• These are our "trombinoscopes"*!

    The first one  shows the portraits of 135 people!

    Most of them are students and teachers who went abroad in one or more of the international meetings. It also contains a few students and teachers (ca. 5) that hosted guests, but did not go on abroad themselves.

    * This is a French word. We use it because there is no term for it in English.

    Trombinoscope 1.pdf

    Our second trombinoscope shows the classes that have takenpart in the curriculum activities:

    Trombinoscope Klassen (2).pdf

    The partner schools have put posters with the trombinoscopes on the walls of their school houses - so everybody can see how many people were involved in this big international project!

    Hanging up the trombinosope after unveiling it at the welcome party during the mobility in Neresheim