Here we we show how students worked together.
I) Students2students
In many projects students created tutorials or worksheets for students of the partner schools about new GeoGebra commands or their experience about easy-going and interesting constructions.
II) Common exhibitions via GeoGebra books
Our common GeoGebra space: GO HERE
Flowers constructed with simple comands (Cro, Ger, It, Md, Ro)
All Flowers Tools (Ger, Ro, Md), Flower Tools (It)
Animated flowers (Ger, It, Md, Ro)
Flowers with circles (Ger, Md, Ro)
Bezier Flowers (Ger, Md, Ro)
Flowers with poligons (Ger, Md) and Flowers and polygons (It)
X-mas Greetings (Ger, Md, Ro) and Seasons Greetings (It)
Funny faces (Ger, Md, Ro)
Simulation of movements in real life (Ger, Md, Ro)
Flowers by rotation (Ger, Ro, MD)
Crop circles (Ger, Md, Cro, Ro)
Tangram Games (Cro, Ger)
Animated minimal art (Ge)
Quadric Growth (It)
Egg Flowers (Ger)
Strig Art 1 ; String Art 2 (Ger, Md)
Flowers with graphs functions (Ro, MD)
More projects from differents countries (Ger, RO)
We have organized the work in books for different projects. All work of each partner is stored in folders.There are more than 750 files in our Gdeogebra space.
We also used GeoGebra classroom for syncron or asyncron work.
Star for Christmas -eTwinning event in GeoGebra classroom
Tangram GeoGebra Classroom