Centenary tree planting at Shoscombe

  • We have been learning about Wangari Mathai, a Kenyan woman who enlisted help of women all over her country to plant and nurture 30 million trees to combat the serious environmental problem of deforestation. Although she was told by government officials that women could not plant trees, she showed great determination and achieved her dream of making Kenya green agian thorugh her Green Belt Movement. She won the nobel peace prize for her acheivements. So we decided that to commeorate her efforts and also to celebrate the centenary (on February 6th 2018) of women in our country getting the vote, we would plant and nurture our own  Silver Birch tree 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Willow (Robins Class) 'A long time ago women couldn't get to choose to do some things'