Migration in Germany (1976 - 1985)

  • Immigration in Germany from 1976 to 1985

    Because of the recruitment stop of workers from abroad, the so-called "Anwerbestopp", there was not that much immigration in this period of time, apart from two groups of people:

    Who: Refugees from Vietnam, called Boatpeople Turks

    People who had supported the republican government were persecuted by the new regime and had to leave their country.

    35 000 came to Germany because they wanted a safe life.

    Before 1973 many Turkish people came in order to find work as guest workers (Gastarbeiter) and many of them stayed even after the recruitment stop; their families were allowed to come as well.

    In 1980 there was another wave of immigration because of population increase, a military putsch and a hyperinflation. Germany was their destination because of their relatives who had come earlier.


    Rapidly increasing number of Turks:

    1974: 1 000 000

    1980: 1 400 000

    1974 - 79: 21% more women

    The number of children under 15 duplicated to 420 000 and that demographic change led to growing hostility towards foreigners in general.

    FRG, Spain, Turkey, Italy, etc. had a treaty about guest workers, the so-called „Gastarbeiter“ (economic reasons). GDR also purchased foreign workers (in the middle of 1960s) and most workers were from Vietnam.  
    Many immigrants / families were not allowed to come to Germany any more
    In 1982, during chancellor Helmut Kohl: FRG wanted to reduce immigration, but more immigrants came
    After the building of the Berlin Wall (1961) there were nearly no new immigrants in the GDR.
    All in all, we can say that from 1976 to 1985 there was nearly no immigration.

    Bildergebnis für einwanderungszahlen deutschland 1980

    Bildergebnis für boatpeople in germany



    Other sources:

    wispor.de; wikipedia; bpb.de; pier21.ca;www1.wdr.de

    Sources: bpb.de; hsozkult.de; focus.de; t-online.de; mediendienst-integration.de; planet-wissen.de; badische-zeitung.de; vietka.com


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