Migration in Germany (1956 - 1965)


    Reasons for immigration between 1956-1965 into Germany

    In the 1950s, there was a big and fast economic growth in Germany. That was the reason why more workers were needed. Because of that the Federal Republic searched for workers in foreign countries. The following years (until 1973) were called the "boom years" (the majority of workers came during this time). 

    Many contracts, called "Agreement on the Recruitment and Placement of Workers" were negotiated: at first with Italy (in 1955), then with Greece and Spain (1960), Turkey (1961), Morocco (1963), Portugal (1964), Tunisia (1965) and Yugoslavia (1967). The people worked in industrial mass production, in the pig breeding industry or as miners. 

    In 1964, the millionth guest worker, called Rodrigues de Sá from Portugal, arrived in Germany.


    The millionth guest worker in Germany

    Here is an example for the huge numbers of guest workers:

    Contracts between the Federal Republic of Germany and Turkey: After 1961, 678 702  men and 146 681 women came to Germany. 


    Historical Background

    Since 1956, every US president has granted temporary immigration relief to one or more groups in need of assistance. Some presidents announced programs, while legislation was pending. Other presidents responded to humanitarian crises.

    The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 forced over 37,000 Hungarians to escape from their country, but were welcomed in the West.

    Reasons for emigrating for their home country

    There were many reasons for people to leave their home countries. One of the most common reason was forced removal. People were forced to leave because of their religion or race, also because of wars and political reasons. On the other hand, people decided to leave their home country for better living conditions like better paid jobs, better schools, better employment opportunities, save homes and better careers for their children. In addition to that it was sometimes possible for them to reunite with their families; some also fell in love with a partner from a different country and wanted to marry.


    Reasons for immigration between 1956 and 1965: 


    Reasons for emigrating for their home country; historical background:


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