Spain: Instituto de San Juan de la Rambla

  • Puerto de la Cruz that is 15 km from our village, is the longest established most complete of all resorts on Tenerife. However our students rarely leave their village, being strong influenced by rural culture. Implementing attitudes toward the knoledge of new lifestyles is one of the principal goals of our Educative Project so, visiting new countries and living new experiences abroad offer spectacular opportunities to our students, who do not have the possibility of travelling and getting to know different cultures.

    As it is mentionated in lines above, our high school is situated in a rural environment surrounded by nature so our Vocational School in Forestry students can develop their skills about the matters related. Studies in Computering are taugh as well.

    We have got a High School, from 7th to 12th form too,so many students will go to the University and their preparation in order to reach this objetive is a prioritary for our centre, whereas that there is a large number of pupils whose parents have just got basic studies