Turkish School
Bulgarian School
Cypriot School
Greek School
Italian School
Latvian School
Lithuanian school
Portuguese School - Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde presentation follows under these lines.
Norwegian School ( Kuben Upper Secondary):
A1: Creating project team and tools (Web site/twinspace/facebook )
In Kuben videregående skole, Oppfølgingstjensten has separate measures for students who have dropped out of high school. All the student and teachers at OT are part of the Erasmus-team. We have implemented most of the activities into the classes. We've created a Erasmuscorner where we exhibit souvenirs and gifts and photos from the meetings. We have a separate blog where everything about the project will be posted in Norwegian. http://dropoutvgs.blogspot.no/ On the blog you will also find the link to the project's own website. www.oneistoomany.net. We are also a part in two facebookgroups (a closed for teachers and an open for students)-whatsup group and etwinning..
British school