(4a) Beethoven - on occasion of his 250th anniversary

  • Introduction


    In the second half of the 18th century a young man is growing up who is strongly influenced by the ideas of the French revolution: "liberté!" "egalité!" His name: Ludwig van Beethoven. "There are many kings", he said, "but only ONE Beethoven." Although his life was not easy, he was very self-confident because of his musical talent. And he was right: Who doesn't know at least some of his masterpieces, from "Pour Elise" to "Moonlight sonata" to the 9th symphonie with its "Ode to joy"? But there is one very special music whose base is a text in Latin - "Missa solemnis" is not only an impressing opus, but Beethoven himself considered it the most important of all his compositions.


    Your task


    (1) Create a google map with 10 important places of Beethoven's life, work, musical inspiration.

    (2) Create an "Actionbound" which helps other students to gain extensive knowledge of Beethovens's life and his musical inventions OR the musical magic of the "Missa solemnis". - For this, you can start informing yourself by using the following links. However, you should also find other serious sources - both from printed books and the internet - by own research.

    Your login to "actionbound" is: https://actionbound.com/signin/Erasmus2019 .

    (3) Create a page here on the TwinSpace where you put down some information about Beethoven and his time (starting with your google map) which the player of your "Actionbound" can use to prepare themselves for the game you created for them.


    Some information to start with:


    (information on the "missa somenis": on a separate page)



    Beethoven's life in 58 pictures (museum "Beethoven Haus", Bonn):

    Beethoven - Bildbiographie   (in German)

    Beethoven - a life in pictures   (in English)

    "Hello, Beethoven!" - exploring Beethoven's life interactively (for children from 10-13 years; "Beethoven Haus", Bonn)

    Beethoven's life (interactive) - for children   (in English; also in German, Spanish, French, Chinese)


    Beethoven's early years, reported by himself (fictional movie, website of the "Beethoven Haus, Bonn):

    der junge Beethoven   (in German)

    conductor Thomas Hengelbrock (Hamburg, Elbphilharmonie) about Beethoven's "Missa solemnis"

    Hengelbrock über Beethoven's "Missa solemnis" (in German)