LOGO COMPETITION and winners from each school.


    Logo Competition

    We would like to make a logo where you try to show our ERASMUS PROJECT and our cooperation between England - France - Catalonia - Greece and Denmark. Think about how we can show:

    • The friendship between our schools and our countries

    • Building bridges

    • Connecting and uniting

    • Bridges between communities and nations

    • Spiritual gardens

    • Association between languages

    • Being a local, national and global  citizen of the world

    This is the winning entry from Shoscombe. The student who created this logo is 9 years old. I think Shoscombe students chose this logo because it clearly shows our project message to create a bridge between our different countries with love and goodwill.


    Winning logo entry from Maristes Valldemia



    This is the Danish winning logo from Victoria in the 6th grade. It reflects our growing friendship and the thought of the work and the friendship and cooperation as a flower that blooms us.

    This is the winning entry from St Julian. It shows that we must work together as a united community "building bridges not walls"

    This is the winning French logo. It shows the title of our project, the various aspects of the Erasmus + program (bridges and gardens). It shows we are all united on this project, even if we are from different countries and have different langages. The monuments are like symbols of each countrie and how to say Hello, symbol of langages.




    Greek logo  - This is the logo which won  our logo competition.