabija Šinkevičiūtė ir Ignas Gruodis. Tai buvo jau nebe pirma tarptautinės mainų programos „Erasmus+ ELIT“ išvyka į užsienio šalį – šį kartą į Rumuniją. Gimnazistai jau pačią pirmą dieną patyrė galybę įspūdžių. Iki susitikimo tikslo teko skristi net trimis lėktuvais (aplankyti Vilniaus, Varšuvos, Londono ir Sibiu oro uostai). Kelionė buvo ilga ir varginanti, tačiau moksleiviai negalėjo iš galvos išmesti fakto, kad jau greit patirs nepažįstamos šalies magiją. Pirmąją dieną vietinės Sibiu mokyklos mokiniai nuoširdžiai pasitiko visų šešių – Turkijos, Kroatijos, Kipro, Portugalijos, Rumunijos ir Lietuvos – šalių „Erasmus+ ELIT“ projekto dalyvius. Mokiniai šoko, dainavo, pokštavo, o dalyviai turėjo galimybę paragauti tradicinės duonos. Po to visų laukė dirbtuvėlės, kuriose buvo gaminami nuotraukų rėmeliai iš gamtinių medžiagų. Kitos dienos buvo pačios įsimintiniausios. Vieną iš jų gimnazistai pabuvojo pas patį miestelio merą, apžiūrėjo Sibiu centrą, bažnyčias ir sužinojo įdomių faktų apie patį miestą. Kitą, itin įspūdingą dieną, projekto dalyviai ir jų mokytojai kopė į Râu Sadului kalną, kuris pakerėjo savo didybe ir spalvų įvairove. Dalyvių grupė pasiekė 1125 metrų aukštį vos per pusantros valandos. Tie, kurie manė, jog tai bus tikras iššūkis jų kojoms, suklydo – vėliau nė vienas dalyvis visiškai nesiskundė nuovargiu. Įpusėjus viešnagei gimnazistai lankėsi Nacionaliniame Astros muziejuje. Ten turėjo galimybę išmokti pinti krepšelius, o vėliau pasižvalgyti po muziejaus teritoriją ir tradicinius namus, kuriuose kadaise realiai gyveno žmonės. Na, o vakare laukė labai smagus vakarėlis, kurio metu visi kartu šoko šalių tradicinius rumunų šokius. Paskutinę dieną projekto dalyviai vyko į Alba Iulia miestą ir druskos kasyklas. Alba Iulia miestas labai gražus, matėme miestelio sargybą, ir vėl pakerėjo nuostabios bažnyčios. O druskos kasyklose buvo be galo įdomu – stebino, jog sienos, grindys ir netgi lubos buvo iš grynos druskos. Kadaise tai buvo didžiausia druskų kasyla, bet laikui bėgant atsirado didesnių įmonių, o ši virto turistų ypač lankomu muziejumi. Viešnagė baigėsi, „Erasmus+ ELIT" projekto dalyviai šiltai atsisveikinę grįžo namo. Mokiniai patirtų įspūdžių nepamirš dar labai ilgai. Prezidento Valdo Adamkaus gimnazija yra aktyvi tarptautinių projektų dalyvė ir rengėja, tad „Erasmus + ELIT" projekto dalyviai 2018 metų pavasarį nekantriai laukiami Lietuvoje.

    Gabija Šinkevičiūtė, mokinys, President Valdas Adamkus gymnasium Kaunas

    Croatian Pupils’ Impressions about the Mobility in Romania

    The Croatian pupils were very impressed by the activities developed during the third mobility in Romania and the beautiful places seen in Transylvania. The week spent in Romania and the acquired friendships will remain in their memories forever. They will never forget, as they mentioned in their written impressions after the mobility, their hiking on the mountain in a wonderful Transylvanian landscape. The impressions written by the participant pupils (Ines Lesjak, Lara Mikulić, Vito Burz and Lara Topolnjak) are parts of the impressions diary, which will be published by the Turkish team, responsible school for this final product. In the family they lived in, the Croatian pupils learned a lot about their hosts’ customs and lifestyle, and they learned a few Romanian words. This mobility was a great opportunity for them to learn new things about Romania and ecology, to practice their English, to be taken to private trips and tours by their hospitable host families or to play with chickens.

    Ines Lesjak and Lara Mikulic, pupils, l. osnovna skola Cakovec 

    Impresije hrvatskih studenata o mobilnosti u Rumunjskoj

    Hrvatski učenici bili su vrlo impresionirani aktivnostima razvijenima tijekom treće mobilnosti u Rumunjskoj i prekrasnim mjestima koja su vidjela u Transilvaniji. Tjedan proveden u Rumunjskoj i stečena prijateljstva ostat će u sjećanju zauvijek. Oni nikada neće zaboraviti, kao što su spomenuti u svojim pismenim impresijama nakon mobilnosti, svoje planinarenje na planini u predivnom erupcijskom krajoliku. Dojmovi napisani od učenika sudionika (Ines Lesjak, Lara Mikulić, Vito Burz i Lara Topolnjak) dio su dnevnika pojavljivanja koje će objaviti turski tim, odgovorna škola za ovaj konačni proizvod. U obitelji u kojoj su živjeli, hrvatski učenici su puno naučili o običajima i načinu života njihovih domaćina, a naučili su nekoliko rumunjskih riječi. Ova je mobilnost bila velika prilika za njih da nauče nove stvari o Rumunjskoj i ekologiji, kako bi prakticirale engleski jezik, da se odvedu na privatna putovanja i ture od strane svojih gostoljubivih obitelji domaćina ili da se igraju s pilićima.

    Vito Burz and Lara Topolnjak, zjenice, l. osnovna skola Cakovec

    Turkish Pupils’ Impressions about the Mobility in Romania

    The Turkish responsible team for the impressions diary, one our Erasmus+ project final product, sent to the Romanian coordinator the impressions of the three pupils involved in the third mobility which held in Romania: İrem Sena Öcal, Sude Özsert and (Irem Cağdınlıoğlu. She has put together the three texts and has achieved a PDF document with them, publishing it on SlideShare and sharing it to public. The Turkish pupils were very impressed by the activities developed during the mobility in Romania, mainly by the workshops and the documentary visits, such as that to Turda Salt Mine where they saw some strange things for them or to Clay Castle, which was in their opinion the home of the fairies and a good reason for them to improve their digital competences by taking so many photos, used later by them in some PowerPoint documents that they showed for disseminating this mobility. They were also impressed by their enjoyable staying in families, doing even studies with the microscope there.

    Umut Uysaler, Erasmus+ school coordinator, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu

    Türk Öğrencilerin Romanya Hareketliliği İzlenimleri

    Erasmus+ projemizin nihai ürünü olan izlenimler günlüğünden sorumlu Türk ekibi, Romanya koordinatörüne, Romanya'da düzenlenen üçüncü hareketliliğe katılan üç öğrencinin İrem Sena Öcal, Sude Özsert ve İrem Çağdınlıoğlu’nun izlenimlerini gönderdi. Koordinatör, üç metni bir araya getirip  PDF belgesini elde etmeyi, bunu SlideShare'de yayınlayarak paylaşılabilir hale getirdi. Türk öğrencileri, Romanya'daki hareketlilik sırasında geliştirilen etkinliklerden, başta çalıştaylar ve ziyaretlerden olmak üzere etkilendiler. İlginç şeyler görüp keşfettikleri Turda Tuz Madeni ve perilerin evi kabul edilen Clay Kalesi bunlardan bazılarıydı.  Ayrıca kendi dijital yeterliklerini pek çok fotoğraf çekerek geliştirmek ve bunları yaygınlaştırma için kullanacakları sunumlara eklemek onlar için heyecan vericiydi. Öğrenciler aynı zamanda, aileler de geçirdikleri zamandan da çok büyük keyif aldılar, mikroskopla bile çalışma fırsatı buldular.   

    Müberra Durak, öğretmen, Vali Mehmet Lutfullah Bilgin Ortaokulu