Shoscombe - International School Award Presentation

  • International School Award Presentation - Shoscombe recently acheived the prestigious International School Award.  Two members of staff and a pupil, travelled to Plymouth to collect the award presented by our National Agency, The British Council. To achieve the award schools need to demonstrate a sustained commitment to internationalism.  

    The pupil gave a presentation about his recent visit to Bordeaux as part of our Erasmus+ mobility. He spoke about our walk along the Garonne river and over the bridges of Bordeaux and the bridges ceremony at Ecole Lafon Feline


    Our assesor comments are below

    Your school has been clearly committed to embedding the international dimension across the school in the last 3 years, and you quote many positive comments about your international work from your SEF and from your OFSTED and SIAMS reports from 2014. You have successfully led 2 Comenius projects, have established partnerships with schools in the UK and Europe, and provide teachers and pupils with opportunities to enhance their global horizons.  Your teachers ensure that pupils learn through a wide range of stimulating activities, which promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, and they have enhanced their CPD through meeting teachers from partner schools abroad, observing different pedagogical methods, and being immersed in their local language and culture.  Your international work has had great impact on the learning and engagement of pupils, improving their language, ICT and social skills, broadening their international dimension and increasing their motivation and confidence. Parents, the local community and everyone at Shoscombe are kept informed of your international work through newsletters, the school website and newsfeeds, displays in the school hall and classrooms, and by attending events at school.  A number of families also host pupils from your partner schools abroad when they visit your school, and are involved in visit events in school. You are an Artsmark Gold school, and other projects you are involved in are: Bristol Standard for Early Years, ref Dimension 10 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Forest School. Schools Without Walls. In your ambassadorial role you have been the coordinating school for several successful Comenius projects, and have mentored/supported your link UK partner school in international work.  You are also part of a cluster of local Early Years’ teachers, and promote international work with them. Your international work has highlighted, e.g. the similarities and differences amongst people in the world, and the opportunities for global themed cross-curricular work, which increase pupil attainment in different subject areas. Your future plans include maintaining your international links... continuing to provide an enriched education for your pupils that broadens awareness and knowledge of globalisation.

    Well done. Everybody involved in your application and international work should be congratulated!