3rd day of job-shadowing - 19 January 2022

  • Today, our mentor, the always helpful Lance, took us to the “Languages ​​Club”, a pleasant space where students perform different activities, such as watching movies.

    Another aspect that we could highlight is the fact that the entire surrounding space, both inside the classrooms and outside, appeals to the learning of the English language. In the first one, we found that several “flashcards” related to the language used daily are posted, as well as a “word wall” with the vocabulary related to the unit under study. In the second, there are posters posted with general themes, such as the protection of the environment.

    During the classes observed, we found that the topics covered correspond to more advanced levels when compared to our curriculum and that a large part of the teachers are “native speakers”, which provides better learning.

    Teachers usually do not write the summary but meet weekly to do collaborative work with their peers.

    Finally, in one of the sessions observed today, we verified the existence of two teachers in the classroom, in which one worked with the large group and the other teacher supported the students with more difficulties.