Curriculum in Budapest

  • In the past few weeks we took part in an international project. After this, we sat down and talked about which part was the most interesting to us and why.

    First of all, we really enjoyed the whole process: watching videos about different countries, their wildlife and the problems about their environment. These recordings made us think about how can we solve these problems and made us conscious, that we, ourselves can even help renovating and depurating the nature.

    We found the part – where we had to ask questions about the countries – very important, because we had the chance to put ourselves into the local citizens’ point of view, which obviously made us easier to answer our own questions.

    The video responses were also successful, we loved to read our own works in english, which also improved our language knowledge.

    After the project ended, a lot of people said, that they are inspired to be more eco friendly, and there were a few who said, that they would be glad to visit these countries and find out more about their problems’ sources. We also discussed that it would be a shame, if these beautiful places would die because of the trash and the pollution. We agreed that everybody should and can do something to make the environment better. There were some people, who really liked that we weren’t just talking about humans, but about animals and plants , supporting veganism and honoring the surrounding ambience.

    In summary,we all learnt new things and new thoughts’ seeds have been planted in our heads in order to stimulate us to create a greener planet!