The second ring: Healthy environment (Snina, Slovakia)

  • The main objective of the meeting in Snina was to work with the topic of "Healthy Environment".  There were two main aspects related to the main topic:

    1.  Reflecting on our environment:

    • Presenting the environmental problems our communities have to face.  You can see the different presentations following this link
    • Activities about recycling and sustainable activities.  You can see some of these activities following this link.

    2.  Doing activities in nature:

    • During the meeting the teachers and students participated in several activities in an outdooor environment.   You will find some of these activities following this link.

    We worked on these subjects having in mind the cultural competences.  We linked these competences to activities related to the cultural heritage of the area (there were wooden churches in the small towns;  during those days the Ice Hockey World Championships took place in Kosice)

    You can find other pictures from the meeting following this link.