Our mascot Monty the snake

  • Our mascot

    Our mascot is called Monty and it was created in a competition set during the project first meeting. 

    In ancient Greece the god of medicine, Asclepius, was carrying a rod with a snake. 

    Monty is a symbol of that ancient heritage

    At the beginning of the project we received the Olympic fire and lit out torch at the Greek ruins of Empúries, where there was a temple devoted to the god and to healing.

    Monty probably joined our journey there... 

    A version of the mascot was created afterwards by the Belgian delegation.  The mascot traveled with us from country to country when the different meetings were held...


    Monty was seen in the ruins of Ancient Messini, as our torch was reaching its final destination.

    Now that the project has come to an end it seems that Monty dwells there at the site of the temple of Asclepius in the ancient Greek city...