Connection with the local community and a local Cooking High school

  • A fantastic lunch!

    On Friday June 2nd, we had a chef at school !!! He prepared, with students in catering, a fantastic lunch for the whole school. On this occasion all the teachers, the mayor and people that work with the mayor, eat in the restaurant school with the children.

    We had shrimps with a beet purée, monkfish with a creamy seafood sauce and grilled courgettes, goat cheese balls coated with crushed hazelnuts and a salad with honey seasoning and the dessert was a strawberry “farandole”: 4 different desserts prepared with strawberries… Yummy!!!


    with the menu and a bottle of Bordeaux                           a table for the children


               a waiter at the kids ‘table                                                the teachers’ table



                                                                                               the mayor and the chef