Carib'MUN : tourisme durable !

  • The project Carib’MUN* was initiated by DAREIC (Délégation Académique aux Relations Européennes Internationales et à la Coopération : an office in  French Education Authority). The purpose  consists of raising the awareness of educational and pedagogical teams and pupils, to the imperative need to preserve the planet and contribute to the development of responsible tourism by building sustainable and geolocated virtual tourist guide and to co-build resolutions for an international conference. 

    This project aims to mobilize international teams from Caribbean countries and the Americas, thereby providing participants with an opportunity for language development and optimal mutual knowledge, as well as practice of digital tools.

    Collège Edouard GLISSANT decided to take part in this project to sensibilize the CliMates ambassador from this current project about  the Caribean  areas. 

    Our school partner was Audubon Charter school from New Orleans in LOUISIANA our chosen topic : « Mangrove and bayou ! »  and the final conference held at Lycée Bellevue in Fort-de-France the 6th and 7th june 2019.

    * Carib’MUN conference is a conference based on the United Nations  model of conferences and Modeling the United Nations (MUN) is a way to make students experience the true work of the United Nations on a day-to-day basis