4th day of training - September 9, 2021

  • If there is a skill that is essential to develop in those who lead, it is that of being a good care manager. When there is personal management of attention, there is more balance, greater self-knowledge, empathy and a perception of quality. Together, it enables the leader to observe better, interfere more accurately, set an example, delegate, and demand results.

    Only an attentive leader can lead his team to be attentive as well.

    As education professionals, in our relationship with students or other teachers, regarding teaching activities or other tasks related to management (intermediate or top), we often wonder about the fact that we are busy all day, having several tasks were carried out and, as far as goals and priorities are concerned, we feel that the results obtained are not what we wanted. For example, in project management and development, how many and how often do we reach the end of them and realize that they are highly questionable ​​such as options, the quality or even the relevance of the lessons learned or the skills developed!

    Here, the problem will not be in the quantity or quality of the result found, but in the “attention” choices that were made. It is a question of productivity, that is, the relevance of the actions carried out and, consequently, their implementation with adequate quality, time and cost is at stake.

    To obtain more and better productivity, leadership must promote the formation of good human resources, know them, motivate them, distributing them correctly as motivation, with balance, common sense and with an ability to provide the most necessary environment and conditions for the its realization.

    In today's session, we got to know and reflect on a wide range of aspects to take into account in the development of the capacity to manage care.