Migration in Spain (1986 - 1995)

  • Arnau Mabilón, Lucas Layos, Ainoa Fernández, Àngela Gassó, Carmen Aznar, Gerard Galindo, Sofia Figuerola, Mariona Canet, Ricard Lluís


    The effects of immigraton wave between 1986 and 1995:

    During the first decade of the twenty-first century, Spain experienced one of the largest waves of migration in European history, relative to its population. Shortly after signing the Treaty of Adherence to join the European Community in 1985, Spain went from being a sender to a receiver country.

    During the ages of 1986 to 1990 Spain had a small wave of immigration. In 1991 it had grown to 75.000 and it stayed like this because of the crisis.


    Resons for emigrate from Spain and immigrate into Spain:

    On the first of january of the year 1986 Spain became part of the European Union, which made an economic increase. There was a strong increase thanks to the Olimpic Games in 1992, that made Barcelona a really touristic city. 
    There were also lots of wars that made immigrants come to Spain. They were mainly situated on the region of Irak. But there were more on places like Panama or Yugoslavia. 
    On the 80's there was a lot of employment in Spain so that is another reason why people came to Spain and people also liked to come here and bought houses for holidays. 

    There wasn't a lot of emmigration from Spain between 1986 and 1995. There was a strong increase of unemployment on the early 90's and that was one of the few reasons to emigrate from Spain. It happened because of crisis, because of a loss and because of economic activity. 


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