2nd day of job-shadowing - 18 January 2022

  • Today we attend several classes from the first to the fourth year. What we can highlight about this day was the fact that the various activities carried out promoted orality, emphasizing playful games. Another aspect to be mentioned is the existence of technological resources that are frequently used in classes, in which each student works on their tablet/laptop. These showed great ability to handle their devices, particularly those of the second year, despite their young age. It should also be mentioned that there is a platform (paid by parents) where the teacher sends tasks during the class for students to carry out according to their level of proficiency.

    For each year a theme is chosen, related to their experiences in which most of the activities are worked around that topic. For example, in the second year the chosen theme was “Harry Potter” and in the fourth year it was “Super Mario Bros”.

    Finally, we mention that students enjoy a high number of weekly English classes.