Digital tangram games

  • 1. TUTORIALS for other students (IT, GER)

    Here are two tutorials to create tangrams. Try it out!

    1. Tutorial from GER

    Full screen on YouTube

    2. Tutorial from Italy

    Full screen on youTube


    2. Creating new tangrams (IT, GER)

    Franchini Damiano (IT) played with the Chinese TANGRAM and created his own art work

    2.1 See our common GeoGebra Book and Italian class work

    2.2 The German team created new form with tangrams and tried out those that they had not constructed. They noticed that some were rather difficult.You see all new tangram s in our geogebra book that is part of a common one.

    New tangram creations -> SEE HERE


    3. Playing with tangrams - tangram collage  (CRO)

    The Croatian team constructed in a first step all pices of the well-known tangram game and modeled different shapes - similar to the hands-on game in the second step.

    Croatian part in the common GeoGebra tangram book -> SEE HERE

    4. Playing Tangram in GeoGebra Classroom (sincron  or asincron work)           RO and MD

    GeoGebra Classroom link


  • Comments: Try out the tangrams!

    Hava a look at the tangram book!

    Which tangrams are good? Which one are a challenge, which one too hard: does every really work! Write here your comments!


    I think the Tangrams were difficult, but if you try a litte bit you can do it!

    Thank you, team from Croatia!

    Your wonderful work has given me an idea how to work with my young students in grade 5. They are still unexperienced in GeoGebra! I think they will have fun! German teacher

    Dear Antonela,

    please can you add a short lesson plan! Thanks from Germany!

    A question to Antonela,

    do you think it a good idea to create tangrams with isometric paper? Thanks! Monika, GER

    Buștiuc Arina, ,,Gaudeamus" high-school, Republic of Moldova

    I think the task with tangrams was one of the most amazing activities, everyone did colorful, attractive and original works. Great work!

    Turcan Eugeniu IPLT Gaudeamus

    I liked this task very much! Tangram is a thing that makes ur brain processing the information and put things together to make one that is beautiful.

    Duca Zlata-,,Gaudeamus" high-school, Republic of Moldova

    Interesting and colorful task! We created a lot of works from just 7 simple figures!