4th day of training - 3 February 2022

  • On this fourth day of training, the work focused, once again, on promoting critical thinking, but now using argumentation, questionnaires and debate as strategies to reach a higher level of thinking.
    When we talk about critical thinking, we refer to a set of skills, such as being able to distinguish fact from opinion, identify reliable “sources”, analyze arguments, recognize contradictions, among others, that can influence the quality of life of a citizen, whether in the personal, social or professional domain. This kind of thinking is not easy, especially for younger students, but it is very important to help them develop these skills.
    The practical activities led teachers to experiment and analyze different “questioning” strategies, in order to identify the type of questions that most contribute to the development of a more critical and less passive posture. Debate was another of the strategies explored in today's activities, not only from a “traditional” perspective, but also using a digital tool, “Kialo”, which allows to prepare and hold debates in a more interactive way.