Final evaluation

  • Final evaluation of the project

    • General evaluation of the project

    Students and teachers

    Final evaluation general.pdf

    This is a very significative document of the project evaluation.

    For 87.9% of the teachers and students the participation in the project was very useful. 

    77.8% of the the people who answered the questionnaire had experienced some change after their participation in the project.


    • Questionnaire on health habits.  We gave the students and teachers the same questionnaire they had answered at the beginning of the project. 


    Final evaluation first ring.pdf

    We can see there is not a big change in the average of students/teachers who do physical exercise (almost 90% of them do) and it is important for them.  This is a positive figure as at this age - 15-16 years old an important number of teenagers drop their physical activity.. 

    We can see that less students/teachers belong to a club than at the beginning of the project (56% at the beginning of the project, 21% now).  Some have dropped their club activities, however they keep on doing sport individually.

    There are less participants in team sports but there is an increasing tendency in going to the gym.


    Final evaluation second ring.pdf

    If we compare with the initial evaluation we can see that the students/teachers have increased their hours per day in front of the screens.  About 70% of them spend more than three hours in front of a screen.  It may seem a negative figure, but the times of lockdown have increased the online activities much. A bigger number of them know how to protect themselves from the screen hazards.

    The number of students/teachers doing activities outdoors or in nature has increased significantly.


    Final evaluation third ring.pdf

    The means of transport the students/teachers use when going to school hasn't changed in these years.  However the number of students/teachers using the bicycle it is bound to increase this coming year as a project impact (new project cycle lane in Manlleu and more bicycle parking spaces in Manlleu and Snina).

    There is a significant rise in the number of students/teachers who walk or use the bicycle to go to activities outside the school.


    Final evaluation fourth ring.pdf

    In general we can see that there is a general tendency of an increase of the awareness about the importance of food in our lives.

    More students/teachers know about the importance of a balanced diet.  They are much more aware of the importance of diet in their lives and a much higher percentage knows about organic food (75% versus 53% at the beginning of the project).

    On the other side we can that their consumption of fruit hasn't changed much.


    Final evaluation fitth ring.pdf

    We can see that there is an increasing tendency to get stressed - several factors can be at play in this case (growing up, the global pandemics situation...).  The important thing is that we have provided our students and teachers with some practical examples of tools to deal with these situations. 



    In some schools questionnaires were passed to families to assess their level of satisfaction with the project and the resutls were very high. 

    The average was over 8/10 in all cases.