Impact: Healthy physical activities

  • These are the follow-up activities related to the first ring.


    Our Strava club reached 7000km during the meeting in Kassel - achieved through shared activities activities and through activities in each of the 5 different countries.

    The club is keep on adding kilometres as the project goes on.  Recently, under the lockdown caused by Covid-19 we reached our 10.000 shared kilometres - done under the particular conditions each country was in.


    1. Shared activities


    2. Examples of activities in each of the participating countries:



    We organized a three-day athletic event for all the students of our school.

    The first day was spent preparing the students for the purpose of such an event and for the activities that they would participate in.

    The second day we walked for 2K along the beach because it’s an activity all students can perform.

    The third day we had prepared various kinetic games in the school. Music played a crucial game in completing the activities and giving students rhythm.

    You can see pictures from these days following this link.



    A school Strava club was created.  The digital tool was useful to keep teachers and students motivated during the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.  Students and teachers could record and keep track of each other's activities.

    Strava has become a motivational tool for both PE teachers and students



    The students and teachers participating in the project have been involved in different activities after the project, promoting healthy physical activities

    These are some of the examples:

    -Creation of Strava clubs - for the different school levels and also for teachers. It helped everybody to keep active during the times of Covid-19.  There was a challenge consisiting on which school level could be more active.

    -Walk around Sant Benet de Bages (4,5km) see link.  You can see pictures of the activity following this link.

    -Participation of students of different ages in school sports events in the region - using the Highway to Health T-shirts

    Participation of students and teachers at local races - using the Highway to Health T-shirts


    Germany:  Biking activity (involving all the school)

    Urkunde OSW-Schulradeln 2018 - 7e.pdf

    The school won the Kassel city cycling competition:  Students cycled 75,450km   

    In the first three weeks of September 520 active students and teachers did 75,408 kilometers and reached more than twice as many kilometers as last year (29,764 km). The class that took part in the Erasmus project won the internal school prize.


    Slovakia:  There has been an increase of the physical activity of a good number of students - using Strava to share their activities.  There is an active group of "bike-addicts".