TwinBoard: "Syrinx" - Interpretation and opinion on three music pieces

  •  Claude Debussy (1862-1918), "Syrinx"

     Benjamin Britten (1913-1976), "Pan who played upon the reed pipe which was Syrinx, his beloved."

     Carl August Nielsen (1865-1931), "Pan og Syrinx":

    Listen to these three pieces and write down your ideas about the following points (use the TwinBoard below for your contributions) :

    1. Which part of the myth do you think is described in the music?

    2. Give reason for your opinion!

    3. Which of the three pieces do you like best? Why?


  • Ovid's "Syrinx" and the music of Debussy, Britten and Nielsen - your analysis and opinion

    Tara-analysis and opinion of the music pieces
    Moritz Interpretation and Opinion (1)

    The first piece of music describes how Syrinx is running away from Pan while getting faster and slower with the music. When she rans very fast it describes that Pan is very near and when the music is going slower it means that she takes a liitle pause from the long run. But at the end of the piece she gets catched and the music get more quite till she transforms into the bunsch of reeds.
    The second piece of music describes Pan as he walks in the forest (beginning). After that he gets shoot in the heart by Eros and slowly walks around till he sees Syrinx. Then the music gets a little faster which could mean that he starts chasing her, but I think that in this piece the chasing isn´t happening. That's because of the overall slowness comaredd to the first piece of music.

    Mia: Interpretation and Opinion

    From my point of view I liked the third piece “Pan og Syrinx” by Carl Nielsen the most. Due the diversity of instruments it sounds very harmonic. In the beginning it sounds cheerful and euphoric but still mystical. In the course of the piece it can be clearly seen (or rather heard) when Pan follows the Nymph. The music first becomes slower and then more dramatic and louder through the use of the drums and string instruments. I think that this musical appeals to you more than that of Benjamin Britten or Claude Debussy, because it’s fascinating what an orchestra can do and how different it sounds in relation to the other pieces.

    Knud's interpretation

    Debussy: Syrinx is fleeing from Pan and in the moments in which the music is faster she is running faster because Pan is chasing her.
    Britten: It sounds like Pan is testing his new build flute because it’s a mix of different speeds and volumes and he wants to know what he can do with his new instrument .
    Nielsen: It sounds like an opus of all the stories about Pan and Syrinx, from the beginning of being alone in the forest to the end in which he is playing on his Syrinx flute.

    Favourite piece (Knud)

    My favorite "song" is the third one because it's not only played with a flute so it's not the same voice every time. In the beginning it is starting slowly but goes faster a few moments later which I really like . In some points the flute is playing alone which I think is very good because of the invention of the panflute by Pan. The fleeing from Syrinx is much more emotional than in the flute version.

    Alina's interpretation

    I think the part of the myth, where Pan and Syrinx meet is described in all three pieces of music. First from the view of Syrinx (1. video), then from the point of view of Pan (2. video) and then everything together from both views at the same time (3. video). I think that because it seems very hectic in some parts and it sounds like she is running away from Pan. In the final part of the orchestra you can also hear how Syrinx transforms because of the using from other instruments and another rhythm. Furthermore you can hear in the orchestra version the meeting between Syrinx and Pan because both instruments from the characters are playing.

    Favourite pieces (Alina)

    I like the first and the third piece the most. The first because of the flute and the third because it's very nice how the orchestra has put the myth into the music with the individual instruments and the harmony.

    Tim's interpretation (part 1)

    Claude Debussy, "Syrinx":
    I think at the beginning it shows the sadnes of Pan because the flute plays slow and quite. In the middle the music gets faster and lounder it seems like Pan gets excited, thats why I think that at that moment Armor shots a arrow at Pan and he fell in love. After that it gets a litle bit more choppy like they Syrinx were running away. At the end it gets slower and more quit, at that moment I think Syrinx transformed in to reed

    Benjamin Britten, "Pan":
    I think this music shows the end of the story where Pan plays the Pan flute because the music seems kind of happy and the end is the only time Pan is kind of happy. The end also shows that because there the musich is kind of different like he is training the Pan fluete or something like that.

    Tim's interpretation (part 2)

    Carl Nielsen, "Pan og Syrinx":
    The music shows the whole story of Pan, including the sad Pan and the hunt from Syrinx to the end where Pan plays on the Pan flute. These elements were shown by the tempo switch and the different volumes.

    Paula's favourite

    The „song“ I personally liked the most was: „Pan og Syrinx“ by Carl Nielsen. I liked it, how harmonic it sounds. There were so many instruments and for the listener it is very relaxing to hear. The piece is at the beginning slow and it goes faster later, which I really liked, because it sounds to me very „dramatic“. It also sounds to me very special, because I’ve never listened to this kind of music before.

    Opinion of Paula (B.), Martha, Sophia

    Our favourite music piece is Nielsen's "Pan og Syrinx". Because of the orchestra you can get a better imagination of the plot. The atmosphere and the feelings of the characters are getting the most clear in this song.
    Most of the songs we are listen to today are not only played by one single instrument so the song is quite familiar. Another point is that you can listen to that song better than to the others because you`ve got a bigger variation of tone colours in it. Thats why it seems more appealing to us.

    Mascha's favourite piece

    Maybe I like Debussy's piece the most because I associate it with a movie i have seen when I was little but for me the first one is so pure and clear that I just like it the most.

    Ann-Mariel's interpretation of Debussy and Britten

    In the piece “Syrinx“, from Claude Debussy, I recognized Pan´s childhood. At first it sounded nice, like he was a happy child. But then it kind of got mysterious. I assume that represents the moments when he was bullied.

    The piece “Pan“ ,from Benjamin Britten, was really sad and hectic. I imagine it is when everyone rejected him. He would just go outside and everyone would keep distance from him, because they were terrified of his awkwardly looking body. Or were just scared.

    Ann-Mariel's interpretation of Carl Nielsen

    In the beginning of the third piece (“Pan og Syrinx“; Carl Nielsen) it sounded like someone was/ fell in love. Pan fell in love with the nymph, BUT she was also scared, like everybody else and rejected him and ran away. But Pan doesn`t want this to happen so he follows her. That´s when the music is getting more and more hectic. In the middle oft he peace there was a clarinet solo. I connect this with the flute/ syrinx Pan built. It sounded beautiful and calming. In the end the music is getting cheerful again. I think this is when the nymphs start dancing to his syrinx. Everyone is happy, especially Pan.

    Ann-Mariel's opinon

    I personally liked the third piece (“Pan og Syrinx“; Carl Nielsen) the most, because it was so nice and happy in the beginning. It wasn´t sad like the second piece for example. And the klarinette solo really sounded like music Pan could have made. I could easily recognize the part where Pan followed he nymph. I also liked that it was different from the other pieces, because a whole orchestra played it and it is just nice to see what impressive things a group of people can come up with.

    Leonie's opinion

    Personally, I like "Pan og Syrinx" by Carl Nielsen the most. This is due to the diversity of instruments. Through many different instruments, all of which sound beautiful in their own way, but in the harmony of something very special, something completely new is created. The piece harmonizes very well and is easy to track. For me, the piece reflects a part of the "Erasmus +"' project or the projcet "FROM LATIN TEXT TO EUROPEAN CONTEXT". This is because we are all very different students, but when we are together or working together, something completely new and beautiful is created.

    Debussy - analyzed by Sophia, Paula (B.) and Martha

    At the first piece, Debussy's “Syrinx” for flute solo, you can hear how Syrinx is running from Pan and how she lets him come closer before she runs again. That is because of the fast notes at the beginning (bar 1-5), then the music got slower notes (bar 6-8) and gets faster again (bar 9-17). In bar 18-24 Pan is about to catch Syrinx so she is getting transformed into reed before Pan can reach her. You can hear it because the music gets less teasing and more melancholic. From bar 24 until the end of the piece the mixed feelings of Pan are getting clear. At first, he sighs and then he plays on the reed a fast and sad melody that is getting slower at the end because he realises his loss.

    Britten - interpretation of Sophia, Paula (B.) and Martha

    The second piece, “Pan” by Benjamin Britten for solo oboe, shows Pan's mixed feelings after Syrinx gets transformed. He is discovering the new instrument and what it can do. That makes him play softly. At the same time, he has lost Syrinx. His only love is nowhere to reach anymore. His anger and sadness get clear because of the staccato played notes and the fast notes he plays. In the end he is getting slower and sad. That is how the piece ends.

    Carl Nielsen - interpretation of Sophia (part 1)

    At the beginning of this piece Syrinx is alone. That is why the piece starts quiet and slowly. When the Tremolo begins Pan has discovered her beauty and started to desire her. It is also where Syrinx starts to be in danger so the piece gets louder. Now Syrinx is playing with Pan. The music is staying soft and teasing as well as fast. When it gets louder again Pan has almost caught her so she begs to be saved from Pan.

    Carl Nielsen - interpretation of Sophia (part 2)

    Right after the big pause when the oboe starts playing is where her transformation into reed begins, because of the mystical sound. Pan has lost her out of his sight. The louder the music gets the nearer Pan gets to find Syrinx. When the snare drum makes a loud noise, Pan has found her. The fast and loud music shows how upset he is. The music is getting slower and quiet again. Then the oboe plays again. That is where Pan discovers the beautiful sounds coming from the reed when he blows into it. His anger is getting less. He is amazed by its beauty but realises that he has lost Syrinx but will always be reminded of her because of the instrument she left. Pan is sad about it. That is why the music fades out slowly.

    Arianna Pavan's interpretation

    I chose the song "Pan og Syrinx" by Carl August Nielsen because I think it is the most complete one since it seems to provide a sound representation of the story in its totality. The presentation of the orchestra in fact allows me to recreate more easily the scenes of the myth inside my mind, unlike when I listened to the other songs.

    Maria Adelaide's opinion (part 1)

    In my opinion, the first piece "Syrinx" by Claude Debussy tells the myth from the Nymph's point of view; it's indeed the most dramatic and suffering of them, so it expresses perfectly her pain and tragedy: to be constantly chased and eventually forced to renounce her nature of nymph in order to avoid Pan's capture. Britten's work is instead related to Pan's perspective and, according to the numerous pauses, I think it presents different enthusiastic attempts made by Pan to meet her.

    Maria Adelaide's opinion (part 2)

    Considering the orchestral song, I think that it tells the whole story with all its phases because of its length and it recreates better the natural atmosphere thanks to the use of different musical instruments.
    All in all, I prefer the first piece because it's more expressive and evocative and it also uses the flute which better fits to the story (Pan's breaths caused by his disillusion make sound from the reed and start off his worldwide famous flute: "Pan's flue").

    Laura's interpretation

    After listening the music, I think that they all describe the moment when the nymph walks through the wood and Pan follows her, then she realizes it and starts running away from him. I say so because every track starts in a calm way with different instruments, and it makes me think of Syrinx walking pacefully in the wood. Then the music changes in something more complex, something hard to follow, that's the part when Pan tails Syrinx because the sound gets faster and faster.
    My favorite is the first one, in my opinion Debussy caught perfectly the music of the mythical scene, used the right speed just at the right moment. What really made me choose Debussy' "Syrinx" is the choice of wind instruments, it made me imagine Pan playing it.

    Camilla's opinion

    I think that the music describes the part of the myth where Syrinx is running away from Pan: all the three musical pieces start with a quiet rhythm that begin to become faster and faster symbolizing the unbridled run of Syrinx.
    I like most the second music ("Pan who played upon the reed pipe which was Syrinx, his beloved" of Benjamin Britten) because remember me the steps, faster and faster, of Syrinx and her escape from Pam.

    Interpretation - Giacomo

    I expecially liked Claude Debussy's "Syrinx" and the way in which it tells the myth. To me, looks like Debussy wanted to tell the story from Syrinx's point of view: first, the opus tells us the nymph's initial calm, followed by a dramatic crescendo that perfectly portrays her trying to escape. All to end on a tragic, almost melancholic final part, which makes us feel doomed.

    Maryana's opinion

    I think that in the pieces is shown the moment when Syrinx runs away from pan because you can hear the atmosphere of tension going through the three pieces. It gives me anxiety and I don't know what to expect next. The best one in my opinion is Carl Nielsen's interpretation because there is an orchestra that can help the audience hear every single part of the scene.

    Bianca’s interpretation

    The song I liked most is the third one (“Pan on Syrinx” by Carl Nielsen). It describes the part of the myth in which Syrinx escape from Pan. There are a lot of instrument that create an harmonic atmosphere. The variety of the instrument allowd the audience to understand different point of view and to feel a lot of emotions at the same time.

    sofia's interpretation

    I think that the three pieces describe the moment during which Syrinx runs away from Pan, because the music recreate the same emotion of tension and fear which probably Syrinx was feeling. I liked the third piece most because there were much more instruments and it was more passionate and rousing than the other pieces.

    Elia's interpretation.

    My favourite piece is the third one. It has a catching melody filled with enphasis. It makes me think of the sensual chase between Pan and Syrinx.
    It is more dinamic than the two others and , in my opinion, gives a better idea of love and sensuality. While listening to it I can imagine the whole situation in a playfull and frenetic atmosphere.

    Margherita's opinion

    the Clause Debussy interpretation of this piece of music remains my favourite one: its sweetness, its lively dynamism and palpable sensuality make this melody vaguely psychedelic.
    all these elements attract my interest and make me wanna listen it again and again, even if I'm not a big fan of this kind of music

    Alessia's interpretation

    In my opinion Nielsen's music piece describes the moment in which Pan meets Syrinx. I can image this event for the music progression that represent Pan's emotions during his fall in love. At the beginning we can hear a soft and lyrical melody that suddenly bacome faster and restless. Then the music acquires a dreamy sonority and then it returns quiet and tensive.
    I appreciated this composition for the story told by the different uses of instruments and dynamics, not necessarily by words.

    Andrea's interpretation

    In my opinion "Pan" by Benjamin Britten describes better than to other pieces the mith of Pan and Syrinx, from Pan's point of view, which I consider really interesting. In the first part the music describes Pan's heartache because he would like to catch Syrinx, who runs away from him. Indeed the music is really dramatic and emotional. After this episode the oboe plays for three times a series of note in staccato. In my opinion this represents the attempts of Pan to catch Syrinx stealthily. This episode ends with a forte of the music and the last notes of staccato suggests the Pan didn't manage to catch Syrinx. After that, like in the first part, the music is emotional but is repeated in forte, which describes Pan's suffering.

    Andrea's interpretation

    The music becomes more forte and faster, and in my opinion describes that Pan finally is going to catch Syrinx. But, at the end, Syrinx is transformed in a hollow water reed, which is suggest by the last five notes of the piece, played in piano and quickly.

    Chiara's opinion

    My favourite track is "Pan og Syrinx" by Carl Nielsen. I like this one because there are multiple instruments and not just the flute. Quick parts alternate with the slow ones. I think that the music presents the part of the myth when Pan is abuot to catch Syrinx but she has already trasformed as reeds.

    Moritz' interpretation and opinion (2)

    Second interpretation of the second Piece: It could also be possible and maybe even more likely hat Pan catched Syrinx and now builds his own Flute. At the second half he starts trying out how to play it and add more and more reeds to the Flute till he likes the sound of it.
    I think the last piece describes the whole story, from the beginning to the end. I think that because of the many ups and downs of the music which could show how the chasing happens and at the end the Panflute, and how Pan is useing it.

    My favourite piece is definitely the last one because of all the different instruments that are playing in it. I just think that it is more complex and sounds just more complete in my ears.